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Posts posted by Kanyon71

  1. We have 1 of the 4 decorated, have the stuff out for the big one in the front room which we will start working on tonight (spent the weekend deep cleaning the 1st floor. Plan to steam clean the carpets on the 2nd floor this coming weekend and then one will go up in the loft.

  2. It really varies for us. We normally try not to go over $200 on each other then we pick up what we want for our daughter. We have like 8 nieces and nephews we buy for and this year we are doing pick a name with my siblings and their spouses. Also have her parents, grandparents, my mom and my grandma. This year I'm going a little over what I would normally for my wife I want to get the $499 Nikon DSLR for her from Walmart but I won't let her know what it cost.

  3. I see a LOT of electronics get returned to Best Buy a week or so after. I think people hang out thinking they are going to get all these awesome deals and then flog it on ebay or craigs and make a ton. Then they realize that it's not happening and they return it to get their money back.

  4. I've honestly switched to Canon from HP and Lexmark. I went to Amazon found one I could get ink for cheap and then got the printer. I have a Canon MG5220, great prints, fast, scans, faxes copies all the needed functions. I just bought ink for it last month on amazon got 4 complete sets and with shipping I spent under $18.

  5. One in the front room is up and the stuff to decorate it will come out tomorrow. We will decorate it over the course of this week and probably setup all the inside decorations this coming weekend. We will hold off on the outdoor decorations until Thanksgiving weekend though as we need all new inflatables anyway. Florida Winter is rough on them and they all seemed to finally die over the past 2 seasons. Probably next week we will start on the 2nd tree and the little one in our daughters room and then after Thanksgiving we will get a real one for the living room.

  6. My husband and I live out of state.  For the couple of days off we get for Thanksgiving, it isn't worth it for us to go home.  We usually end up going out to dinner and taking the kids to the movies.  


    I understand family time.  But I also realize that this is the busiest time of the year for retailers and when they expect to make the most money (that's why it's called Black Friday),  Obviously, every family needs to make the decision that suits their needs.  But I know plenty of families who celebrate Thanksgiving by going shopping together.  


    As far as watching football, they're working that day too!  Football players, coaches, cameramen, restaurants and shops will be opened at the stadiums as well.  


    I just hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday however he/she decides to spend it!

    Like I said before this is purely my opinion and I feel bad for the people who have to work it. Doesn't matter what field they are in, I guess at the end of the day I'm an old fashioned person living in the wrong day and age. I remember when I was young EVERYTHING seemed to be closed on a couple days a year even most every gas station. (Makes me sound much older than I am lol). Now if they didn't have football on that day I would be ok with that also the game could move out a day or 3 and I would still be fine. Everyone at the end of the day should do what makes them and their family happy if thats shopping or sitting at home in a food coma who am I to say otherwise. :)

  7. I honestly don't have a problem with it.  Look at all the other businesses that are open on Thanksgiving - restaurants, movie theaters, gas stations, hospitals, airports, hotels, etc...Retail is known for having horrible hours.  If you don't want to work it, then find a different job.  


    Oh and as far as corporate execs getting the day off - my BIL is VP of a department store chain and he has to go in on Thanksgiving as per corporate policy.  



    If you don't agree with it then don't go - that's your prerogative. But I like going, so I will!


    JMO...sorry if I offended.

    Differences in opinions are what makes the world go round. As for your B-I-L feel sorry for him but I know a LOT of the uppers who don't work on thanksgiving at many of the big box stores. :) It's all good we all make choices that fit our lives I'm just big on family time well and football lol

    • Like 1
  8. Well I can tell you I won't be out there at 5PM on Thanksgiving nor will I be there at ANY point on Thanksgiving. I will wait until Friday like we have every year past and do our shopping then. If other people get in and out of the store faster on Thanksgiving well I guess good for them. I've said it in the past and I stand by it to this day I can only talk with my wallet in this matter and that's how I will stand up for things. To the rest who enjoy being out on that day I think hey more power to you but I won't help support the corporate greed, how about this they want all the people out working in the stores, well let's make everyone in the corp office work those same hours to help support the people in the stores. I think this little bit of silliness would come to a screeching halt when the big big have to give up their time off also. :)

    • Like 3
  9. Jingle All The Way (I'm pretty sure I am the only person on the planet that actually likes this movie)


    I love that movie too I havnt found a Christmas movie I don't like.really don't have a favorite

    I actually like that movie, watch it every year when it's on. I actually like Arnold when he is playing these type of funny roles.

  10. We normally make our final checklist on what we WANT (we end up with things that catch our eye also) on Thanksgiving evening with the actual ad's in hand, we get to bed for a couple hours. Wake up around 1-2 AM then head out to our first store. Usually BestBuy, we shop until about 8AM or so then head to Cracker Barrel for breakfast and recharge, while eating we usually plan our next stops. We will shop until we have all we want or in the case where we have large items till we need to drop at home, if we need to drop our stuff off we will then head back out and  hit the remaining stores (Usually places like JoAnns, Home Depot and so forth. Once we are mostly done we will head home eat leftovers and sort through our haul. We usually crash for a couple of hours then head to WalMart and Target again to see whats leftover. Then back home for a night of bumming around and Christmas movies before a Saturday of house decorating.

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