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Posts posted by Kanyon71

  1. We used to go to Disney a lot before we moved and they always do gingerbread houses and have them in the different hotels and places in the parks. I had to go out to the internet and find this but here is an image of the one from last year (and yes those are real people).



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  2. To me the difference is that I can do it at any time of the morning/afternoon/day/night and not have to leave my house and family for hours and hours. I can put something in a shopping cart on my smart phone and checkout in minutes if need be. I am still with my family still talking to them, still being present and so forth.


    Now there are many people who like to work the holidays for many reasons some as stated above more pay, but there are also many places that force their workers to be there or will not allow any vacation time during this part of the year. To each their own on it and yes maybe I'm a hypocrite because I watch TV and football on those days. :)

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  3. I will use a CC, affords me more protection on my purchases. I don't like having to get them replaced with the breaches but for now at least it's a fact of life. Hopefully with the new breed of CC's coming out things will get better. I'm not a big cash person, just as dangerous if someone really wants it, pick pockets, thieves and people being mugged for it. Not to mention can't pay with cash on the websites where it happens just as often lol.

  4. Last year was my most memorable moment.  I was in Wal-Mart and standing in line waiting for 10pm for the cash registers to turn over with the prices and one of my favorite employees was off-duty and in line in front of me waiting to buy her son a TV.  There was some commotion behind me to the left but it just seemed to be 2 ladies arguing over child support.  No big deal at first...but it started to escalate and the off-duty employee went to go up front to get the police officer.  Just about that time I heard more noise and turn around to see the 2 men wrestling around on the floor in front of the jewelry case.  Then one got up and the other went after him and slammed him into the jewelry case and cracked one of the edges (not the glass).  This brought not 1 or 2 but 7 police officers through my line and grabbing the guys.  They both resisted and were tazered.  It was awesome :)  The best part???  The ladies who started the argument stayed in line to finish buying their towels and yelled that they would come bail them out after they finished at Target.  I love BF!!  :gdclap:

    This is any different than any other day at Wal Mart? :)

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  5. We normally go into it with 2 different laptops, we split what we want from each store and both go at it. Reduces the amount of time it takes to get that order in. I usually have the CC numbers prepped (sometimes ready to be cut and pasted into place to speed up the checkout time. Using this method we have been pretty successful at getting what we want. If the order from a store is small then the other will take another store. We know to do it in smaller lots not try and put everything in the cart at some time (some don't show up till the last minute) and then checkout.

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  6. This reminds me of the time I was in line at Target and there was a KB Toys across the parking lot.  KB was supposed to open about 1 hour before Target but I did not need anything there so I waited for Target.  About 5:30 the KB people started to come over very unhappy.  KB was unable to open because someone had put super glue in the locks and they were waiting for a locksmith before they could open

    It was probably the person in the store who was arranging everything so only they could get what they wanted :) Once they got their stuff hidden they snuck off to hide and take a nap until the locksmith got there and they "opened", at which point they slipped out into the crowd and then went to their hiding spot to gather up their bounty and go pay for it.

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  7. Got my daughter hooked on it last year. She will start asking about it soon. We have the whole collection on DVD with Rudolph, Santa and Frosty. Childhood favorites of both mine and my wife's.

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  8. I don't know exactly why, but I find this post as kind of sad. Call me a purist, but to qualify as a traditional Black Friday shopper, you need to be out and about on that day, otherwise you are a general consumer who happens to be online during the same day that most others are actively participating. With that being said, I am an avid supporter of your right to do so, and only hope that the online experience can be as fruitful for others. I know that the online experience has been spotty in the past, but is trending towards a more reliable alternative as servers and stock levels of merchandise increase. Good luck this year.


    I think it's the thrill of the hunt for me, the tradition of it all. To be out there to do the things we have done year after year, yes we get some online but to be honest I LOVE that feeling when you find that BluRay box set of your favorite show that someone hid inside of a microwave to come back for later on and yes this has been something we have done along with a door buster GPS hidden behind cameras and a few other things. HAHA we rule at B.F. hide and seek :)

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  9. Ours was a higher end item. 50" Toshiba Plasma TV back in 06. The TV was in BestBuy for around $2600 on sale most of the year, B.F. it was a DoorBuster and we got it for $1499 with free delivery and setup. 0 problems with the TV to this day, when we relocated from FL to MI in July we gave it to my inlaws to replace their failing DLP (that was purchased a few months before ours and was on it's 3rd bulb). They are still enjoying it now and to be honest I really don't see that changing anytime soon.

  10. Photo 1: MAN I can't belive so many people showed up for the Buy 1 SPAM Get 1 FREE sale.

    Photo 2: (Queens We are the champions playing in background) YAAAAAAAA I told you all it's a Marathon NOT a RACE. Now why am I here again?

    Photo 3: (crying into her hands) I can't believe we slept here for 3 days, waded through 1000's of people and those flippin GottaDeal.com People still got my Doorbuster!!!!!!!

  11. We usually have our normal Christmas Eve get together, then my wife daughter and I open our Christmas PJ's make some hot chocolate, load into the car and drive around looking at lights in the neighborhoods. Our little one (now 3 will be 4 by Christmas this year) usually falls asleep in the car. When we are done looking at the lights we drive home and get her in bed and get ready for Santa to show up. We have been trying to read her a Christmas story before we go out looking at lights also.


    Christmas day we have been doing a brunch for immediate family with French Toast Casserole, Hash brown casserole and bacon.


    This year may change things some since it will be our first year living up north (I was born and raised here but moved to FL 16 years ago, wife and daughter are born and raised in FL) though we plan to keep as much of the traditions as possible.

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