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Posts posted by Kanyon71

  1. Well to be honest it made my shopping day a little easier. I have come to the realization that I will never again get a door buster that you have to be in store for. Though we still got everything else that we wanted last year and the stores were a lot less busy than they have been in the years past. We went out at our normal time and pretty much walked in and got what we wanted and the things I wanted to make sure we didn't miss out on we got online on Thanksgiving when they went live and had them delivered.


    I did miss the hustle and bustle that we normally had but all in all we kept out tradition alive. This year we have relocated so we will have to find new places to do our shopping and eat. :)

    • Like 4
  2. *smiles* I happen to work in the exact kind of hobby shop you wished hobby lobby was! :) and, we are starting to plot out what we want to do this christmas... I love it!

    I tell you I was majorly bummed. I was like now we need to find a REAL hobby shop so I can bask in all of it's glory lol. We were out of town at this time so looking for one proved fruitless.

    I bought a couple Christmas gifts last week, and it REALLY put me in the mood for Black Friday. Funny, you would think it would have put me in the mood for Christmas.  Hmmmmm.

    We have normally already started but this year we are moving long distance at the end of July and we don't want extras to pack so we haven't bought anything yet. Hope to get started once we get into the new house.

  3. I avoid Hobby Lobby. They tricked me with their name. My wife asked me one day if I wanted to go to Hobby Lobby. I was like R/C Cars, Planes, Trains and so on HECK YA I'M ALL IN. We get there and I'm like what the heck is this, it's Michaels with a different name. Now don't get me wrong stores like this are just fine but don't get my hopes all up and then shoot me down. Now I don't go there with her unless she is reminded that it's not a hobby store in MY eyes. :)

    • Like 1
  4. I was able to get through to MyRedCard online. Was very slow but worked fine. I don't think this is just about the target cc and debit card I think this is any card, a lot of the reports I've seen said they are sending data to banks to match up with their systems for people that have been hurt. So to me this means if you used anything OTHER than cash and possibly gift cards you need to watch your account. I used my one that goes against my bank account but I've seen nothing so far. I have a feeling anyone affected will now be getting new cards. To me this sounds more than just someone grabbing a DB it actually sounds like another scam I've heard going on where people are hacking firmware for card readers and having the actual terminal you're using do the skimming of the needed information. This has been happening around the US for some time now. To me this just screams of insider people from these terminal vendors I remember reading that there was a ring busted for doing this to Barne's n Nobel. I've had some ideas on how to stop a lot of this but they are only half formed (well except the ones that require a band of ninjas :) )

  5. We finished off a couple more people over the last couple of days. Will finish another tonight. I have all except stocking stuffer's and maybe some footie pj's for my wife. As for wrapped we have nothing really wrapped except the stuff my wife took to work for her angel tree child. All 4 of the trees are now decorated all the inside of the house is decorated except a couple things that keep falling for some reason. Santa is in the yard and some outside lights are up. Getting closer but it's been so hectic at home and work lately it seems it's still going to be some last minute things popping up.

  6. I hate the earlier and earlier hours and I'll just leave it there for that. As for the ad's I thought there were some good ones and some stinkers. Can honestly say this is the first year BestBuy had nothing at all I wanted and if it wasn't for some of the people with us shopping I wouldn't have even went in there this year. I really liked that Wal Mart had a lot of stuff online and I got the big things I would have missed since I refused to go out shopping on Thursday. Grabbed the links from here did some online surfing to their site and spent way too much money lol.


    All in all it was honestly a very early day for us. We left the house at 4AM did some shopping went for our traditional Cracker Barrel BF breakfast, finished up our shopping and where back home and relaxing by like 1PM I think it was. Didn't even bother heading back out.


    Was impressed that some of the purchases from BF ordering started showing up today though.

  7. They ran out or certificates?  My place just had a stack of cards and gave them to whoever wanted one.  Even asked how many you wanted.  Lots of people whining on the walmart FB page too although I had no problems at the store.  The website is crap though.  Took me about 50 tries to get through the "check out" procedure on the website due to eh high volume I"m sure.

    Ya they ran out and then didn't even have the decency to say anything had the local police tell people and then send them away. One would think between this type of stuff and the fights Wal Mart would figure out a better way of doing things.

  8. My wife just read in the local paper that the Land O Lakes Wal Mart ran out of the 1 hour guarantee things refused to do anything and asked the police on site to tell the customers and make them go away. BAD PR in my eyes.

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  9. Would someone direct to where on the Walmart website the store maps are?  Thanks!

    If you click on the big black friday ad on the main page right above it there is a link that says Map Out your IN STORE black friday trip. I would post a link but I think the link has my specific store in it.

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