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Everything posted by Kanyon71

  1. Dropping connection to the internet? I had the same issue. Would have to remove the cable coming into it for 30 seconds then I could get back online. Turned out to be an issue out on the pole with their hardware. I have a spare cable modem now from the trouble shooting lol
  2. Is your current one a combined unit? What makes you think it’s on the way out?
  3. Everyone have a fun AND safe 4th of July.
  4. Can’t believe it’s the end of June already. This month has been so busy it’s flown by.
  5. I tell people that at my age I now make noises getting out of bed that I didn't make after two a day practices in HS for football.
  6. Hopefully the pain of the PT leads to a good outcome. Let's go with No Pain No Gain.
  7. Can’t believe the year is half over. It seems to be flying by. We have been consumed with my daughter’s play schedule the past few weeks. Today is her last show, so hopefully we can catch our breath now.
  8. Pot places seem to be taking over everything. Every time some around us closes a pot shop opens up. Sorry to hear about that. Hopefully the old saying as one door closes another opens holds true for you.
  9. Sorry to hear that. We we through it last year with our Golden.
  10. Happy belated birthday. The weather has been really good. Except all this rain. You didn’t birthday wish for rain did you?
  11. I always used to say if Microsoft made good software I would have been out of a job a LONG time ago.
  12. Sounds like a bad windows update. Fixed plenty of those over the years. You also boot to sag mode with networking to get files off if you want.
  13. Don't know if you can remove the battery but sometimes that helps. Also try just holding down the power button for up to 60 seconds to see if it will force on. I don't know the make/model but sometimes there are reset type thing you can do to get them to come back up.
  14. Supposed to be a big storm headed this way to start off a new month. Booo lol Ready for the warm weather to roll in and stay.
  15. My wife goes there for Fabric, but she always gets the stuff on sale due to high prices.
  16. BOOOOOOOOO Hate these lame time changes.
  17. I wish they would just pick a time and stick with it. Hate this swapping back and forth. Can’t believe it’s March already.
  18. Pretty sure the one near us will close, i think that may be a fact if the mall itself is going to be mostly torn down and turned into some giant neighborhood.
  19. I honestly finding ourselves buying online less and less. We will order online from brick and mortars for store pickup though.
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