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Everything posted by Scott

  1. With the cost of the 939 chips coming down, it would not be too smart to buy a socket 754 board unless you already had the rest of the components. There are two major reasons I would go with 939 over 754 Socket 939 chipsets support dual channel memory, whereas socket 754 boards are only single channel. A small performance boost, but a boot none the less.AMDs new dual core CPUs will be released in the 939 format. That would be my future CPU.For now, I already have a socket 939 Winchester 3200+ that is running great overclocked to 2.2 GHz. I will need to have a semi-portable computer soon, so I'm thinking my Dell 2001fp and an Aria would fit the bill nicely.
  2. Can I still brag about my $750 off 700m ? :)
  3. This is a fun case. I enjoy mine for "fun" builds. I'm holding out for a good socket 939 mATX board so that I can replace my main system with it.
  4. I always have to chuckle about this. My wife will grab a coupon at the commisary for $0.20 off when you buy 3 or something like that. Even though we only need one of them. :) The commisary makes it easy though... they post coupons right next to the products.
  5. Yes, if you set it up correctly. DSP headsets have their own built in USB sound card.
  6. That is the best deal I found so far too. Maybe someone else will have better luck.
  7. Test File Attachment Yeah... not a big fan of the way the file attachment works, but it works.
  8. Did I hear someone say my name? hehe... It is good to know that people recognize me. First, the best place to check out some 3rd part firmwares is over at http://www.linksysinfo.org . They have links to many of the latestest firmwares as well as a helpful forum. The differences between the G and the GS models have already been pointed out. The GS does offer more ram and the ability to use SpeedBooster. SpeedBoost will only work if you have a compatible NIC on the receiving end. The extra ram in the GS "may" allow it to be upgraded further in the future. I currently have mine hacked with the HyperWRT and I love the signal booster.
  9. too bad this doesn't apply to APO addresses.
  10. I also just noticed... If you don't need 512MB, you can get the 256MB version for only $7.99 Shipped AR!! Link
  11. It is for the wife's digicam. She doesn't want to ever have to put another card in... :)
  12. Too bad I'm looking for 1 GB. This is tempting though
  13. resistance if futile... :)
  14. I was looking for memory today and found this. It is a great deal if you don't plan on doing any overclocking... or maybe even if you are. Reports are that this memory is rock solid so far. Kingmax SuperRAM Series Dual Channel Kit 184-Pin 1GB(512MBx2) DDR PC-3200 I plan on taking advantage of this tonight. Rebate ends today.
  15. I don't think you would need to "buy" anything. don't quote me on this but the software that you can get from Hauppauge should work fine with this card. However, I'm not sure if the WinTV2000 application supports recording directly to MPEG2. Maybe someone else can help with that. I use an older WinTV card, so I will check the options in the WinTV2000 app tonight and post back here.
  16. the man huh... :) I have a WinTV card, but it is an older one. It works great for viewing TV and such. I agree that if the main function of the card is to record, you are better off going with hardware compression model. The WinTV MCE 150 that was listed here recently is a good place to start. If that is not an option, any of the software based cards will give you about the same results. I like the Hauppauge cards (WinTV). They use the DScalar code in their TV viewers which gives an excellent picture. In addition, they update their software often, and support legacy hardware quite well. For instance, I bought my basic Hauppauge WinTV PCI card in 1998. It has been in every system that I have built since. The last drivers were released in December 2004, and the WinTV application was just updated. Not too shabby for a 7 year old piece of hardware! Other than my floppy drive in my server, it is the oldest piece of hardware that is currently running in any of my systems. That being said... given the history of the Haupauge support, I would go with the WinTV-Go card if you absolutely have to stay at that price point. I just checked their site, and it looks like they now support DivX recording right out of the box. Not bad.
  17. That card should work fine Also consider an ATI 9550 card for around the same price.
  18. Good find Brad. :)
  19. AGP > PCI So if you have an AGP slot, that is definately what you want to use. EDIT I would suggest something based on the ATI 9550 chipset. It is a decent card for the money. ASUS ATI 9550 AGP at Newegg $67.00 (including shipping) Check around, you may be able to find another card based on that same chipset for less. ZipZoomFly is also a good source.
  20. Newegg has the NEC ND-3520A on sale again. This time for $53.99 with free shipping. Sale ends 28-Mar-05. I may have to bite the bullet this time... NEC ND-3520A at NewEgg
  21. I would be all over the outlet if they would ship to me.
  22. hey linh, I found my old Thumb drive that I thought I had lost and it has since been replaced with a bigger one. It is a heavily used SanDisk Cruiser (256MB). I'm willing to make a good deal on it for a fellow GottaDealer. YHPM
  23. hehe... no, that isn't me. I had a HTPC that I used for a while, but it was ghetto... I assimilated it in to other systems on my network. I'm looking for a simple stand alone unit for now. I will get a nice HTPC or Tivo/Replay-TV when I get back to the states. We will have to see.
  24. Thanks for the advice guys... I will check that one out...
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