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Posts posted by Kanyon71

  1. They make these large vinyl scenes that you can apply to walls for Christmas I've seen a few different ones. Like one is Santa, a fireplace a tree you know the typical room setup. You could apply one of those (they are big and long meant to be a full sized wall size) and then spruce it u more with garland and lights to set it off even better.
  2. Ok, I'm sure these questions have been asked 50 bajillion times, but I have searched and searched and I couldn't really find the answer to my question, so if any of you out there would help me I would appreciate it so much.


    My sister and I are getting my 11 year old brother the Xbox 360 for Christmas. Most likely we'll be getting him the Pro bundle, but here's my question. Is the Elite Bundle or rather the Elite system so much better than the Pro that it would be a waste of money to not get the Elite?


    I want to make sure that what he has is going to be the best for our money and the best for his gaming entertainment. I thought the Pro would be fine because it has a 60 gb hard drive and honestly that much space will be fine.


    I know that some of the space is already taken up because of demos and such but even with the space taken up it's still more than enough.


    However, we are also getting him a new HD TV and I want the games and dvds he plays and watches to look their best, I mean this is a lot of money we're spending we might as well make sure it's the best we can get.


    So, what else will we need to get him as far as accessories go if we get him the Pro? The only thing for sure that I know the Elite has that the Pro does not is the HDMI cable.


    I'm guessing that's for hi-def stuff, but I obviously know nothing about that. Do we need the HDMI cable if he's getting an HD TV so that everything will be hi-def and look the best it can?


    To be honest the online game play is not that important right now because we feel that he might be a little too young to be online with all the older teenagers and adults.


    I think there's a pretty general consensus that even though you have to pay for Xbox Live and not for the PS3 online service, Xbox live is better in that respect so when we do let him play online he'll be set with that.


    I am just more concerned about what kinds of cables and accessories we'll need and what we need to make sure the game plays as smoothly as possible and looks as great as it can.


    For anyone that made it through this long series of questions and helps me out, you are awesome. Thanks!

    The only difference in the Pro and Elite will be the black case and a larger hard drive. I don't see anything in the package to make it worth the added as there is no other hardware difference in the two. I'm going to be in the market to replace my current Xbox 360 (month after they came out and starting to have dvd issues) and will most likely go with the Elite BUT ONLY because the black color fits the rest of my electronics better. If they had the Pro in black I would buy that one instead. As for the cables that come with it you caqn pick up a good HDMI cable from like Amazon for $5 or $6 (I've bought 4 of them) so that's of little value to you. I would suggest that you do use HDMI simply for the fact that it's a single cable solution for you then. Hope this was of some help

  3. What about mashed potatoes? You can load them up with butter, sour cream and/or cream cheese, bacon, cheese, etc.


    I have a killer recipe that includes French Onion dip being stirred in - along with lots of other fattening things, then you bake the whole mess in a casserole dish - after topping it with more cheese and French Fried onions.


    Insanely bad for you - but oh so good! Let me know if you would like the recipe!

    Bring on the recipe, I'm a big mashed potato person. I make loaded mashed often, everyone I make them for ends up hooked on them. :)

  4. I want to get my kids guitar hero world tour or rock band for christmas. We only have a ps2 so I'm going to need to get a ps3 or xbox this year too. Anyone have any feedback on those consoles? Which is better? I haven't had a chance to play with either one. I'm thinking that pre-ordering might be a good idea for the games since availability may be a problem. They say they don't charge your credit card until the item has shipped.

    To be honest I think it's which you prefer, I have all three current consoles. The 360 has had reliability issues but I've also had mine for some time with few issues, I think the 360 has a better online community for the moment, the PS3 has the built in Blu-Ray player which to me is a great thing, the graphics capability of it are just now coming into bloom so games for it will start looking even better. I would take a look at the games and even used game prices and availability in your area and all being equal just pick the one you like more. I honestly like how the PS3 looks in entertainment center far more than I do my 360.

  5. I'm trying to decide between Rock Band 2 or Guitar Hero World Tour. Any thoughts on which is better?

    We have Rock Band 2 and had Rock Band 1, we play it quite often. From what I've seen so far GH:WT is a little better for Guitar but not as good as RB2 for Drums, both are about he same for Vocal. RB2 has FAR more downloadable content available for it which means more songs. You can also pick up a used RB1 and import all the songs from it into RB2. Both games can use the instruments from the other so if you decide to get one full set you can always pick up the other game disc only.

  6. Just in case anyone wants them here is the actual Neiman Marcus Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe. You can grab it right from their website for free.


    NEIMAN-MARCUS Chocolate Chip Cookies




    # 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened

    # 1 cup light brown sugar

    # 3 tablespoons granulated sugar

    # 1 large egg

    # 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

    # 1-3/4 cups all purpose flour

    # 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

    # 1/2 teaspoon baking soda

    # 1/2 teaspoon salt

    # 1-1/2 teaspoons instant espresso coffee powder

    # 1-1/2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips






    1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Cream the butter with the sugars using an electric mixer on medium speed until fluffy (approximately 30 seconds)


    2. Beat in the egg and the vanilla extract for another 30 seconds.


    3. In a mixing bowl, sift together the dry ingredients and beat into the butter mixture at low speed for about 15 seconds. Stir in the espresso coffee powder and chocolate chips.


    4. Using a 1 ounce scoop or a 2 tablespoon measure, drop cookie dough onto a greased cookie sheet about 3 inches apart. Gently press down on the dough with the back of a spoon to spread out into a 2 inch circle. Bake for about 20 minutes or until nicely browned around the edges. Bake a little longer for a crispier cookie.


    Yield: 2 dozen cookies


    I have other recipes but I have to dig through some boxes to find them. Maybe I will do so this weekend. :) Everyone else keep them coming I've grabbed a few that sound really good.

  7. We will either be going to my in-laws or my mothers depending on if we move shortly. Either way I will most likely do much of the cooking, last year I did a fried turkey for the first time and it was the BEST turkey I've ever had. Most likely do that again for our turkey portion of the meal.
  8. You could do a roasted duck, roasted salt/parm quartered potatoes, steamed fresh veggies and so forth. We normally just make a simple dinner for Christmas eve things like Lasagna, Roast Beef and such. I like todo a nice Christmas Day Brunch though, usually end up making a Gran Marinier French Toast, Chesse Baked Hashbrown Casserole, Eggs, Biscuits, Gravy, Sausage, Bacon, Canadian Bacon, Warm Maple Syrup and other condiments to go with it. This year I'm thinking about stuff the French Toast with an orange/cream cheese stuffing.
  9. A $199 standalone Blu-ray player, even though at that price it could only be for BF itself as the components are still pretty expensive.


    (This is for others, not for me - got my PS3 last month. :D Just want the happiness to be shared, is all - like seeing the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies in high definiition...)

    I was in BestBuy a couple weeks back and they had some Blu-Ray players for $229 can't remember the brand but I was tempted to pick it up for our bedroom.

  10. Wow it's hard to say, bought our Plasma 2 years ago and our LCD last year (though wouldn't mind a better one, we got the 37" dynex from BB) bought DW her Laptop last year, though I would like a MAC now but they never go on sale. I guess some Blu Ray movies and whatever other cool stuff we decide to buy for our families. Actually come to think of it we have been wanting a new stereo receiver and cd changer so maybe we will do that this year.
  11. We normally head out around 11pm-12am to check out our first store to see how bad it is. We then go home sleep a couple hours then head back around 3am. We shop till around 9am-10am then hit like Cracker Barrel or something for some food. Shop some more then head home around 12pm-1pm to unload everything and rest for a couple hours then head back out to stores we didn't get to and pick up our odds and ends (last year that was Wal Mart as I refused to buy anything big from there due to the garbage they gave this site) I guess we normally finish up about 6pm-7pm and head home for Thanksgiving leftovers. :)
  12. I too went for this deal. Not really a super deal here but a funny story. I am a "big dude" like the one you described. My sister and I waited since 10 oclock the night before and was told that they only had 2 tvs. We both wanted one but we were first in line so I wasn't all that worried. My sister had a baby the month before so I was looking for her as well. We were informed that the tv's were located in the opposite corner of the store. Well... 5 or 6 am came and it was time to open up the doors. Here I am a 6'2 270 lbs man wearing 15 lbs worth of padding to stay warm getting ready to go. Right behind us these 2 thin and athletic, I'd say 18 year old kids show up. I didn't see them all night but I was in the zone. The doors open and I sprint in my big winter boots throughout the store with my sister right behind. To me everything was silent as I could feel these kids right on my heels until I heard my sister fall and yell "I'M OK...JUST KEEP GOING! GET ME A TV". So... I keep going. I ran right up to customer service just inching out these two kids. There was a one per customer limit but I explained to the cashier and grabbed my sister through the crowd at the register. We got our tvs. I to this day have no idea how I beat those kids in a 100 yard dash. I was moving faster than I ever have moved before and will probably ever move again. Everytime I turn on the tv I remember that morning. However, after that experience I took last year off. I might come out of retirement this year though.

    :D To be honest I was expecting you to have just stiff armed both of them.

  13. We started the morning off at BB, there we bought the 37" Dynex LCD (wanted to replace our old HEAVY 36" Sony Wega in the bedroom), got the $59 photo printer with free case, bought a few movies, chicken shoot for the Wii.


    We really wanted one of the cheap laptops for my BIL for christmas, peoples greed with that made me sick though. Someone had 6 of them and you can guess that they had 5 other people with them to cover the 1 PP. All paid for by one person of course. I seriously think something needs to be done about this whole thing and people just buying these to resell on places like ebay.


    We then left and went to Bed Bath and Beyond to pick up a few small things. Went to breakfast very near B.B. as we were waiting till 9am to pick up the TomTom GPS as they had enough to cover the tickets handed out and the guy said they only had to wait till 9am to be able to sell them without. So we headed back to BB and I was talking to the guy who was watching the cage. Bunch of us where standing in line just talking and laughing then just before 9am some guys showed up and tried to break through all of us to get the GPS units. Let's just say, I'm a big guy, my BIL is a big guy and we had been talking to a couple of other guys who where big. So this didn't happen :) also helped a lady who had been talking with all of us told one of the ones trying to cut through all of us that the cop right outside the store watching everyone was her husband and she would be more then happy to call him in the store.


    So we bought two of the GPS units there, all the other people except the ones who tried to bust through us all got what they wanted. :) I honestly have to say the way this BB did things was great things where SO much better and smoother then any other time I've gone out.


    After that we headed to Lowes to pick up a few things, then off to Wal Mart, picked up 20 DVDs, 1 Blu Ray movie (for me :) ) some toys, clothes and various other things.


    After that we headed to Michaels (she wanted some stuff from there), I went next door to Linens and Things to pick up two of the 5.6" Digital Photo frames, I then headed next door to Circuit City and picked up the 7" Digital photo frame and a game for the Xbox 360. Circuit City was HORRIBLE the store wasn't that busy but the checkout took me FOREVER. I was like 3 people back and it took 45 minutes or so to get through the line. Needless to say I was annoyed.


    After that we headed home had some lunch rested for a little while then went out to Target to pick up a couple things last night.


    Today we went back to Best Buy and Wal-Mart to finish off our shopping for Christmas. Now I just need to figure out what to get her and she's not being much help. :)

  14. I ended up buying the Dynex 37" from BestBuy for $629. Not 100% sure how I like it yet but then again I've not actually seen anything on it in HD yet. I'm thinking later I might hook up the antenna to it or go take my HD Tivo off my tv in the livingroom to see how it is. Sound is VERY different then the 36" Sony Wega I've had in here since 2000.
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