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Posts posted by Kanyon71

  1. Right, I was saying, I worked at the supercenter and we were always open on the day after Thanksgiving....and that was back in the 90's. So, the discussion was saying that people hate retail workers not being able to celebrate Tgiving with family. I was pointing out that with WalMart, they were never closed on the day after Thanksgiving (at least the Super Centers) so that is not a valid argument. Sorry if you misunderstood my post.

    Trust me, I was aware of it!

    Actually in my comment if I said BF I didn't mean that I was referring to making them work ON Thanksgiving, I understand many people have to Nurses, Police, Firefighters and the like and I owe them a great debt of gratitude for it but to me the retail thing is nothing more than a money grab. More stores are doing it because some made more money last year and the large majority of people didn't yell and scream about it. Personally I don't like it and the only way I show my displeasure is with my wallet and not spending it on that day. Now BF itself ya I'm all in all day. :)

    • Like 2
  2. I have to ask because I am a little out of the loop.  What is Steam?

    Steam is an internet game delivery system. In current for it's a client on your PC or MAC that allows you to download, install and play games. There are many games that support steam. It also adds various chat and ranking features. They have been expanding it and are releasing (released?) a Steam Console which will allow you to all of these things in a console setting with no PC. There is no physical media with steam everything is a a digital download.

    • Like 2
  3. We have not in the past and will not be shopping on Thanksgiving going forward. I have NOTHING against the camping out or anything like that (though we choose to stay home and leave at like 12-1AM) but making all these people work on this day is a very sad commentary on life nowadays to me. I'm ALMOST of with the midnight ones but I will never get doorbusters from them again but the ones opening on Thanksgiving and some even worse at 8PM or earlier is nothing but a money grab to me.


    I shall step down off my soapbox now - NEXT UP

  4. Bronners is actually only about an hour away for me :)  It is a Christmas wonderland!!!  I am afraid that their trees are a bit on the pricey side though.  I had planned on taking a trip up there so it is worth a look, thanks!

    That's originally from the Detroit area (before I left I lived in St. Clair Shores last). Every time we make it up to visit Bronners and Frankenmuth are somewhere we HAVE to visit. I could go broke in Bronners lol.

    • Like 1
  5. Last year DH wanted that BluRay Surrond Sound at WalMart, so they had like 4 on a pallet, but it wasn't supposed to go on sale until later in the night, well no one was watching them so he just got one and put it in the buggy and we waited until time to check out. However, it tore up later that same day!! we had to take it back.


    Is it BF Karma? Can't game the BF gods they will get you. lol Seriously I hate when you get that good deal and it breaks, makes the agony of defeat even worse.

    • Like 1
  6. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/panasonic-exit-plasma-tv-panel-031654835.html


    A sad day for plasma lovers.  Panasonic has been one of the best plasma manufacturers by a pretty wide margin since Pioneer dropped their Kuro line many years ago.  But maybe it will drive lower prices for this last holiday season?  We can hope.

    I read this earlier. Bummed me out. As you said though maybe I can get a great deal this year on a nice set. I missed getting a Pioneer by about 10 minutes when they went out. I walked into Best Buy and the guy in front of me was getting the last one at a really good price. It's time to replace our 50" Toshiba Plasma we bought in 06 :)

  7. I preordered 2 PS4s and some games. So those are out the way. Yaay! May still pick up some PS3 games Black Friday. I wonder if any of the PS4 or Xbox One games will be on sale Black Friday for really cheap Hmmm?

    I think they are only coming out like a week or two before so I wouldn't think so. I am liking the buy the old gen game get the new gen for $10 more thing they seem to be doing though.

  8. Does anyone think that we will see a sale on the Xbox 360 with Kinect?  That is the main thing my daughter is asking for so I definitely want to get it and since they are coming out with the Xbox one, I am hoping to see a sale on the xbox 360 or at least a bundle or a good gift card deal.   I would love it if Walmart offered it like they did 2 years ago.  It was 199 with a 50.00 gift card.

    I would expect you will see some bundle deals on it. They want to keep the sales up on it for a while especially since the new one will take some time to get itself up and going with a good amount of games and such.

    • Like 1
  9. 1. OMG I thought I was done until I checked Gottadeal and saw this last minute TRU deal posted.


    2. HEY HEY HEY!!!!! Don't hate the mullet hate the game.


    3. I swear if you guys give me all the tickets I want I won't sing anymore. (Horribly Off Key) HOME ON THE RANGE, where the BF shoppers roam, and the last minute drive ups play....

  10. Exactly. They don't get that you have to stand in lines for certain things and then have the nerve to not have the money to give back when and if you bring it back. Nope not this year or the years to come. You can get out with me or leave me alone. I love you but this is war- LOL

    You got it. Like I said the ones who do go out we tend to help each other but if you don't want to invest the time you're not getting the spoils :)

  11. I am also about 90% plus done.  I started last Dec. 26th and have been picking up things throughout the year.   Will mostly be picking up things that are a good deal and that strike my fancy over the next couple of month.  Will probably be putting stuff away for 2014 gift giving.


    But the excitement is building....I moved my 83 year old parents into the "Old People's Apartments"  6 months ago.  My parents now have separate bedrooms...which means my mother now has two double closets all to herself.  She told me Sunday that she got motivated to finally get organized and get rid of some boxes and that she was unpacking all weekend.   Yesterday,  my mother announced that she has all her "Christmas sweaters and holiday clothes hanging up  now and that she has plenty of room for her new Christmas clothing." .... then she started in with her...."I could be dead by then you know....If I had my beautiful new clothes now I could be enjoying them before I die......"  :gddrama:



    Oooo!   Oooo!    I forgot!   I do need one more gift!!  Mom and dad discovered Wii bowling at the Old People's home.   Mom asked for a Wii  for Christmas so she practice between their weekly bowling matches.  :2roller: Any body have any suggestions on where I can get a a good used or refurbished Wii for a cheap price??   (I am NOT buying mom a brand new video game system when all these old people do is play bowling!!    I bought her a Nook two Christmas'  ago  and put 29  "The Cat Who..." books on it.  And all she does with it is play solitaire.   A refurbished Wii is good enough!)

    Gamestop usually has some pretty decent deals on refurbs and used and you can get a warranty on it if you're worried about it having issues.

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