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Posts posted by Kanyon71

  1. 1. Favorite Christmas movie? A Christmas Story
    2.What are 3 things on your Christmas list this year? Cordless Tools, TV, House things
    3. Does it snow where you live? Yes it's snowing right now
    4. Do you celebrate Christmas, if not then what Holiday? Yes we do
    5. Favorite gift you’ve ever gotten? Wow this is a hard one I've had a lot of great ones
    6. Worst gift you’ve ever gotten? Some very Nasty Cologne that I'm pretty sure was made from Skunk Spray
    7. What time do you get up on Christmas? Whenever our daughter wakes us up.
    8. Biggest pet peeve about the Christmas season? People who complain about everything being so busy. It's Christmas enjoy and have fun
    9. Favorite Christmas song? Jingle Bells
    10. Would you rather it be cold and cloudy, or be kind of warm out? Cold and Snowy (ya not an option I know)
    11. Hot chocolate or eggnog? I like them both
    12. Favorite thing to wear during the Christmas season? Christmas PJs
    13. Anybody you’re hoping to bump into under the mistletoe? My wife of course
    14. Embarrassing Christmas story? Made my brain has blocked them out but I don't recall any
    15. Favorite Christmas treat? COOKIES. I make a mean Oatmeal Raisin cookie
    16. Latest you’ve stayed up on New Year’s Eve? Does some time the next late morning count?
    17. Favorite Christmas character? Rudolph
    18. What are you doing for the holidays this year? Hopefully having family and friends over to our new house if it's done
    19. Ever been to someone else’s family’s Christmas? Yes, girlfriends growing up
    20. Favorite pie flavor? Chess Pie
    21. Your favorite Christmas tradition growing up? Having ALL of our large family over all the kids playing and bothering our parents to find out where Santa was
    22. White lights or colored lights? I like them both for different settings
    23. Favorite Christmas dinner dish? Christmas Roast Beef
    24. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Both with our families on Christmas Eve and then ours on Christmas Day
    25. What tops your tree? Which One? Main tree is Santa, 2nd tree is an Angel and 3rd one is a big bow
    26. Candy canes- Yum or Yuck? Yum and you can even make Candy Cane Cookies with them MORE YUM :)
    27. Egg nog or Hot Chocolate? Still like them both :)
    28. Do you hang mistletoe? Yes we do
    29. Favorite Christmas activity? Watching my daughter open her presents then putting things together for her
    30. Favorite Christmas story? The Night Before Christmas

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  2. I tried getting smart and bought a programmable remote with a touch screen for both my parents and my inlaws a few years ago.

    I programmed one button to turn on all the devices (receiver/DirecTV/BlurRay/HDTV).

    But the receivers had a separate "on" vs. "off" signal, so I had to program a separate button to turn all the devices off.


    Remote controls have been around for what, a solid 30 years now?  At least?  Is it really a hard concept to remember that the remote needs to be pointed at least roughly at the devices in order to turn them on or off?  Invariable, since the remote has a screen, the user wants to look at and watch the screen (which doesn't do anything but show you the name of the button) when they press it.  It has a screen - it must be watched.  Therefore, the remote was more often than not pointed at the ceiling when the button was pushed meaning the devices were always getting out of sync.  I fought with them both for about 6 months before I just took the remotes away and told them to go back to using their stack of remotes.  You would have thought I was trying to teach them to speak a new sign language that uses only their feet or something.


    But the remote works fine for me.  And now I have 2 backups...

    You could always use an RF remote for this, I have used them in the past for components that aren't in the same room. With the IR Blaster it works really nice. Also is a great help when my daughter decides to park her toys in front of the electronics so the IR port is blocked. :)

  3. Most years I don't ask for anything in particular, usually when I want or need something I just get it at that point. But the last few years I've held back on that and leave some things I would like for my wife and daughter to be able to buy things for me for my b-day and Christmas. This year with us building our new house I've told my wife if she is able to find a good deal I would like one of the cordless tool combo kit's, one with a drill, impact driver, saw and a couple batteries. :)

  4. I would tend to agree the PS4 CAN be a little bit faster due to the faster ram in the machine, though MS has done some things to make up for it. All in all I usually tell people look at what their friends have and PLAY and then go with that. They will most likely get into playing online with their friends and then you need the same systems. All in All this current gen is VERY similar in specs and speed and each will have it's exclusives, there really isn't one I would call flat out better now.

  5. What people like in a router varies person to person. I tend to go for quality over price as I depend on my network and it's speed, I tend to prefer Amped Wireless stuff due to the signal strength and speed I get out of them. Have used it for friends and clients and had no bad feedback. Now you don't need their highest end one but even the others aren't really cheap. Netgear I'm NOT a fan of :)

  6. Well unless they have a huge stock or a bunch of the stuff I want pops up online looks like a LOT of everything I would want is in the 6PM Thursday part of the ad which means we will not be there to buy it. Bummer some decent deals.

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