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Posts posted by Kanyon71

  1. I want to get a new TV this year, but I think I'm better of just buying now with Football deals and stuff.


    I'm looking for a higher end TV, and those aren't normally highly discounted for BF.


    My top contender right now is the LG 55LM8600

    Very nice TV. I've been looking at the LG 65LM6200. I want bigger and nicer than what I have right now but keep falling to the thought of my Toshiba 50" plasma works so well and has such a great picture so why replace it. :)

  2. My thoughts are they will have sales but they aren't going to be doing the crazy BF something for nothing stuff. I see LOTS of stuff sitting at Walmart for days after BF the past few years that can't be great for the bottom line either. Target is usually one of our stops to pick up odds and ends but not a place we start at.
  3. I would lean towards the Nexus7 as well.


    No closed ecosystem then...

    Something to be said about closed with lots of malware floating out there :)


    I'm not an apple homer by any means they are just very good straight forward and do everything asked. I actually bought my wife the B&N Nook Color 2 years ago and she still uses it daily for reading books. Thought it was a MUCH better value than the iPad at the time and backed by someone in the book business. I'm thinking about the new one they are getting ready to release for her this Christmas.

  4. She uses our first gen iPad and I have to say still not a scratch on it. These things are way tough. She also plays with my wifes phone and my phone all the time (iPhones) it's crazy how good she is at using them. I'm in the tech industry and my wife is a 1st grade teacher and play games on the iPad with our daughter that teach her letters, numbers colors and shapes. She is crazy over the Disney Jr. app. I laugh she is so young and she uses the tech better than people I know my age. :)
  5. I like #2 a lot and I'm not a baseball fan but the style just rings as something I would wear all year long. I agree with the bigger sizes (3X-4X) I am a big guy (especially shoulder area) and tend to wear them a little baggy. I'm even down with the color. Now I have to hope for them to be on sale here as I normally don't win and I also want one for my wife when we go shopping.
  6. My best suggestion for you is to read all the reviews you can on whatever ones you bring your list down to. Read both the good and the bad and temper both with the knowledge that some people will spew hate just because they don't like a brand and some people will go to the opposite based on their love for a brand. I look for trends in things going wrong or right and base on that. With that said it's what I'll be doing as we want a 60"+ this year to replace the toshiba we bought on BF 6+ years ago.
  7. This year has gone by really fast too (at least for me). It seems that I only get to really shop on Saturdays. I do get to run in to Target or Kohls in the morning sometimes in between dropping dd off at school and getting to work so that helps some. I was looking at the calendar and realized that if I only shop 1 day a week between now and Christmas I only have 17 days to shop!!! I think online shopping will be my friend this year.

    It seems like we blinked and summer was over. We will hopefully get some done before BF gets here but we will most likely get 90% of it done on BF then finish off the rest over the next few weeks. We ALWAYS end up out shopping for each other the last day before Christmas. We head to target she heads off one way, I head off the other way and we get all the little things we need for each other from us and from our daughter. Then we meet up after it's paid for and bagged up. We head home to different rooms and wrap. I like to call this the Craziness that is life... Better than one year many years back before I was married I had been out of town for some time working got home Christmas eve and had to do the mad dash to shop for my family. Luckily the few stores I needed where open and I had everything picked out ahead of time. I was exhausted and ready to sleep just as everyone was arriving at my families house for the celebration. Mind you this was 16-17 years ago :)

  8. I'm ready, wife is ready but I'm about 101% sure our bank account isn't. Is going to be a good holiday season though, little will be 2 by the time Christmas gets here and she will totally be into it. BF is a tradition for my wife and I she even insisted we go out the year our little one was to be born which happened a couple weeks later. Give me turkey, stuffing, football and last minute scouring of the actual local ads to see if we missed anything from the site here. It's funny I was looking at my HD on the laptop the other day and I have all the ad's stored from the past few years in directories for that year. We ARE certainly a winter holiday family. :) I'm hoping this year when help is needed on this site I will actually have some free time to offer up my services, always fun to be part of goings on....
  9. Fried Turkey Hun?:gdlicklips: I've always wanted to do this but have been a little afraid of causing a fire LOL! I was going to have a fried turkey shipped but they are are quite pricey, at least to me. I was considering an electric fryer. How do you go about seasoning your turkey and do you use the traditional Fryer or Electric?


    Our Menu is Traditional once again:

    Turkey and/or Cornish Hen

    Garlic Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

    Rainbow Macaroni

    Green Beans or Greens


    Cranberry Sauce

    Crescent Rolls


    Sweet Potato Pie for Dessert


    Oh.. Can't forget the Eggnog!:smirk:

    It's not hard at all. I usually just do an injector with butter/garlic/salt all over the turkey. This year I may brine it first. I use a heavy duty propane fryer (nice wide base and very sturdy) that I bought from Lowes. I just drp the turkey in the pot while it's cold and empty then I run water in the pot until the turkey is just covered, I then remove the turkey from the water and I look to see what the water level is in the pot. Now once I set the fryer up I know where to fill the oil level to. Been doing it for about 4-5 years now and never had an issue or come close to the oil going over.


    I was skeptical the first year I did it but wow never had a more moist turkey in my life.

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