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Posts posted by Kanyon71

  1. You can look at their site I would expect them to release the lineup and channels they will be on in the next couple of weeks. I seem to recall them being all over the place as lesomom said they replace other channels I think some of them are in the lower portion of the spectrum.
  2. Is "almost 3 years old" too young for a tablet? What can they use it for at age 3 but still grow into it for a few years? I imagine one of the taboo or leappad wont be as interesting to them in 2 years when they can fully use and iPad or Android tablet so I think im leaning to an Android, but maybe wait one more year?

    Our daughter will be 2 in December and has used an iPad for many many months now. She watches Disney Jr, play educational games and can fully utilize it with usually 0 help from either of us. She is using a first gen iPad and I can't see buying her a new one for a long time. We will be getting her a new case for it soon that's meant for children but she will use this one until it's no longer useful or bites the dust then we will see whats out at that point. :)

  3. Usually starts around the second week of November. I think they announced around the first week of November last year. They usually start with a couple then add the rest of them and carry through the end of the year.
  4. Thanksgiving will be our traditional, Fried Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Yams, Green Bean Casserole, Stuffing, Gravy, Can Shaped Cranberry sauce lol, Rolls, Ham. Then we make various pies. Christmas I have been making Chinese the past few years something from back home we can't get here called almond boneless chicken. I do white and fried rice, egg rolls, sometimes crab rangoon and then we do all sorts of cookies, oreo balls, pies and various other things. We do the Frenc Toast Casserole and Hashbrown casserole for either christmas breakfast or sometimes Thanksgiving brunch.
  5. I have heard the same thing. Why any one would pay 50% more for this over the Nexus is beyond me. I have also heard that the mini will not be nearly as powerful as the nexus. Simply amazing how apple has brained washed so many people into believing their products have some mystical advantage over the competition.


    No one knows anything about the price or the hardware inside of the mini nor will they until the day it's released so up until that point it's all a guessing game. It confuses me how people can trash products they don't know much about because they're not out.

  6. After an unsafe experience last year at Walmart in an affluent city in OC, I would never take kids under 14 or so. The fire department and police were called in. No one could move...literally. I picked a five year old girl up off the floor by her shirt after the two ADULTS in front of me stepped on her. Her mom, and the girl, was freaking out. The first time in 18 years I have felt unsafe. It was horrible and was on the news. Hubby and I left and vowed never to go again and to only shop online with them from now on.

    We have an almost 2 year old and she will NOT go with us for quite a long time. I cannot even begin to imagine the rage or hurt I would apply to someone if they hurt my child (or another persons child) so they could get a set of towels or a TV or something before me. I'm not a violent person by nature but I am very protective and those emotions seem to be higher since we've had our little girl.

  7. I liked the early mornings best. Got to spend Thanksgiving with the family, get a few hours sleep and then shopping. It also seemed that there were fewer people out and angry that early but it could just be me.

    I would agree with this. If they do the early thing I'm destine to never get a door buster again because I refuse to give up my thanksgiving.

  8. Wow, they sell by the foot here. A 6 footer is around 20.00 a 10 footer is about 30.

    I think it has to do with the importing of them down here. They don't last a long time sitting out in the heat and I would NEVER allow a sand pine in my house unless I wanted all the nasty bugs that come with them. The smaller trees are a little more reasonable but we have real tall ceilings so we try to get them big and I love the nice wide full ones. :) This is my favorite time of the year brings back SOOOOO many childhood memories of all the family piling into our little house back then, tons of food, laughter and just flat out good times.

  9. It's crazy how much real tress can be especially here. The last one we got I think was in excess of $120 for a nice big full one. Whats kind of funny is I asked the guy at the lot where he gets the trees from and he said Michigan which is where I was born and raised and the place was about an hour from where I grew up. :) so now we use them every year we get one makes me feel like I'm supporting my home state lol
  10. Yes, he is a huge Giants fan BUT we live in Texas and NY Giants stuff (and Red Sox) stuff is very hard to come by. I tried to find some small stocking stuff on line but the shipping kills most deals on the small items.


    Thanks for all the ideas. I am going to start gathering things this week.

    NFL site has deals on lots of small things and sometimes they do free shipping promos so you can always get Giants stuff from there. I'm a Lions fan (yes I publicly admit it) and my wife bought me a nice t-shirt from them for my birthday this year.

  11. We usually end up with 1 of each. The artificial goes in the livingroom window as it's HUGE 9' tall and super wide, I got it from Sears one year right before Christmas like days before. It was the last one they had and at the time it was like a $700 tree I think I ended up paying like $125 or $150 for it. Awesome deal. Only problem we have now is the box got wet a couple years ago and I have nothing to put it in when broken down. Until I can find something we leave it up and put different things on it lol. Now the real tree goes in our livingroom every year.
  12. I'm guessing here in FL it will start out kind of cool yet with like 7000% humidity (yes I know it can't get that high) and then by 10AM we will all be dying from the heat. :)


    Oh no wait thats almost every day in the winter here lol

  13. French Toast Casserole:




    1 loaf French bread (13 to 16 ounces)

    8 large eggs

    2 cups half-and-half

    1 cup milk (Whole is best)

    2 tablespoons granulated sugar

    1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

    1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

    1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

    Dash salt

    Praline Topping, recipe follows




    Slice French bread into 20 slices, 1-inch each. (Use any extra bread for garlic toast or bread crumbs). Arrange slices in a generously buttered 9 by 13-inch flat baking dish in 2 rows, overlapping the slices. In a large bowl, combine the eggs, half-and-half, milk, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt and beat with a rotary beater or whisk until blended but not too bubbly. Pour mixture over the bread slices, making sure all are covered evenly with the milk-egg mixture. Spoon some of the mixture in between the slices. Cover with foil and refrigerate overnight.


    The next day, preheat oven to 350 degrees F.


    Spread Praline Topping evenly over the bread and bake for 40 minutes, until puffed and lightly golden.


    Praline Topping:


    1/2 pound (2 sticks) butter

    1 cup packed light brown sugar

    1 cup chopped pecans

    2 tablespoons light corn syrup

    1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

    1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg


    Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl and blend well. Makes enough for Baked French Toast Casserole.

  14. :hungry:

    Ok so it's a little early for this yes I know BUT I figured I would see if we can get started a little early this year with the recipes. I will post some of the ones we use for Thanksgiving and Christmas in the next few days, one of my favorites has become the Praline French Toast Casserole, which we now make for at least one holiday every year. Look forward to seeing some of the great ones you all have posted in the past. I would think to make it a little easier even if we do link out to another place we should still post the actual recipe in this thread to make it a little simpler for people. :D

  15. Not really sure, I mean it wouldn't hurt to have more security around but I also think it's a sad display of society. I remember one year my B-I-L and I almost beat some guy down because he tried to bowl over and smash out of the way a very apparently pregnant lady. We stopped it from happening so she didn't get hurt and nicely asked him if a GPS was really worth the trip to the hospital he was about to take. I don't open my mouth often but messing with a woman in front of me is never a smart thing.
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