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Everything posted by theboyzmom

  1. I had just the opposite...I walked the entire store TWICE looking for additional cards and they had none
  2. just got back from Target Sonic Blade electric knife 14.98 HyperScan video game system with game 6.48 (I know this system is basically a piece of junk, but my boys have wanted it since Christmas and I figure that you can't even RENT a game for $6, so they'll get it for Easter) was able to use 5 chocolate and 5 chip coupons (however they ONLY have the 'hot' chocolate bars and pretzel...boy are we stocked on the pretzel bars)
  3. thanks for the info! A friend of ours has the Red Octane one and it's been fine, but I'll be sure to check it all out before they spend their money (of course, they haven't saved enough to buy one yet, but when they have...) thanks again!
  4. it is WELL worth the full price, but my son did buy his first guitar and hero game at Game Stop for a little less that regular price totally agree, purchase the second guitar! my boys are saving to buy the wireless guitars now
  5. All the GB was gone at my store too Shabby Chic still 30% (and a bunch of it still regular price too) I did finally get the LouLou and Sesame book kits for $5
  6. GB 75% here too, but just about all gone Valentines gone salvaged Shabby Chic is STILL 30% heated blankets STILL 30% UGH Lulu book kit STILL 9.97 nothing good today
  7. 90% here today too...VERY slim pickings though Global Bazaar was really picked over too (guess advertising it at 50% helped THEM)
  8. still 30% today in Port Huron Michigan
  9. our store still had tons of clearance, but no bargin prices
  10. not much at mine today either the ONE thing I wanted from Global Bazaar was gone already sigh oh well, guess I saved money today :)
  11. Shabby Chic is still 30% at ours I found several wine cooler thingies, but each one I scanned was VERY expensive, so I'm thinking that IF our store got any, they've been long gone, but just in case, can someone give me a brief description of what it actually looks like? last night I got a pair of roller blades for 4.98! those princess beds that roll up to a chair were marked down to 8.98, but rang up at 6.98!
  12. in our newspaper today was the notice about the BIG sale tomorrow...stores open at 11am, rock bottom clearance prices (75% off clearance price)
  13. yup, ours is all gone too wonder if it all went salvage already??? the fooseball tables, tents, backpacks, all gone (of course the hippo tents were still there, but still 17.49 and the loulou book kits still 9.98 too) guess that means better things to come Thursday....right????? lol ours had a ton of fireplace 'stuff' on clearance too...we don't have a fireplace, so I didn't look real close, but screens, log holders, etc oh ya, plug in heaters all on clearance too (although the prices weren't great yet, same with teh blankets, still waiting for further reduction)
  14. Wow, all the backpacks and fooseball tables were gone today (an entire aisle FULL yesterday)! In the boys section, they did have tan dress pants at $3.40 and those thermal pj sets in the bags for $1.97 (Michigan) If it wasn't for this site, there's no way I would have bothered scanning the Eddie Bauer screen room that has been sitting on various clearance endcaps for weeks with a tag of 44.99....after reading here I found it, scanned it and it was 24**!!! The elephant kid tents were all gone, the hippos were still there and still 17.49...guess I'll keep checking on those and the book kits (LouLou??)were still at 9.98, but they only had one of the regular and 3 of the Sesame St ones, so I'm glad I grabbed the ones I wanted the other day lots of shelves, etc still clearanced...I'm not in the need, so I didn't get specifics...I also saw a bunch of microwaves and toaster ovens in the clearance area heated blankets marked down, but only to 24.99-42.99...not my price range yet
  15. it's still in the trunk right now (that thing is HEAVY! lol), so I'm not sure of the shape, but it's just the screen room, not a sleeping tent hope that helps!
  16. Oh I know that :) It's just a bummer is all I find the Target Perimeter Perusing to be like a game...some days you win, some days you don't...I find it really quite fun and honestly don't get mad when I can't find the same deals...I may post that I couldn't find it, but it doesn't bother me...like I said, it's a fun game :)
  17. YAYYYY I scored the Eddie Bauer screen tent room thingie...marked at clearance for 44.98, but rang up at 24.98 (org 110.00) I'm happy....I also got a 4 sliced toaster org 39.99, marked down to 19.99, got this one for 9.09 cause it was last one and out of the box...it's nice!
  18. I got that little elephant tent for 6.98, right next to it on the clearance shelves were two hippo tents (no sharks anywhere) marked at 17.98...ugh, yup, it scanned at the higher price, I even tried to get someone to mark it down...no luck hopefully it'll go lower soon too...I've never understood when all the colors but one of a shirt go clearance, or like this, all the tent styles but this one, etc oh well those books that the kids fill out and get 'published' were still at 9.98 and they only had 2 left, so I grabbed them...I guess even at 9.98 it's a good deal, but was really hoping for lower no luck on the color wonder sets either, stuck at 9.** oh well, guess they can't all be stellar weeks, can they?
  19. just got back from mine....NADA and the 1/2 off clearance is over too...
  20. this is probably the one I got (it's got fooseball, basketball, billiards, etc) I bought it for my 9 and 11 yo's. I was planning on putting it together and just giving it to them cause it was such a great deal (I actually got it for a lot less), but now I'm thinking of saving it for Christmas cause it's so big I'd say if you have the room for it, it's a good deal...it sure is heavy enough! Maybe someone who has bought it AND put it together can give you a better opinion, but you can't beat a multi-game table that was over $100 for 20-something
  21. lol I was planning on going today too...however, I was there a few days ago and they didn't have any coats left crossing my fingers...
  22. stopped at my Target last night... those 'make your own story books' mentioned earlier were still scanning at 9.99 no vaccuums no good clothing clearance NO baby clearance I did get a mens leather wallet for 3.48 (down from 14.99) backpacks were still around 10.00 and I specifically went to find an electric blanket too but they were ALL full price not even on sale muchless marked down
  23. no Costco near us either, but I've heard it's good...Sam's is the ONLY choice here
  24. AWESOME price on the armoir! some of you have gotten some really good deals lately...this one and the wine cooler are still at the tops!
  25. I drove 1 1/2 hour to get to the sale near me...it wasn't GREAT, but not a waste of time either...I was told that the December sale was much better I did buy some items, but honestly, only because I was there...nothing I couldn't live without and same thing with the people at ours...it was a weird layout of aisles and NOBODY would let you see anything...it was hard to tell if people were in line to pay, or have things boxed up to go to the next section
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