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Everything posted by theboyzmom

  1. I got some decent toy deals today... Spiderman inflatable beds $7** got the spiderman megablocks WWE dvd game $3** spiderman play huts $7** spiderman ball throwing game $5**
  2. I got that today too! I didn't have a $4 coupon, but I did have a $2 one, so I got a good deal too...not as good as yours though!
  3. I got the test tube alien things for $2.48 each and Minuchies (?) for 4.98 and Giga Pets for 4.98 nothing outstanding though
  4. last night I got: Cranium Pop5 $6** Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture $8** WWE DVD game marked $12, rang up $6** My Scene Roller Girls 'fashion doll' $2** Junior 20Q $3** Barbie Magic of the Rainbow fairies $2**
  5. you can type the DCPI numbers into certain aisle scanners within the stores. They don't have those at our local Target, I can only scan items...however, if your store has the scanner with the typing ability, you can type the numbers in and see if the item is in stock
  6. the prices REALLY vary...the sale I went to a few months back was in price catagories...$5, $3 and $1 however, I think that changes with each sale they do as well I got some books that were in the flyers for $8 for only $1 but I paid $5 for a couple of books that were probably that price when they were in the flyers... it's a good opportunity to 'see before you buy' at Scholastic prices and sometimes there are books you didn't order and wished you would have, etc And even though it seems teachers send TONS of those flyers home, you have NO idea just how many are available...since I'm homeschooling and signed up for the book clubs, I get about 10 clubs a month from them!!! So there are books they carry that you've never seen cause your teacher doesn't subscribe to ALL the club lists
  7. I got the reader and books also (8** and 3**), also a boys blazer for $4!! No more Easter stuff here either
  8. thank you to all who pm'd me...I'm sending responses as I can lol what a GREAT group of Gotta Dealers!!!! you guys all rock!!!!\
  9. awww you're sweet....it's not the one you saw cause I tried to appease him with that one...it's an actual brown plush dog with a big 'hole' in it's back for the basket and a handle...he's fuzzy, like a stuffed animal...I really should have bought it when I first saw it, but I didn't have the money on me, and there weren't any that my other kids wanted and....ugh.....no excuses, I screwed up lolol
  10. One Spot easter stuff at 75% today here rest of Easter stuff also at 75% but pretty picked over...the ONE thing I went there for today I missed out on My little boy really REALLY wanted the dog shaped easter basket and I just couldn't get it before Easter and I just got my car back last night so we went up there today...they had plenty of the monkeys, shreks, even a few elmo baskets and a purple ball basket with a dog on the side, but no dog shaped baskets He cried and I felt awful (and believe me, I checked EVERYWHERE and even in people's carts and if someone had one I would have tried to make them an offer...nada)
  11. just got back and ours was at 75%...not much left though
  12. Port Huron, Michigan here no luck today....no light bulbs, no great toy discounts, same clothes at same prices...some Easter stuff, but I didn't get there until 2pm, so most of it was gone already
  13. nothing at ours today I guess the next great finds won't be until Easter stuff is clearanced...here at least
  14. I've been going through withdrawls cause my car has been in the shop and it's been almost 10 days since I've been to Target! So I went today... NOTHING!!!!! UGH
  15. still going on here in Michigan too...TONS of jeans!! None in MY kids sizes of course, but some people will be thrilled lol
  16. at least I wasn't the ONLY one bargaingal...sorry you didn't get it either I wanted to leave from Detroit and go to Las Vegas...not leaving the US, and both cities on the list and not sold out oh well...maybe they sold out and it didn't update...
  17. my quilted northern deal was red stickered
  18. I could deal with $100, but I'm getting totals around $600
  19. frustraiting no matter what I do, even though the $.01 sale is advertised for the flights I want, I can't seem to get it
  20. I don't get it...I'm within the timeframe for the offer, and I'm picking dates and places that are listed and are NOT listed as sold out, but I'm getting full price confirmation...
  21. 24 regular roll packs of Quilted Northern toilet paper for 2.98!!!! I also saw the RoboRaptor for 49.99 if there are some of you still wanting one.... that's about it though...really looked through the clearance haircare products, but none that our store had on clearance went with ANY of the coupons I had (so I used those at Kroger lol)
  22. went to Target last night...boy did we miss out I've been watching the heated blankets for weeks now and they went from 30% Friday afternoon when I was there to 75% off Saturday and were all out I hate when that happens all the quilts, shams and curtains were just about all gone too...I KNEW I should have gone in the morning...oh well
  23. those heated blankets are something I've been watching for weeks now...ours are still at 30% as of yesterday...maybe I'll run back in today....
  24. I think I saw one over by the 30% off heaters and fireplace accessories...I'm not in the market for a grill, but I did look at the box...only one at our store
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