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Everything posted by Scott

  1. I'm looking for a good deal on the latest Nero Ultra Edition. If anybody comes across somehting, let me know. Thanks
  2. Don't worry... I'm sure we will have plenty of time to form our strategies...
  3. Where is the 1600x1200 res for all of those people that jumped on a Dell 2001fp? :)
  4. I ordered the black one last night. The 700m is officially on it's way from my mother. I'm bordering on giddy... :)
  5. The will ship to APO boxes However, they seem to be out of the black version currently.
  6. 17.75" wide 18.5" high (Lowest Setting) 24.0" high (highest Setting) ~9" deep Hope that helps.
  7. My 700m shipped yesterday... It only took them a couple of days to get it out. Estimated shipping date was the 27th. I'm so excited... too bad I have to do the mail Jockey thing... First it ships to my home of record... then the parents ship it here. Hopefully they don't try to keep it. :)
  8. Thanks for the info Brad. This looks exactly like what I'm looking for. Now just to find out if they will ship to an APO box.
  9. Hey all... I'm looking for a good laptop case (sleeve) that will fit my 700m when it arrives. Anyone have any experience with this? TIA
  10. I will make a measurement of mine tonight. With the hot deals that have been going around on that monitor, it may be worth it to knock down a wall or something for more room. :)
  11. Neither could I, but I got one anyway. :)
  12. I got an extra 8 cell to bump the price up to the needed amount.
  13. I missed it already... Coupon expired... Man... I want a 700m! edit: NM... I keep forgetting that I'm A few hours ahead of Dell Time. :) Question for those who have gotten the 700m.. How is the battery life with the 4 cell battery? Should I just upgrade to the 8 cell from the start?
  14. Check and recheck maps and blueprints. Review strategy and blocking plans. Try to bribe the CSR trying to keep everyone in line.
  15. A word of BF advice.... If you happen to decide to go with your mother because you are visiting for Thanksgiving, and she offers to hit Wal-Mart and grab what you want for you while you wait in line at BestBuy... Never EVER think that she will be able to pull it off. "All the digital cameras looked the same to me." "But Mom, I gave you a copy of the ad with the one I wanted circled." "But I got a great deal on this VCR." "VCR? What the heck does anyone need a VCR for anymore? They had a DVD player for the same price! Why didn't you get that?" ... but I digress...
  16. I ordered one, but I knew they wouldn't go through. I diddn't get all bent out of shape about it though. Somepeople were really upset about that. It was kind of entertaining to sit back and watch.
  17. How does this compare to the new Harmony (now Logitech) remotes such as the 688 ? I've seen both good and bad reviews of the Harmony remotes. Any experience? edit: (other than the obvious extreme price difference)
  18. You must prioritize! Computer addiction comes first. :) I miss black friday. No sales like that over here in Germany. The Military BX black friday sale isn't all that great. I think that my wife and I will be going skiing in the Alps this Thanksgiving instead. :)
  19. Reccomended by RossMan of course.
  20. What memories... ValueAmerica... man. That was a good christmas. My wife and I each had an account and got so much stuff for 1/2 price that year. Am I the only WMC here? :)
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