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Posts posted by Kanyon71

  1. I usually end up getting stuff for my employees at Sams. They always have these gift set where there are 3-4 sets in a package. Sometimes they are cookies or candies in a mug sometime coffee or tea's they are usually pretty nice and work out under $10 a person.
  2. The way that I look at a lot of things is EVERY brand out there has issues and people who hate them for one reason or another. Every brand will have things that are bad when you get them, go bad days/weeks months after you get them or will die after your warranty is out. No way around it. I always tell my friends do you homework on MANY sites and especially on sites that specialize in the type of thing you're looking to buy and take the good and bad reviews then draw your own decision after that. I have a Toshiba plasma I bought on BF 6-7 years ago now and I love it (still to this day am having a hard time finding a reason to replace it). I go for the extended warranty on the lesser brands (Dynex/Sansui/Westinghouse/etc) as they tend to use cheaper electronics inside even then I have 2 Dynex LCD tv's in my house and 1 of them replaced another Dynex when it died. Sometimes it's just a crap shoot on what you're going to get no matter the company or the price point.
  3. When I had this surgery, I was walking the next day. The only thing that was limited was running and jumping. If you can avoid those, you should be ok but check with your doctor first. You dont want to do surgery a second time because you pushed too hard

    I pretty sure running and jumping are required for Black Friday especially in places like Walmart :)

  4. If you have a spare room you could put up all your stuff in there and then forbid them to enter the room during the holiday season. Explain to them that even though the holiday seems to lack importance to them it still holds a great deal for you. If they would like to celebrate the holiday with you then suggest that THEY move things to the place they belong and if not tell them that their presents are at the store when they care to go buy them for themselves.
  5. I know last year and most likely again this year we shopped less. I won't give up my Thanksgiving in any part to head out to the stores. We still got up early and headed out to the stores but all the crowds had died down and the door buster sales had long since been gone and to be honest I was ok with that. Made our shopping much smoother and no mass stupidity out there.
  6. problem i have with the nook is the cost compared to the kindle for the price difference alone i lean towards the kindle, then you throw in the things you can do on the kindle fire vs nook, its won me over

    What differences between the Nook HD+ and the Kindle? I didn't think there was much of a price difference but I'm also not big into tabs so I can't say for sure.

  7. nook color vs kindle fire


    nook color is NOT a tablet, you can not stream movies


    kindle fire, you can stream movies and download games to it.


    both you can get LOTS of free books on it


    I have the NOOK color and I love it to read my nook books on it, BUT I do want a Kindle Fire

    You know the Nook HD and Nook HD+ are both the competition for the Fire? I bought my wife a Nook Color when it came out, this year I'm buying her the HD+ to replace it. Was going iPad Mini until the price came out then that changed my mind for me. :)

  8. Can books/apps be shared between 2 nooks or 2 kindles?


    If I can get a good enough deal I might get one for each kid. But I'd hate to buy the same book/app twice so each can have one. Of course books probably wouldn't be the same because of the different reading levels but I could see them wanting the same game.


    Thanks so much for answering my questions. :)

    Yes and with the Nook lines you can always lend out digital books to people.

  9. My biggest is with MS devices like that are horrible track record in support and the cost is way too high in my opinion. I've not messed with their new OS for phones and the tablet much but my first impressions of it aren't great. I'm NOT a fan of Win8 so that could be why. Outside of that I use MS products every day at home and at work and have had an Xbox and the X360 since shortly after they came out and love them so when they put their mind to it they do hardware well sometimes just takes them a while to GET IT and get going. When they release something new like this I always say unless you REALLY want it then take a wait and see approach. That could be said for many companies though lol
  10. My DS4 asked for his own vacuum last night. I asked him what he thought he would do with a vacuum and he listed all the things he would clean! Hmmmmmmmm maybe this is really a gift for myself?

    My wife was telling me yesterday she was looking at toys in Target I think it was and they had not just a play vacuum but it was a DYSON toy vacuum. I found this funny :)

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