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Posts posted by Kanyon71

  1. 1. How much money do you anticipate spending the entire week of Black Friday, online and in stores combined?

    A. Depends on if I get a TV. If so $2500, If not $1000-$1500

    2. If you plan on shopping offline on Thanksgiving and/or Black Friday, how many different stores do you predict you'll shop at?

    A. Probably in the neighborhood of 10


    3. Do you anticipate shopping online more than last year, less than last year, or about the same as last year?

    A. About the same as last year

  2. Beats in general is decent but very heavy on the bass. I have not heard much about their stuff outside of the headphones. I have a set of them that I got as a present and overall I am pretty happy with them. NOW having said that don't go ask an audiophile or they will tell you they are garbage lol. I do tend to agree with one thing they say and that's that they are over priced. Then again I can say that about a LOT of things. :)

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  3. I bought one for my Wife a few years ago and she loved it until the power supply died. I've been thinking about another now and I'm going to go with something that supports BT and more so AirPlay. This way I don't have to worry about it if they change their connector again, which would have made her dock pretty useless once we upgraded phones. We could have kept using it but would have need an adapter which would have made the phone no longer fit in the dock not to mention we could never hook the ipad to her dock. Wireless transmission is the way to go the thing I liked about AirPlay is the phone/device only needs to be on the same network as the speakers not close enough for BT to work. BT makes it great for other things though that aren't on the Apple Ecosystem.

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  4. It's hard to say, some think the Xbox One price may end up permanent. My guess is it goes away and then you MAY see some last minute deals and then after the new year it comes back permanent for kids to spend the money they got for Christmas on.


    If you can hide it get the one you want, if you can't hide it now you could possibly do Lay-A-Way from one of the places that have it at least that gives you less time it has to be hidden.

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  5. Elf On The Shelf, we do it with our daughter and my wife does it at work (teacher), it's a magical Elf that comes to your house or work and watches the children, the Elf shows up each morning hiding in a new place, every night the Elf returns back to Santa to let him know how the child or children are behaving. They are NEVER allowed to touch Elf or he/she could lose their magic. There is a story book and a movie out for it also. My daughters Elf (Twinkle) will start showing up soon and reporting back to Santa each night. EVERY morning she loves getting up and trying to find out what new place Twinkle is hiding.

  6. Well to be honest with some of the newer games coming out and the ability to load to drives that 1TB drive might come in mighty handy. In the C.O.D. version is the game included where in the normal version it's not? If so thats a $60 game bringing down the cost of the system. When we replace we will be doing the larger drive simply do the things that may be added to the console moving forward.

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  7. We are having the following:


    Ham (Honey Glazed)

    Turkey (Injected with spices and DEEP FRIED) Pretty much the only way I eat it anymore

    Mashed Potatoes



    Sweet Potato Casserole

    Green Bean Casserole


    Pumpkin Pie


    Chocolate Chip Pecan Pie


    We have done fried turkey for probably 7-8 years now and it's the only way I go. I did fried last year and my MIL did roasted, guess which one was all gone lol :)

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