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Posts posted by Kanyon71

  1. To be honest I think my favorite part of Black Friday is the tradition my wife and I have built. We scrub the ads one last time thanksgiving night, go outearly , do our morning shopping, go have breakfast at Cracker Barrel, do our afternoon shopping. Head home and drop the stuff we got off, head out to place like Lowes and back to Target and Wal Mart for smaller things, then head home and have leftovers and watch a movie. I think it's far more about it being our thing every year than it is about getting good deals (though those help).


    My favorite part is checking gottadeal 20 times a day in anticipation of new info!

    I actually use my phone to check GD while we are out shopping. Looking to see what pops up, checking ad scans to make sure we are getting the best deals or to see who may have an item we are looking at in one store cheaper. Gotta love technology.

  2. Our dinner will most be close to the following:


    Fried Turkey

    Honeybaked Ham

    Mashed Potatoes


    Sweet Potato Casserole

    Cranberry Jello Stuff (From the can lol)


    Green Bean Casserole


    Pumpkin Pie

    Chocolate Pie

    Pecan Pie

    Chess Pie (Possibly)


    Last year we did a brunch for family that had to go to their others sides familys house for dinner it was:


    Maple Brown Sugar French Toast Casserole

    Hashbrown Casserole

    Thick Cut Bacon

    Sausage Links


    Needless to say dinner was LATE last year. After dinner we sat around and planned out our BF shopping (my wife was about 2 weeks from having our first daughter) so my mother in law and I did most of the running while my brother in law kept my wife safe :) Good times

  3. Small N.C. mountain town, Franklin, that we travel to a lot for my rockhounding and to visit friends. Found out last BF that the Wal-Mart there is apparently doesn't get hit hard by many that day, since we walked in after 11 to find most of the doorbusters still there. :eek: Want a TV and desktop computer this year so will try our luck there but will go at opening




    Have hit those stores down at exit 279 in the past too though on BF, my dad lives near St Leo, bit up the road.

    St. Leo isn't far from where I live at all. The first year they opened a new shopping center here it was nice, nothing in there was very busy. Got to BestBuy and the line was all of 15-20 people deep. Waited for the doors to open walked in nice and calm. Got everything we wanted. Since then it's a tad more packed though.

  4. I would go to the store and look at them undecorated, look for something that looks full. I bought my large one about 7-8 years ago from Sears 3-4 weeks before christmas. I got a really good deal as it was one of the last ones. I can't tell you who it's by anymore since the box died a couple years ago. NOW the bad of mine is that it's over 9' tall and at the base it's MUCH larger than the tree skirts I can find, plus it's not sectioned so we have to put each of the probably 150+ branches on it. Now the good, no one seems to be able to tell it's not real it looks that good, we've also put out some of those glade pine fresheners around it so you get the smell lol. OH and it takes a REALLY long time to decorate when we do it right (run the lights up one side of a branch down the other then on and on - got the tip from a pro decorator).
  5. I had purchased one of the small tablets a while back, the old adage rings true. You get what you pay for. :) The touch is resistive not capacitive like a touch is which means you actually have to push on spots on the screen and it can make it very hard to be precise. I'm hoping someone will decide they can't get their money back from the HP Touchpad price drop and sells them off for even a little profit :)

    I'm sure Brad will post threads for some. You may want to make sure you are connected to GottaDeal on Facebook, he may post a contest on there. Also, in the past, he's had contests in the webcasts. Hth

    I'm actually one of the odd ones who doesn't use FB. Never been of any interest to me so I steer clear of it. I'll just keep trying my luck on the forums :)

  7. So who's banning Walmart this year? ;)

    Can't say we will flat out ban it but I can say it's pretty much the last place we go for the day and still usually get everything we want from there. Last year at the one closest to us my wife found 4-5 of the door buster TVs still out by the garden section around 5PM. Things seem to get very spread around the store very quickly so we just end up walking around and exploring.

  8. We usually knock out 3-4 stores before we head to Cracker Barrel, we eat while waiting for BestBuy to start their 9AM release of some of the items they had over stocked for Door Busters. Once we are done there we head to the other side of town for Target/Wal Mart and the other stores over by them. Always end up with pretty much everything we had planned to get. :)
  9. Our little one was born December 8th last year so we made last years BF shopping a lot lighter than years past. This year we have the great grandparents lined up to babysit while the rest of us go shopping. Should be fun since our daughter will be 1 for Christmas. :) This has been my wife and my tradition for all the time we've been together. We get up super early grab something cafinated, head out the door wait wait wait, shop a LOT head to Cracker barrel around 7am-8am eat breakfast then head back out shopping grab a late lunch the usually head home around 5pm, nap then put stuff away and have leftovers for dinner.
  10. Looking for good prices on Blu Ray players, want to get my wife a new HD Video camera other than those things not really a whole lot. Unless we see a screaming deal on 55"+ 1080P TV then I may be forced to upgrade our Toshiba 50" Plasma in the living room. :) We usually end up just picking up things on sale for our families. More than anything else it's become our tradition.
  11. Dynex is Best Buys in-house brand, I have the 37" Version of it bought it last year on BF. All in all I would pay the extra $100 and get the Samsung but that's just my opinion. I think the Samsung line of products is better in general they normally have a brighter and somewhat sharper picture. My major complaint about the Dynex is the sound, it's not very loud and lacks bass outside of that though it's been a pretty good TV.
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