swilshire Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Camped out at BB at 10am Thursday morning....number 20 in line.....fought off numerous line jumpers late into the evening....management came out at 3am with vouchers....none of the "secret online items" were ticketed!!!.....at 4:15 am management let only those with vouchers inside the store....was able to shop in peace until registers opened at 5am....Was able to snag: 2 desktops2 229.00 Toshiba laptops3 digital picture frames1 Kodak and dig. pic frame bundle1 Sanclip MP3 player1 Hanna Montana DVD game1 H.S. Muscial II CD assorted other small goodies.......loved getting in store early but not sure if all stores did this...............what an experience thoI thought the laptops were limit 1. Did you have someone else with you? Sheila
dealluvr Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 i got madden 08 at gogamer for $32 and change i got the black friday price wednesday night!
JeffDowney Posted November 23, 2007 Author Posted November 23, 2007 What Circuit City did you go to this morning? I live in Indy and they are all closed today.I bought everything online from Circuit City. Free Shipping too! We ventured out this morning, but a t a much more relaxed pace. Actually, NOT having to fight the lines for needed things made the day really enjoyable. Plus, we picked up a couple of great deals at JC Penney's. Fantastic BF all around. -Jeff
swilshire Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Was it me or did it seem like not as many people were out shopping this year?I saw lots of people, but they didn't seem to be buying as much. I have, in years past, filled up the van and gone home to unload before going out to buy more. This year, my purchases didn't half fill up the back of my Subaru. Sheila
oneannm Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Yes, TRU was a nightmare here in Wyomissing, PA. Not a parking spot to be found in the entire strip mall parking lot (which is huge). Line wrapped around the side of the building so far you couldn't see the end. When 5am came and the doors opened, people arriving right at 5am didn't realize what the line was for and just started walking towards the door. The police showed up just in time! Once inside, I didn't see any fights or people grabbing items from each other, but carts were hard to find.Hey Neighbor... I was going to head over to TRU in Wyomissing, but have heard horror stories from years before. I was at the InkStop in Sinking Spring, #3 in line and got everything I wanted...Happy Shopping....
sgklee Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Got in line at BB at 3:30pm Thanksgiving. Was #'s 7 and 8! Stayed under lots of blankets! BB was Great! PortaPotties set up, rope set up! The store manager came by asking if everyone was doing alright about 11:30pm! 3:30am. tickets handed out. Got everything I wanted! Got 2 of the 42in Panasonic Tv's, one for me and one for my Dad. Got the Toshiba laptop for my wife. Got 700 blank DVD-R's. Got 2 LCD picture frames. 5 Nintendo DS games. Philips upconvert DVD player. Panasonic cordless phone set. Sold all but 4 of the remaining tickets for $330.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got home by 7:30am, slept for 2 hours:tired: then went to work! "Luckily" my work takes me inside Walmart so I was able to get Moon sand, Dumptruck,Barbie Bug,Pajama sets, Upconvert Dvd players, Rescue Epets, BlackandDecker palm sander on clearance for 60% off, talking Lightning McQueen Car, and a 20in. Mongoose bike on clearance for $40.00!!!!! Christmas Is Done! One Heckuva night and day!!! Can't wait till next year!!
fairydustcrissy Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 I went from Turkey lunch to Best Buy, where my friend was waiting for me. We were numbers 9 & 10 in line. OMG it was soooo cold & windy! But we survived! Got 2 desktops, a $230 laptop, 2 TomToms, the Sony DSC-S700, 2 DVD-R 100 packs, a few cheap DVDs and DS games. Everyone was friendly for the most part, of course there are a few who try & start trouble, but @ 3am the cops showed up & tickets were passed out. I was out of there within an hour, and I was impressed! It was so smooth in the store, where as usually I end up walking out. 15 1/2 hours spent outside, and in the end it was sooo worth it! But the real story of the night....The woman who was 1st in line had gotten there around noon. She had 6 friends/relatives with her. She was Brazilian, and the Spanish version of CNN showed up & interviewed her, etc. Well, all of her friends got tickets for laptops, which were limit 1 per person. OK, great. BUT....at the register the 1 woman tried to pay for it all, and they refused to let her have ANY!!!! So after she spent 16 hrs waiting, they didnt let her get anything! She was buying to send back to Brazil to family, so I kinda felt bad for her. But at the same time, why send everyone home so close to the end??? There was no one else with her at checkout, so she couldnt split the orders up. Personally, if I had all that time invested, I would have made damn sure to see it out...I hate that she lost everything in the last 30 mins But I also understand why, and know it was her fault. Still, I couldnt help but feel bad for her. Anyways... Then on to Target for Pokemon sets & Thomas...only to find out its the smaller Thomas set & wont work on my sons track...so a return tommorrow! LOL. Then I had to hit 2 diff TRU to get 2 of the DS Lunchbox kits. Back to another Target for Funkeys after seeing the TRU price...ouch. All in all, great fun & good deals...but MAN AM I TIRED! I havent slept in 2 days! lol. And i am getting up tommorrow to do it again! Altho I only have to hit 3 stores tommorrow.
TnDimples Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but got to TRU this morning at 3:40, and there were people who had camped out and stuff, which we usually dont see at TRU here.......Anyway, we got in line, waited until 5am, and when the they opened, somebody (must have been an employee) opened the exit doors and two men went in and bought every Zune they had to resell on Ebay. This must have been a set up, because I have been going out on BF for 10 years and those doors always stay closed. Nobody stopped them from going in.....my mom spoke with the manager later and he said he was in the office and did not realize what happened until it was too late. As if that was not bad enough, they did not even receive the Transformers Optimus Prime that was on their ad, and there were people buying the $9.99 mp3 players by the entire display rack....AND, one lady every took one right out of another lady's hand!!! The employees were hateful, and all but one manager was very hateful. They will not ever get any more of my money for sure! People were pushing and yelling and cursing....it was the worst I have seen in 10 years of doing this.GEEZ where do you live? There was about 300 in line at kohls, around 150 at Belks. and I'd say a 200 at Target. I seemed to show up at each store as the doors were opening and was last in line LOL. No one here pushes or shoves or takes things out of others hands, here we all walked in in a orderly manner.. everyone tries to help each other actually. I live in Tennessee. maybe you should shop in Johnson city, Tennessee next year.
Imacarolinagirl Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 didn't get up on purpose as there wasn't anything we wanted all that badly.. Hit the walmart at 6 and while the parking lot was full and tons of people inside there were no lines for checkout-cashiers standing around just waiting for you to walk up--this wasn't a super center. They had the 42 inch hd's just sitting there-about 6 left-not true hd so maybe that had something to do with it.. all I bought this morning was the Kodak zd 7.1 for $149--that was already online on Tuesday and they wouldn't sell to me then.. and the 2gb card.. have one already but for $15 why not.. hadn't thought of the zune until late yesterday--glad I didn't even try for that.. online shopping here I come
elkkthunder Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 I wanted the TomTom LE at Bestbuy. Did not want to wait for the doorbusters coupon. Of course they had this model in a clam shell on the floor in a cardboard display before BF. So Wednesday afternoon I went and hid the TomTom LE and 2 DVDs I wanted that would be on sale in another aisle bottom shelf behind some regular cordless phones. Showed up to BB at 4:30AM, was about 200+ in line. Had the ticket scalpers selling the Door buster coupons. Walked in 5:10, went to my spot and grabbed them all. Walked to the checkout and out the door with no mess or fuss. Smooth and no hassle!!
AZwildcatsR1 Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Staples was amazing this year! Got in line at 9:30pm (I was 4th). They opened the doors at 6, but only let about 10 people in at a time. Got every single thing on my list without having to fight a soul, went right up to the register to pay, and was back at home in bed by 6:45!:) My items: $350 Laptop and HP printer combo$125 TomTom$50 Digital photo frame$18 4 GB flash drive$48 PNY 2 GB DDR2 memory$20 20-mile walkie-talkies$18 Targus notebook chill pad, cordless mouse, and photo plus 4x6 paper GRAND SAVINGS = $770 (Plus a free $20 gift card to Staples).
TnDimples Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Kohls-- 2 digital picture frames portable dvd player bracelet belks- Nothing just my free $10 gift card :) Sears- 3 in 1 softie throws Target- 1000 thread sheets wal mart- NOT A THING! Wal Mart here was DEAD
Spotted1 Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Walmart:Megabloks - $103pc hat/glove/scarf set - $5Barbie car - $10crock pot - $3.983 My Little Ponies - $2.99 ea. (price matched KB Toys ad)Candyland - $1.99 (price matched KB Toys ad) EB Games:Onimusha Warlords for PS2 - $3.99 Kmart:2 packs of Trim A Home wrapping paper - $6.99 (b1g1f)2 23oz candles - $7.99 (b1g1f) The one thing I really needed though was the Ponyville Teapot palace for $19.99 ... It was sold out everywhere, though So I missed out on that one.
ryka Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 I didn't go out this morning but did just come back from target. All I wanted was the Black and Decker family size electric griddle for 19.00 and I got that. I also had all my friends looking for a wii for me and my friend just got one from gamestop. I am so happy.
emptynest-2 Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Best Buy 2 - Toshiba Laptop bundles 1 - Sony Viao Bundle 1 - Sony Viao 1 - Western Digital Portable harddrive 160 Gb 3 - Sandish 2 Gb Pro Duo memory sticks 4 - Rocketfish Bluetooth keyboards 2 - PNY 1 Gb PC-5300 Ram 2 - PNY 4Gb Flash drives Too much more to list. ! ! !
rachealb Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Got up at 4, at Sports Authority by 5:20. Hubby went with first time ever! We both got in line at Sports Authority, within first 100, I got $10 free voucher- he got $25! Got Airsoft guns for my son, 30% off- one set was 64.99 on sale, plus the 30% off, plus the $25 off, so super deal! I got an 18.97 clearance + 30% off gun, plus some of the pellets, used my $10 off, total about 7.99! We then went to Target- line around the back of the store! So we went into CC and browsed, crazy in there, nothing we wanted anyway. Back to Target, they had opened so line gone. Got the Armorall gift set $19.00, a couple of small crockpots for $4.50, and the blow up air bed with pump for about $20.00. Got 300 on DVD for 5 something and Goonies for 3 something. Off to Michael's got my son all kinds of cool art stuff, 25% off entire purchase coupon, but coupons not working- had to ring it with each item- in line longer there than at Target! Went a couple other places too- braved TRU for niece and nephew later- not fun! Came home and ate more turkey! Now I am working....
Iliveforblckfri Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 I got very little and even knowing the problems with the sales, I was still very disappointed.
andybrooke Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Slept in, left house at 6:45 Meijer at 7 - place was a ghost town - got buy 1 get 2 free flannel pillows. $10 - couldnt find the $3.50 craft sets Target - checkout lanes to the back of the store - left with nothing Walmart - Transformers 2 pack sold out. Got a pack of 5.00 hotwheels cars and Moonsand $10 - couldnt find the $5 pj's. (walmart was as busy as normal, not BF busy) Different Target- Barely anyone in this store - got the $10 pokemon set - $30 Roboraptor - disappointed the dinoco 400 out of stock Game Stop - buy 2 get 1 free games $36 Different Walmart - 2 $10.00 transformer packs - $40.00 optimus prime (not on sale) $10.00 OSU hooded sweatshirt. Didnt have the $5.00 pj's in the correct size. Different Meijer - $3.50 craft set, gross stocking stuffer ball clerance $0.19, Sally (from cars the movie) $3.00
gr8girls Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Sears: I got a beautiful sterling silver necklace for dd @ 70% off plus the $10 off a $50 purchase Ski Jacket of younger dd reg $90...I paid $36 Cordless drill for dh..I got the last one! Surf's Up dvd for only $8.65 Sterling silver/saphire bracelet for dd...$9.99...major markdown! BESTBUY.Com: 30gb Zune for dd Walmart was totally crappy here too! I didn't even go. I am a happy camper...TY GOTTADEAL!
noaimhere Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Thank you everyone from me too. I did score some amazing deals on clothes and such. Nothing particular but a really pretty ring I like! :) Jeff, I get what you are saying about not having to wait in lines, but I must say the experience is the "gift" for me personally. I had nothing on my list to get for sure. A few "I'd like to have that " but nothing I couldn't pass up on. At most I saved $10 on an item.
Kandy Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 2 am-online shopping TRU Idog & Icat 3 am left house to head to Columbus 358: BB- drove by - wrapped around store dunno how many times. 4am-JCPenny's -Snow Globe 5am-6am line at mall(chance at a wii, shopping spree etc - got bucket of junk x 2 , my & dh) 6:20 Target - Ratatolea, Shrek 3, Electronic Dart Board, Football, Scene It Harry Potter 2 7:40 Petsmart- just looked at the cats and and dog collars and left 8:00 CC- went in picked up 3 items , looked at the line opted not get them, LEFT. 8:30 GameStop- Nintendo DS Lite Zelda bundle x 1, NIntendo Ds Lite Nintendo dogs best friends bundle x 1, mysims ds, Harry potter Order of the Phenoix ds, Lord of the Rings PS2, Final Fantasy iii ds, final fantasy xii ps2 -(all right at $330.00) 9:30 Walgreens- Tide x 2, moon sand x 4, axe x 3 10:00 Petco- looked at the cats, dog toys and left 10:30 TRU- 2 DS lite lunch box kits 11:00 Barnes & Nobles - Looked around- got nothing 11:20- Hobby Town - Dice/ dice bag 11:40- Cracker Barrell 1 pm-home *best deal by far was Game Stop got Harry Potter for the DS FREE & LOR of PS2 FREE HP WAS NEW, LOR was used*
fairydustcrissy Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 I wanted the TomTom LE at Bestbuy. Did not want to wait for the doorbusters coupon. Of course they had this model in a clam shell on the floor in a cardboard display before BF. So Wednesday afternoon I went and hid the TomTom LE and 2 DVDs I wanted that would be on sale in another aisle bottom shelf behind some regular cordless phones. Showed up to BB at 4:30AM, was about 200+ in line. Had the ticket scalpers selling the Door buster coupons. Walked in 5:10, went to my spot and grabbed them all. Walked to the checkout and out the door with no mess or fuss. Smooth and no hassle!!See, I think that kinda sucks. That means someon who waited all night to get a ticket for the TomTom didnt get one. And I'd almost be willing to bet a poor employee caught hell over it too!
parteejen Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 up at 4:00am, in line at Menards at 5:00am. What a madhouse!! By the time the doors opened, the line was backup up clear pass the end of the parking lot (I was within the first 20 people in line...waited an hour in 15 degree weather, lost feeling in my toes). At 5:50 all of us at the front of the line started blockading the doors so the line-jumpers couldn't get in (doubt it worked, but I would have been quite mad if I were one of those people standing 1/4 of a mile away in LINE). I got everything I needed there (employees were VERY helpful...everyone knew where everything was). Left there and went right next door to Home Depot...what a ghosttown!! There was NO parking left at Menards, and front row parking at Home Depot. Got what I needed and left. Went to Target next. They didn't have what I needed, so I hopped over to Wal-Mart (GHOSTTOWN!!), price-matched what I wanted at Target (although they had the toys that I needed on the TOP shelves over AUTOMOTIVE). In and out of there fairly quickly. Overall, a pretty good day!
jessiec33 Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Online before BF: 3 Wii games at TRU (b1g1f) $99 GPS at Circuit City $399 Dell Laptop Didn't go out until 9:00 this morning and got: WM $50 Portable DVD Player WM $50 Wave Rider at Walmart WM $9 Deck the Halls Movie WM $29 1080 DVD Player WM $24 4 Slice Toaster I am happy.... no lines no waiting....life is good!
jadedmomof2 Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Woke up 45 minutes late(was going to wake up at 3:30am) still got to Walmart in plenty of time to wait at the pj's(my assigned station). Got pj's for 5 kids, walked to the front, met up with MIL and the rest of the gang, we traded stuff, and then checked out. Out of there by 5:20am. Wish the rest of my day had gone so easily. Sears was a madhouse, and the 2 things I really wanted from there were sold out, so I then ran to Target. Which was worse, especially since electronics is right near the toys. I was trying to find a few of the play-do sets, never found those, but did get the K'nex bucket. Got a copy of "A Christmas Story" that something left on a register endcap. Ran back to my sister's house, went on the computer and did my Sears shopping(still don't have a confirmation email though) and then picked my son up and went to MIL's to pick my other son up. She ended up telling me to go do my pricematching while she kept my youngest with her. Went back to Walmart at 9am, to pricematch a few things, ended up grabbing a cart that had a shopping bag full of movies. Tried to bring it to customer service, I was told to keep them. Kept six of them, the rest I'm going to give to a DVD's for troops thing. Got my stuff pricematched, although it took forever to get the Kodak camera I wanted out of the case, and the CSM took 20 minutes to get to the till to approve the PM's(House season 1 from Target ad, and the Kodak C613 from the Kmart ad). But, I didn't want to give up on the PM's, because that was $60+ dollars saved. Oh, while walking around Walmart, picked up the $5 hot wheels, and 2 of the 2 gb memory cards that were doorbusters. A lot of the doorbusters were still sitting on pallets. Only thing I didn't get that I really wanted too was the playdo sets from Target. But, I'm heading back there in a bit, and I'm going to see if they have any left.
EliteABombAZ Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Waited in line with my 1 friend, 1 brother and 1 cousin at Best Buy from 3pm till 5am... Got 4 of the $199 Emachine systems (with monitor and printer) Got 4 of the $229 Toshiba Laptops Later FOUND 2 laptop tickets sitting on shelves in the store (people who gave up on the massive lines inside the store???) Sold those tickets to passer byers for $50 each. Used my current laptop to order a variety of stuff for my kids from ToysRUs.com @ their Black Friday prices Yesterday morning I hit Kmart's Thanksgiving Day sale and bought an assortment of toys for my kids I am tired as hell now.
RaineeDay1 Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Thanksgiving went to Meijer at 5:30am. Got Chrsitams lights 10 sets for 99 cents eachat least 2 dollars a set savings Tonka truck for baby 20 dollars(was 40) front end loader 5 dollars was 10 barbie styling head 8 dollars half off.. went to Kmart next what a nightmare. they did not have ANYTHING they should have. Got 2 pillows walmart next.. nothing on sale but got things for dinner cooked cleaned slept and then got up and went to walmart ads in hand PM 3 maglight flashlights 10 dollars each.. LOL.. saved 25 dollars each phones 44 dollars was 80 Knex was 20 I PM for 10 then I got my son 2 pairs of jeans and a hoodie and T shirts daughter got ahoodie mom a can opener came home and ate and then went to rite aid got pot of gold candies 3 dollars a box went to walgreens next and got the video camera 70 dollars and already mailed the MIR for 20 dollars back. back to walmart got an MP3 player PJ for mom plant for neighbor spent 400 dollars LOL.. saved at least 300 ONLY things I did not get were the cheap MP3 players and monopoly electronic banking.. NOBODY has that
jadedmomof2 Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 My Target had a bunch of the Monopoly Electronic banking, as did my Walmart.
4inlovelove Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 I waited for the line of circuitcity at 11:00 pm,and i think i was the 200th or something, but when the time went by, a lot of ppl were cutting line, i really hate ppl doing this,they conspirated to send one person get there early, then other come, and talk with each other,actually they were cutting line, and when the door open, there was no line anymore, everybody was pushing, and when i got in,i still need to stand in line for 4 hrs to get my laptop, there is crazy, the workers are extremly inefficent,today is my first time to stand in line,also is my last...
tiedyecandy Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Got 2 HM dolls at Walgreens HM and Friends 3 pack at Target
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