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Everything posted by Scott

  1. Maybe RossMAN should check out one of these... 512MB MuVo TX (With Display and FM Tuner) My wife has a 256MB version and just loves it.
  2. That seems to work for a lot of things. You would be surprised at the stuff a CC company will offer you when you go to close an account too.
  3. I really wish these had some kind of display.
  4. I'm thinking Gigabit Switch or maybe a good NAS. Too bad they will only ship these products to the U.S.
  5. DVDShrink + Nero = daBomb
  6. Panaflow L1A 80mm Fans The panaflow fan has long been recognized as the "quiet" cooling solution.
  7. So you have your rear case fans blowing "in" to the case? That particular case would have to be modded to take a 120mm fan. The best solution would be... (looking from the left side of case) ----------------------------- <-- PSU FAN <-- CASE FAN <-- CASE FAN Panel Fan Blowing in _______________<--CASE FAN _______________<--CASE FAN ----------------------------- Cool air comes in the bottom and out the top. Now that is a lot of fans, but if you go with some low speen panaflow fans, it should be fairly quiet. You could also go with an inexpensive fan controller and only turn the fans up when needed. If you set it up properly, you shouldn't need an external fan to help you cool.
  8. Which case is it? Placing a normal fan behind the case probably won't do much. Actually, it may interfere with your normal airflow through the case.
  9. It is tough right now to find a really good deal on these. I suggest sticking with the single layer DVDs until prices come down a bit. Is there a reason you need the dual layer? Or are you just shopping?
  10. I believe the hardware is different from the current models. However, it does uses a linux based firmware as in previous models. I think the source is posted on the Linksys site, so it is only a matter of time before the "enhanced" firmwares start to show up.
  11. Glad I could help... It makes me feel all warm inside. :)
  12. Here is another idea... Already have a headset that you love and don't want to replace it? Make it a DSP headset with this hehe... I should work for geeks.com. This is the second time I have found something on their site that would be a bargain for users here. Don't forget the coupon.
  13. I actually found this one which is inexpensive and is both a normal headset AND has a USB DSP. I may buy one of these for my wife. Plantronics Audio 45 on sale for $29.99
  14. I know they are more expensive, but I prefer to use the Plantronics "DSP" models. These are USB, so they have their own built in sound processor. That way, it completely separates your chat sounds from your normal computer sounds. Although I haven't gotten on the GottaDeal chatting bandwagon just yet, I have a DSP-100 and simply love it. I got tired of chatting with someone and them knowing every time I got an IM. :) I chose the DSP-100, because it only covers a single ear, so it is more like having a phone to your head. Another option which I used for a while (before I got the DSP) was to get a second cheap PCI sound card for your headset. That basically serves the same purpose, but it is a little more difficult to configure.
  15. I prefer to "roll my own." 300' + cable ends + crimper tool $17.90 Don't forget to use the GOTTADEAL coupon to save even more.
  16. I love the breadcrumbs at the bottom. However, I keep finding myself quickly using the scroll wheel on my mouse after reading a thread to get back to the top. Force of habit... I have to break that one.
  17. Nice I like it... I've always wanted that too, but I've gotten so used to just scrolling back to the top of the page, I forgot that I wanted it! :) What a great thread.
  18. How about instead of signing up for the daily deals... You could sign up to watch for "A" deal. Say I'm looking for a Dell LCD monitor (which I am) Instead of being mailed daily deals and checking them each day, I could be notified when a deal that included my key words was posted. That would ROCK
  19. YES I love it.... now I have to figure out what I'm going to buy.... :)
  20. If I think of more, I will post them.
  21. - A nice easy format to find affiliate links. The easy it is to shop at your affiliates, the more money you make. - I like the idea for the ability to customize the view of deals. You guys are doing a great job. I find myself coming here more and more. Even if it is just to see what Ross is up to for the day. :)
  22. Sorry Ross... :)
  23. Quick search most of the time.
  24. I see now... It isn't exactly easy to see that the logo is the affiliate link. I would rather see text that says... "Click here to shop at ThinkGeek" or something to that effect.
  25. Hey Ross and Brad... I know that you guys have ThinkGeek deals posted, but are you an affiliate? Am I missing something? Do you have a list of affiliate links someplace? I'm probably going to buy some stuff from them, and I wanted you to get credit. It looks like a simple process to become an affiliate...
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