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Everything posted by theboyzmom

  1. I'm getting a "please come back in an hour" message... grrrr
  2. I applied today and just got called and I'm IN!!!! YAY!!! thanx mmm40!!!
  3. I clicked on the link provided and got the main page but when i clicked on the fill out a survey spot, I also got the forbidden notice...I sent them an email asking how to become part of the survey pool...then I went back to try one more time and finally got it...dunno, maybe you just have to try several times....lol
  4. All the GB stuff was gone at the Target I went to today (I suspect when I go to my local one tomorrow there won't be anything there either...it sure seemed to go quick this year!) Anyway, here are my deals (numbers off receipt) 072040362 crockpot 4.98 (not sure if was org 29.99 or 19.99, but it's good size!) 092110122 AAA car winter survival kit normally 29.98, now 6.24 (these are awesome and I bought all 3 the store had, will get more if I can find them) those were my only clearance deals, not much else in the store...there were several blenders that were displays that were marked down and a double decker toaster oven (if I could have figured out where to put it in my kitchen, I would have gotten it)
  5. All I can tell you is to make sure you read ALL the shop requirements several times before you go. Walk through the shop in your head before you go. Take a small pad of paper that you can later jot down any notes you think you'll need (just be sure you aren't seen...go to the bathroom or something). Ask your coordinator to show you a sample or old secret shop report so you have an idea of how detailed they want you to be. I've seen lots of people get their shops disqualified for not following the rules; ie not going to the right register, buying the wrong thing, going to the wrong store, etc These are simple things you can do just by making sure you read and understand the directions. I was terribly nervous my first time, and still am on occasion with a totally new shop, but you get in to a rhythm and figure it out fairly quickly. You'll also know if this is for you or not...but give yourself a couple of months until you make that decision.
  6. I"m going to be in Rochester tomorrow...wonder if there's a good Target nearby.... I stopped at our Fort Gratiot Target tonite only to find no less than 4 firetrucks, 3 police cars and an ambulance leaving...I went to the doors but they were locked! The mall security guy said that Target had to close because of 'an incident' and he didn't think they'd reopen tonite!!!!! I'll be out of town tomorrow (Rochester lol), so I won't be able to go in and find out until Sun or <gasp!> Monday!!!
  7. my Gamestop called me Thursday to let me know the packages were in, but that they would only hold it for 24 hours cause they didn't even get enough for those that reserved them!!!!!! I drove up there right then and got mine funny....I went to Walmart after and as I walked in they announced that they just received a shipment of wii's too....I didn't get one though...
  8. I just caught a commercial for TRU about their 2 day sale starting tomorrow or Friday, but I don't see any info on their site...anyone have any info? what's going to be on sale? flyer or link?
  9. I reserved one at our Game Stop and called yesterday, they said it would be in today, so I went in and they said, "sorry, it should be here Friday" UGH that's cutting it close! they also said they will have NO extras, so only people who reserved them will get them, and those that reserved better pick up immediately...dunno if that means they can sell to others or not...
  10. Congrats!
  11. OMG!!!!!!! You guys ROCK!!!!!! Thank you sooooooooooooo much!!!!!!! perfect!
  12. Checked Tractor Supply and they don't have them...never thought of Cracker Barrel, I'll look there soon! Anyone else with ideas???
  13. I am desperate to find a pair of pj's for my son with horses on them (he's a small boy, about size 8) on the front page of the P&G coupon book this weekend was a boy wearing a pair, so I know they are out there, but I can't find them I want a more classic pattern (like Nick and Nora jammies), but as long as they aren't pink or have ruffles on the sleeves, it might work if anyone has ANY ideas...stores, links, anything, I'd be sooooo appreciative
  14. this was our first year with a Kohls in town...literally there were NO parking spots at 3am...couldn't even find the end of the line, so we went to another store. Went back to Kohl's at 8am and although we could park and get in to the store, the lines were all around the entire store...my sil found some stuff she wanted though, so we stood in line...for over an hour...ugh
  15. I got the WM ad in our paper, but did NOT get Kmart, Old Navy, Sears and several others... not only were the sales disappointing this year, but the distribution of the sales flyers as well wasn't great
  16. our Target has an outside door and a mall door, their policy always has, and seems always will be to let ALL the outside people in, and then open the mall doors....since the outside line tends to have thousands of people in it, there have been people who have waited inside the warm mall but have not been let in to Target until 30-45 minutes after the other people are in...and the lines are crazy at that point...even though it's freezing in Michigan, if you NEED to get in to Target, you should wait in the cold
  17. I'll be going out simply out of tradition and for people watching...I'm lucky enough to actually be done shopping, but usually pick up a few 'extras' on BF, this year I guess I'll be helping my sil with her shopping and not worrying if I get anything or not
  18. another vote for the SP...bought my son his 4 years ago and it's still great! it's backlit which is a biggie...and games are plentiful
  19. I bought Leapster for my son last year and he still plays with it almost daily! He's 9 years old and a lot of the games are FUN educational! I would recommend splurging and buying the rechargable adapter...it's around $30 but totally worth it...we ran through batteries a lot until we got this, now I only have to charge it maybe once a month! I think WM has a package deal right NOW with a leapster and a game for the regular price...
  20. I bought my Dyson during the last great Dyson debate on here....worth every penny! I have 3 boys, 2 dogs and both hardwood and carpeted floors. No scratches on the hardwood! I can't believe how easy this thing is to use and how much gunk it picks up! Even leaves! I got the purple one too...I haven't even used all the attachments yet and still love it!
  21. toothbrush favorite candy socks
  22. lol my SON wants it...he 'visits' the pony every time we go to Target and cries when he has to say goodbye... too bad I am really done shopping for him! but it's sooooo expensive
  23. I actually wanted to start putting stuff up a few days ago...that feeling passed quickly though lol I used to do it on BF, but that was before I went out and shopped that day! Now that I shop BF, I usually put the tree up shortly before BF, or sometimes that Saturday
  24. lol I gave up on bows and tags years ago...I pick a different color paper for each 'family' (that way when loading up to go to the party, we don't even have to look at 'tags', just pick the right paper!), I just write right on the package with a black sharpie marker! I found that the tags got lost during packing, or kids, or dogs, etc but marker never comes off and it makes it go so much faster! I gave up on the bows cause even if I waited till the last few days, they still got all smushed under the tree (we have so many people to buy for, and have 3 kids that it's a HUGE pile...it spreads out and stacks up all over under and around the tree)
  25. theboyzmom

    Done WRAPPING!

    Not only am I done shopping, but I wrapped it all this weekend!!!! ARRRRGGGHHHHHHH I need just one 'big' gift for my 'middle' child (he changed his mind on what he thought he REALLY wanted), but other than that, I could officially be "Done" <shiver at the thought> (and yes, this includes the large load of toys for tots donations too) Of course I'm still going out on BF (hopefully my one gift search will be enough 'excuse'...as if I really needed one lol) So who else out there is anal enough to be done wrapping like me....it's a sickness, I know...we need our own support group....lol
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