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Posts posted by Kanyon71

  1. I saw a commercial the other day advertising the countdown to Christmas shows on tv. It was on abc family I believe.

    I have a TiVo DVR and they have a thing called wishlists, you setup keywords and it will find shows with those words in it. I have a Christmas one and have been checking it more lately and recording some things here and there. :)

    • Like 1

    Just wanted to close the loop on this.  I have purchased the following...


     - XFX Radeon HD 7950 Double D Video Card - 3072MB, GDDR5, PCI Express 3.0 (x16), 2x DVI, 1x HDMI, 2x Mini DisplayPort (FX795ATDFC)

     - SeaSonic 550-Watt 80 PLUS GOLD Certified Modular Active PFC Power Supply (SSR-550RM)


    The 7950 is a dual fan solution with very good reviews for noise and performance that comes with a lifetime warranty.  The PSU is a top rated unit from a top manufacturer which provides 10% more power than recommended for a system with a 7950.




    The Deal...
    One of the constraints of this effort was that I wanted two identical systems.  With video cards and power supplies, rebates can be an important part of the price, so, if I wanted to get identical systems, I generally would have to 1) find a rebate-free deal, 2) find a rebate with limit two or more, 3) lose a rebate, or 4) hope to get a good deal on the same hardware with a new promotion.  To wit, I purchased the gpu from XFX which pays rebates on two units and went with a rebateless bargain on the PSU.
    I relied on this chart to guide my search for a PSU.  Tier 1 was out of my reach, but there are a lot of discounted Tier 2 PSUs.  For $80 shipped, the SSR-550RM was an outstanding value among the Tier 2 PSUs.
    Choosing a GPU was more challenging.  I used this table (scroll down) to compare apples to oranges.  I decided that the 'sweet spot' (affordable and amazing) was in the 7950/760 part of the performance chart.  I quickly settled on ATI as the 7950s were $50 less than a 760 and included a bundle of games.  I found the FX795ATDFC on TigerDirect.com for $240 with a $30 rebate which allowed for two redemptions.  With shipping the total came to $488.40 or $244.20 per card.  Discounting for ShopDiscover cash back and the rebate, the net cost per card was $202.20.  I waited until yesterday to pull the trigger as TigerDirect added Crysis 3 to the bundle of games -- C3 plus three of Saints Row 4, Tomb Raider, Sleeping Dogs, Hit Man, Deus Ex, Devil May Cry, Dirt: Showdown, Far Cry 3, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Dirt 3, and Sniper Elite v2.  If you find games in this list you would buy anyway, it could be argued that the cost of the video card was less than $100.  We've been away from PC gaming since the PS3 debuted, so this is the case for us.
    I'm not recommending the hardware -- I can't until I use it for a while.  Just wanted to post some ideas for anyone who may have just begun the journey.
    Happy shopping!


    Excellent choice on the GPU, actually the same card I have told my wife I want 2 of for Christmas for myself, I will be running them in Crossfire. I've done a lot of research on them and came to the same conclusion on price/performance.

  3. Of course it will. I can't wait now.

    (Oh great, now I'm hearing "it's the most wonderful time of the year" playing over and over in my head...)

    Our daughter has been watching The Polar Express lately. She will be 3 just before Christmas and knows how to find it on the ipad and watch it. She has been chosing this over her Disney JR stuff. Makes me proud lol I'm a big time Christmas season person. :) I guess I will always be a kid at heart.

  4. We are going to be buying our daughter some Doc McStuffins things (wish they made a play house like hers) outside of that it all really depends on what we find that we think she may like. She will be 3 when Christmas rolls around this year so we're still in the easy days. :)

  5. Sheesh I miss out for a night to rebuild my PC and my favorite forum opens back up. YES


    Honestly it seems like it was just New Years a few weeks ago. Maybe I'm getting old but time seems to fly by. Excited since our little one will be 3 this year and last year she was major into Christmas. Then again both myself and my wife love it. Our formal rooms up front contain Christmas stuff all year (though no decorated tree lol). Hoping this year we can make it back to the land of the cold because to me it's just not Christmas without snow, though BF shopping is much more tolerable being able to head out in shorts and a pullover lol.

  6. Yes it has I was telling some people that work for me the other day that summer has flown buy and they agreed. I told them I would soon be sending out the holiday PTO sheet so I can find out who is going to be off when because it's coming quickly. Seems like we are all going to blink and it's going to be ad time. :)

  7. Honestly with the BS the stores are starting with the earlier and earlier opening times we have come to the conclusion we will NOT be getting Doorbuster's ever again. Last year we headed out at our normal time got everything we wanted in the store's ordered the rest online.

  8. If someone would have told me 8 years ago that I would one day have a relaxing Black Friday shopping in the comfort of my home instead of freezing my butt off in line for the stores, I never would have believed them.


    To be honest even though we do get some stuff online and being here in FL there isn't much in the way of freezing I enjoy going out. Maybe I'm weird (well I most likely am but thats a different story). Being out in the crowds going through the stores and finding those cool items people tried to hide to come back and get later, it's a treasure hunt :)

    • Like 4
  9. I'm actually looking at a ebay for an nVidia GTX 580. Super great performance and are now reasonable priced since you're getting it used and many still have a warranty. As for PS I have been using the XFX PRO750W lately. Not low end cost but not as bad as some others and the power output is top rated. They have awesome reviews and feedback on how clean the power is.

  10. Personally I would hire a band on Ninjas, solves multiple things here. 1. WHO DOESN'T LOVE NINJAS. 2. They will rid the neighborhood of people not fitting. 3. Again NINJAS.




    Being more serious it's disgusting the things people do. I'm originally from MI and we have a place called Bronners that's a Christmas wonderland. AWESOME place. Last year some kids vandalized multiple statues and displays causing around $100k in damage. Whats even worse. They did it on Christmas. DISGUSTING. I would look at a streaming web camera and put up a notice that says Hope you enjoy our decorations and being on camera. SMILE.

  11. Kinda made me chuckle to myself. My in-laws are the most self centered people I have ever met. DH's step-mom has money and we are just normal middle class. We see them maybe 6 times a year which is 6 times to many in my book. We have been married 19 years. In the 18 years that we have been married during Christmas time, not once have they ever liked what we gave them. Every year, we give great thought in what to give them and every year they roll their eyes and make snide comments that hurt. You would think by now my feelings wouldn't be hurt......unfortunately this would be wrong. This year we are giving my DH's Dad a jacket for the college our son will be going to in the fall and his step-mother a Vera Bradley purse. We have senior pictures and a joint gift certificate too. Again, they will hate this. They use to hate our children but now "enjoy" them only because they excel in school and extra curricular activities. They can brag...if they were average students, I'm sure they would still have the same feelings for them. Shoot, step-mom was so hateful when our daughter was a toddler and on a feeding tube and they thought she had Cystic Fibrosis that she said maybe it had ben better off if she had never been born. Again.....GRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Forgive me for ranting. I'm a happy go lucky person, but they just make me nuts! :-/

    Wow being the type of person I am, I'm not sure I couldn't have looked at her and said in a dead straight face I wish the same thing about you every day yet it doesn't seem to do any good. The door is right over there behind you please use it now and while you're at it forget where we live and our number. Thank you and have a blessed day. :)

  12. What about a small gift basket of food? I mean a cheaply made one with spaghettl noodles, pasta sauce, cake mix, etc. Then put a nice note inside about how you think they will "love cooking together & spending time with the one THEY love." how can they complain about that, a gift they can enjoy together & it looks like you're so thoughtful. Its practical (food) & dont worry about shopping for them until you need groceries again.

    Did you really just ask how someone can complain about something? :)


    OH people can find ways to complain about ANYTHING. You could give someone $1M tax free dollars and they would say sheesh you have $10M you could have given me more. lol


    I'm only messing with you but I see day in and day out so many people are so ungrateful for anything and everything. It makes me laugh and feel sorry for them at the same time.

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