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Everything posted by theboyzmom

  1. Confused...doesn't anyone Perimeter Peruse any more?
  2. HELP!!!! My son originally wanted an Xbox One, so that's what I got him...he just updated his FB about the PS4 exclusive rights to Street Fighter (one of his favorite games). Are there any deals? Is it too new to have deals? Help a mom out...please...
  3. I consider the Walmart letter like a Christmas card! It's an annual tradition that marks the season...kind of sad we haven't seen it yet only for that reason.
  4. DITTO!!!
  5. As my list of who I buy for gets smaller, and those who are on my list are at that 'gift card and electronics' stage, I don't know if I'll bother either. I do like to people watch, so I may go out sometime FRIDAY to see what I can see, but I think I will do the bulk of my shopping online this year
  6. Target and Game Stop I think...maybe Walmart Our Kmart is closing Dec 7, so they are out
  7. YES!!!!! Wouldn't be the shopping season without it!
  8. I saw the cardboard display boxes that still had slippers in them, and a PILE of Garth Brooks box sets...really??? WHY do they insist on making this yearly item?? lolol I do envy those of you who are posting that the items were available later in the day/weekend/and now; things go very quickly here
  9. Oh I think this one is my favorite!!!!! LMBO!!!!! Gosh...I can't even imagine! And Santa's response is classic!!!! My 15 year old has asked for a "box of meat" every year since he was 8. I have no idea why he started it, but he puts it on his list every year!!!! Not so unusual, but not as easy to find is my nephew's request: He is decorating his new bedroom in black, grey, and silver and wants an 'old Hollywood' theme. He wants posters and pictures of the Golden Age starlets, but finding them without paying an arm and leg is difficult. I found a pretty cool poster for only $9.99, but it was $10 to ship!! LOL ummm...ya, I'm not paying 100% shipping cost.
  10. I miss the old way of getting up after a nap and going out before dawn. I did not shop on Thanksgiving but I did go out early Friday. I found most of the items gone and it was just as difficult parking, shopping, and walking. In short, for our area at least, the early times seemed to be accepted by the majority and people were STILL out shopping through the next day. I fear that because many stores are saying the early times were lucrative that it only means even earlier times next year. I fully agree with the above poster who stated Friday did not feel special anymore.
  11. Probably because people will pay full price for them after the first big snow
  12. YAY! Mine got here today!!
  13. I hate the new times. Really, I hate them. BF shopping used to be like you were part of a secret club! Even though there were a limited number of items, there was some sort of camaraderie among shoppers. People were tired, but they smiled. Stores were busy, but they celebrated shoppers with giveaways, small treats, etc. Now everyone and anyone is out and about. People who have been up since before dawn to cook and prepare for dinner, haven't slept and are now trying to shop, babies and toddlers, roaming packs of teens with nothing to do, etc. Not that everyone doesn't have the right to be there, but when the BF times were around 5am, only those 'die-hards' were out and the traffic (both road and pedestrian) were a lot less. I agree with an above poster who said they did not see many smiles last year. I also like the idea of "taking back BF". I will NOT shop on Thanksgiving, but maybe I WILL set my alarm and head out around 4 or 5am. Of course I may not see everything I hope to, but it will be a good experiment and maybe, just maybe if enough people do it, the time stamps on the sales reports will show that people prefer it that way.
  14. Yay! Thanks for the update! I was hoping it would come soon
  15. I doubt this year...but with the earlier and earlier trend it would only make sense if the holiday shopping starts earlier and earlier, the ads will eventually have to come earlier too
  16. I think the poster who mentioned TRU's backlash was referring to their FB page....a LOT of people posted on there how disappointed they are and many indicated a boycott...
  17. YAY! That makes it official, folks!
  18. My tradition USED to be: After hosting Thanksgiving dinner, guests are gone, and clean up is done I would sit down to pool over the ads and talk to my sister-in-law on the phone. Of course I already knew where the best deals were and where I wanted to start thanks to GottaDeal, but it was part of the tradition. Then we would go to bed for a couple of hours, get up, I would pack the ads (stapled so pages didn't get lost) with my 'wish list' for each store attached to each one, pack chocolate and Diet Cherry Pepsi, then my sil would pick me up (her car had the bigger trunk) and we would go to our first store (typically Walmart). We would split up and grab all the door busters we could; a minimum of 2 of each kind, then meet up in a spot in the store to decide what items we wanted. We would often invite a few friends, but nobody could keep up with us and we would go and go and go all day long. Usually lunch was in the mall food court (Chinese food!).
  19. YAYYYYY!!!!!! Thanks Brad!!!
  20. Orangedaisy, First I want to say thank you and that I DO appreciate you working on the holidays. As the mom of a child who has spent Thanksgiving AND Christmas in the hospital, I truly respect and appreciate the doctors and nurses who worked those shifts. I feel the same about those who are committed to our safety (fire, police, etc.). The rest is not all addressed to you personally, the following are my personal views on the whole topic: With that being said, those are ESSENTIAL services! We are talking about shopping; a total non-essential activity. Many of those retail employees are not able to find other employment (I have friends who were 'downsized' from their careers and have been unemployed for years). I worked at one of the big retailers a few years ago; we signed a contract that stated we would be available for any and all shifts assigned to us beginning with Black Friday. If you did not show up for your shift, you were fired. If you asked for it off, you were most likely fired (depends on what manager you asked, some would not fire you, but would then schedule you for 12 hours on the day you wanted off). I am truly saddened for our society that does not treasure family time like they used to. I am glad that many of you have flexible schedules and family members that will allow you to go out if you like (I still don't like that others have to work it though). However, some families are not as flexible. I will also add that I went out last year; not at the start, I headed out after midnight...just to see...I was shocked at how many exhausted people were out! I mean screaming babies, people who had obviously been up for hours...many of whom had obviously been drinking...and not to mention the herds of teenagers with no respect for little old ladies... This will be the first year that I attempt to do online shopping because I truly am NOT going out on Thanksgiving.
  21. Earlier each year Tradition of eat then shop Choices to be made
  22. I can't wait for the Thanksgiving pie avatars!!!! Those are my favs
  23. Anyone else think we should change this contest or have an additional one predicting when the Walmart letter will come??? hehe I predict Harbor Freight will be first and I'm going to go with my birthday, 10/25
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