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Posts posted by Kanyon71

  1. lol...my coworkers were playing the opposite game yesterday. completely berate one another then ask for a favor.


    it's so retarded because they do this multiple times a week and then still go out and spend $$$ on outrageous gifts for each other like they were REAL friends.  I've put it down to I expect too much from people.

    Ya I've learned if you expect too much you will almost always be disappointed. I had to do this executive leadership off-site not too long ago and they did this personality thing to determine what type of person you are. My wife was asking me what it said about me and I said one of the places I scored high on was that I generally like people and take their thoughts and needs into account when making decisions. She starts laughing and said YOU LIKE PEOPLE. I said hey it's true I do like people just not stupid ones lol

  2. My thing is with people that won't go out and want us to do it all is. Sorry you ain't gettin it. NOW with that at times I will call my sister or she will call me (we live in different states) and get things for each other. She and her husband go out every year like my wife and I do.

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  3. We usually have the first fake tree up but not decorated before Thanksgiving then it gets decorated BF night after we have napped. The the second fake tree goes up within the next week or so along with the outside decorations and then if we get a real tree that's usually a few weeks for Christmas and then goes to the tree dump after the new year. Our front room where our large fake tree is has a winter/Christmas theme all year round. As a matter of fact this past year we left the giant tree up and took all the light and decorations off and my wife has put other things on it at various time. I'm huge into Christmas so I personally could leave it decorated all year lol.

  4. It's just going to become Black Week at some point :(


    I've said and I stand by I refuse to give up my family time and Thanksgiving day so I'm pretty sure we will never get Doorbusters again. On the bright side it was much easier for us to shop last year we went out our normal times and walked into most every place lol

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  5. Not sure of the dates but I think we will see Half Price Books, then a toss up between Harbor Freight and ACE Hardware for me. Wal Mart should just send out the notice here weekly. Something like We think you're thinking about it so don't even do it. :) Sad because to me it helps build up the anticipation, the people out here searching the net trying to plan are the ones who are most likely going to be the ones out buying stuff why not reward them.

  6. The purple "female" Zoomer is TRU exclusive.  It's hard to find.  I did see dalmations at Target and Walmart tonight... both 99.00.  

    The cool thing, I found a Purple today when I went to pick up the other one.  So, swapped them out, and got the purple.  Then, got the Doc McStuffin Check up center, too.  They let us use the 20% off on both, even though they were both "hot prices" already.  So, got them both for 138.  Ver happy. 

    Just sent the Doc McStuffins Check Up Center to my wife. Thinking we will be picking this up for our daughter she loves her and we planned on getting her some doc stuff. Target has it on sale so might pick it up this week.

  7. Anyone heard anything of the "ZOOMER THE ROBOTIC DOG"?  I got the last one at our local TRU, but the rest are sold out within a 100 mile radius of me.  I hadn't heard of it before, but DD5 wants it for her birthday next week.  


    Just wondering if it's old and just not popular enough for stores to carry, or if it's newer and really hard to find?  Saw it for 100 on amazon, got it for 79 at TRU. 

    I just looked it up and it looks like it's brand new. I guess it was introduced at this years toy fair and is now hitting stores. I watched a little video on youtube. Looks neat.

  8. I used to love going out at 3 am with my sister, now she has moved away and the stores open shortly after Thanksgiving dinner is over.  My strategy the last few  years has been to scour the ads as soon as they come out, buy whatever I can at those prices or cheaper prior to BF and then go out just for the fun of it to pick up the items I haven't been able to find at good prices.  DH refused to go before, he didn't want to get up at 3 am but now that the stores are opening earlier he has been a pretty good sport.  And by good sport, I mean he will stand in line while I go get more goodies ;) He isn't a crowd person and if it was up to him we would just pay full price for everything. 

    You know the funny part I HATE huge crowds but for some reason B.F. is different to me. I refuse to go out on Thanksgiving though so I have determined I will never again get a Doorbuster. Ah well so if life :)

  9. We have gone Christmas Eve shopping (More so me) but it was more out of OMG Christmas is here and I need to finish shopping lol. My wife and I have been in the habit the past 4-5 years of going out and shopping for each other for the small things (some clothes, and other various low dollar items) pretty close to Christmas. I head one way she heads the other way and we meet at the exits. Shopping soon is going to get more complicated outside of BlackFriday, our daughter will be 3 just before Christmas and the past couple of years we have been able to take her with us to finish shopping for her. Now she remembers when she see's things she thinks are for her. We will think she forgot something and a couple weeks later she will ask us where it is lol. BF the grandparents usually come over and watch her for us. :)

  10. I still think part of the fun of it is people watching and the tradition of it. In todays fast paced world with things always changing it's nice to still have something we look forward to do every year. All the time I spend here waiting for the ad's, talking about the deals, talking about whats good merchandise what's junk, planning what stores we are going to hit for what, making our list, waiting for the real paper to come out and pouring over the ad's and making sure everything is set. Then getting up WAY to early after a long day previously, going to stand in the line for the first store we want (ya not as much since they started opening Thanksgiving which I won't give up), seeing all the other crazies like us out there, getting awesome deals and finding that one item someone tried to hide in a microwave in BestBuy so no one else would get it and they could come back later (HAHAHAHAHA I FOUND IT - True Story), then about 7AM heading over to Cracker Barrel to eat and plan out our next moves. Shopping till 12-1 in the afternoon then going home and going OMG that thats a huge pile, then starting out wrapping and getting things ready for the tree. Online has become a little more of what we do now, we also come home and find all the things we couldn't find in the stores online and order them (sometimes same price, sometimes cheaper) heck I've even bought things online from my phone while in stores the past couple of years.

  11. I waited last year and got it when there was a Target gift card with the purchase of an Ipod (at Target). The only BAD thing was

    Target was not offering the "insurance" one could buy at that time for the ipods so that came back to haunt me because my son

    dropped his and now we have a cracked screen.  Grrrr. I should've bought the apple insurance.  Kicking myself.

    You can also buy them from SquareTrade. I have used them in the past for my MacBook, when it broke and the cost to fix exceeded the value of the laptop they gave me back what I paid for the machine (I bought it used on eBay) which was awesome.

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