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Posts posted by Kanyon71

  1. Teenagers would be the most likely to get hurt since their brains are shut off until 21. Their propensity to use cellphones and tweet selfies, will give rise to the statement, "I never saw the rush coming Doctor".

     If they are taking a selfie it could be freakin awesome seeing the pic tweeted of them JUST about to be bowled over by the horde of people unknowing coming up behind them.

    • Like 5
  2. One of the ones I remember was the year of almost getting in a fight (wasn't even over anything to do with me). It was 2 or 3 years ago and we had been out shopping that year it was my wife, her mother her brother and myself. We had been at BestBuy for the initial opening and got all we wanted. My MIL wanted some TomTom GPS's that they were doing as a 9AM 2nd wave sale. So we went to Cracker Barrel (our tradition) before the sale was to start and we ate. Got back to BB well before the 2nd wave was going to start. We are in line with a bunch of other people where the employees asked us to be. It's just my BIL and myself the other two were at another store buying other things. My BIL and I are talking to this really nice lady who is about 8-8.5 months pregnant and was there to try and get one for her husband as a gift. So the time is getting closer maybe a few minutes to go and all the sudden this guy starts trying to bust through the lines of people so he can be the first to get what he wants. He smashes right into this woman and is SUPER a-hole with her, well seeing this and him trying to push her out of the way and almost knocking her down I step in the middle of it with my BIL right next to me. The guy goes to say something to me and I calmly looked at him and said is this GPS really worth hurting someone else and then getting yourself beat down in front of a crowd of people. He looked at me and my BIL (neither one of could ever be consider little people or weak) and wisely decides it's time to leave and quickly. We apologized to the pregnant lady and made sure she was ok. Store employee saw what happened and made sure we all got what we wanted right away. NEVER has been and NEVER will be anything on BF that I want bad enough to hurt another person to get.

    • Like 8
  3. Gottadeal.com isn't only your Black Friday headquarters, it's helped me find so many great deals throughout the year. I try to visit at least once every day or two to check out the deals and check in on the community as a whole. What a great community it is if you don't see a deal or you have questions on something you're looking to buy just ask away and someone will quickly try and help you out.

  4. You don't need xbox live unless you want to play online or use online services like Netflix etc.  I let my 2 kids use xbox live but I will say some of the things kids that are fairly young say on there would blow you away.

    I don't know this for sure but I've been hearing of some games (esp ones younger kids like) requiring live memberships. I'm pretty sure my friend said some game they bought their son's required it to play even in single mode.

  5. My peeves are:


    1. People ramming with the cart. One year I asked an older woman to please stop hitting me with her cart nicely 3 times, after she made rude noises and did it again I turned around and told her if she hit me with it one more time I was going to be not so nice about it. (Oddly enough she didn't do it again)

    2. People who walk around aimlessly and don't pay attention to where they are walking, who they are blocking. It gets on my nerves something fierce.

    3. People who are rude to the employees, I try to be super nice and ask how they are and how long they have to work, amazing what they will do for you when you treat them well. Has got me supposedly sold out DoorBusters before.

    • Like 2
  6. We have 3 artificial trees and we buy 1 real tree each year. This year since we're back in the north we are going to go cut one. The artificial ones we have are a HUGE 9' that goes where the high ceilings are lol it's kind of old now and most everyone who see's it thinks it's real. I got a really good deal on it the week before Christmas at Sears, was like a $650 tree I paid like $150 because of the time and the fact it was the last one they had and was a display model. The other two are a normal sized one that we gave away when we moved (will get replaced) that went in our loft before and this year will probably go in our basement and then a small pink one that goes in our daughters room with all her special ornaments on it.


    As for real it's all in how fresh you can get them, I avoid the stores like Home Depot and Lowes and we try to get them from Vendors and we pay attention to when they came in. When we get them home I usually spray them down and keep them in a warmed area and put them in some water until it's dried out. Then once again just before we take it in the house I take a slice off the trunk and make sure the branches on the bottom are cleaned up for the perm stand. Keep it nicely watered and we have been adding some of the tree additives they sell in the stores (seems to help).


    Regardless of real or artificial just make sure you get something you like and look at it from different angles.  :)

    • Like 1
  7. I just realized I'm still decorated from last year.I still have my snowman mugs and my santa cookie jar in my hutch.Well not really decorated but a few things out lol

    Before we moved to MI we had a room in our house that we call the Christmas room, we have Thomas Kinkaid paintings that were hung and are of the old time Christmas and snow look so we left out certain decorations for Christmas in there all year. Always made us smile looking around :)

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  8. My tip is a simple one. When looking for the deals don't look only in the areas that the deal should be, look around the store keep your eyes open and investigate. Many times we have found things hidden around the stores, sometimes they are things that seem to be gone and sometimes it's been DoorBuster items someone has either left behind or hidden to come back for. We have have found pj's in electronics and printers in the food areas far from where they are supposed to be.

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