mommy2bugs Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 No where on the TV ads did it say first 50 peopelIn fact I just pulled the ad out of the paper and this is how it reads Free MP3 player a $40 value~{preloades with free tunes}with purchase of $20 or more*, while supplies last * Offer valid November 23, 2007 on purchases of $20 or more at participating stores in the U.S. and Puerto Rico while supplies last. Certain restrictions apply. See stor for details. ~Approximate U.S. dollar retail price as of September 4, 2007. But I guess they have to draw the line somewhereThat right there tells you its limited though --- WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. Also, see store for details. I'm half tempted to return the stuff I got since I got better deals elsewhere. I think tha Ad really should have said the 1st 50!I want to also call there CS to complain. Maybe next year they will be smarter.I'm sorry you are upset --- but it did say while supplies last. And for the record, not every store had 50, our store only had 30, so they could not say that in the ad. Its just like the things at Best buy -- store minimum of so many. You wouldn't expect to be 125th in line and get something that the store had a minimum of 12 of. They didn't quote how many they had, they just said free with 20 dollar purchase while supplies last. Apparantly your store had a supply of 50 and the first 50 patrons in the door got those 50.
Guest vhjetski81 Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 The TRU here in Monroe, LA was EXTREMELY crowded!!! I didn't wait in line for it to open but when I got in there the line to check out was wrapped all the way around the insied of the store. You couldn't even get through to look for what you needed. After I finally got what I had gone after I had to stand in line for over an hour. We got to the front and they only had 4 lanes out of 12 open. The employees seemed nice enough...just frazzled. Oh, and they did offer donuts and if you had time to grap that with so many other stores still left to go
darkzone Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Sales sucked plus the weather wasn't pleasant either.. 25 degree
motherofboys Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Well, like I said, I will NEVER shop TRU again. This is the second year in a row that they did not have items advertised in their ad. Everybody was rude, not doing anything about people running and pushing and actually taking items out of other peoples hands!!!!! I just could not believe that people could act like that. I am going to finish my shopping online, even if I have to pay shipping! The manager that my mother went back and spoke with said they had 20, but he does not know what happened and how two peopel made it in the store, got the ticket clip, paid for them, picked them up at the service desk and out without somebody questioning why they were buying all of them. I'm sure they will pop up on ebay soon. So sad. Luckily, my sister was after one for my niece who hasn't asked for it, she just thought she would like it. I was after the Optimus Prime transformer that I can't find anywhere, but of course, they didn't get it. BF just is not what it used to be!
rmol66 Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Stayed home with 3 kids under 11, got online for the last time at 12:30 and scored two 9" digital frames from Fry's for $47 Wanted other stuff but couldn't go with the kids and hubby had to work.
vinylboy20 Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 TargetOlevia 37" Got in line about 2 hours early. All was well, until around 5:45 the 5AM Walmart shoppers got out, came down to Target and 50 idiots tried to line-jump about 200 people. It was ugly. Still, we were about 20th in line and got our Olevia, so I guess it was worth it. But man, it was bad there for a few minutes. I wish Target had done more about the line jumpers.
diablo Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Picked up an Acer 19" LCD Monitor at Micro Center local store. $99 after $30 mail in rebate. Store opened up at 6am, I got there 5 min before open and prolly about 250 people in line. I was able to get in and out within 1/2 hour with my item. there looked to be about 50 each of the 19 and 22's. I am sure they were almost out by the time I left, everyone was grabbing them. Local BB had people in line on Wed 9am. Drove by BB and Circuit last nite around 10pm and both had huge lines already. It was down to 20 degrees last nite, that had to suck big time
mommy2bugs Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Old Navy: Performance fleece toddler pants: 3 pair $5.25 each Performance Fleece toddler pullover: 1 $5.25 Free MP3 player Lowes: 2 $49 air compressor sets 1 Firestorm drill 8 4DD Maglight flashlights 1 3DD Magliht 8 FLor. Light bulbs Tripod flashlight 8pc plier/wrench set Coffee maker Grill FYE: Charmed DVD set 2 of the 7.99 cd's Roswell and Unit season dvd sets (bought at the B1G1 price on Tuesday) JCPenney's : Comforter set 2.99 towels (10) OUT OF SNOW GLOBES EB Games: Game (don't remember which one DH got) Shoe carnival: Doc Martins for DH BAM: Book for me Sears: Our sears was out of everything we had on our list from everyone. They didn't get any of the down comforters in the store at all. That is what we picked up ourselves. MIL, and some friends were in Walmart, kmart, target, tru, radio shack, kohls, circuit city, best buy, and a few other places to pick up stuff from our lists, as we picked up stuff from there's.
theonlyone Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Is it just me, or is this by far this year's black friday had the largest crowds by far ever. I am just basing it upon my local Circuit City right behind my house. Two years ago, I got there at 7pm thanksgiving day and was 2nd in line. It opened at 5am, by the time I checked out at 7am there wasn't even a line left checking out. This year by noon thanksgiving, when I went past there was at least 10 tents in line already. I just wanted one video game, so I just went after I woke up at about 7:15 and there was still a long line out the door, that wasn't moving of people waiting to get inside. I tried again later at 9am, there wasn't a line to get anymore, but the lines to checkout were at least still 45 mins long. I didn't find the game, but I don't think I would have waited just to buy a 10 dollar game anyways. I also went to Office Depot last year, lining up at 7pm and was first in line. That crowd ended up being about the same as the CC the year before. I also saw several helicopter shots of other stores in the area this year, and the lines seemed enormous compared to years past. Based upon the footage and the first hand experience I have seen, if it is any indication. Retailers better be really worried, because it seems like people are really looking for deals this year.
lindabacker Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 wound up going out after all- Walmart Littlest Pet shop Whirl around thing 2 10 packs of the hotwheels Biglots 49.00 DVD recorder Sams Club DVRs Littlest PEt Shop pack that was a BF sale item plus the stuff ordered from Old Navy this morning and the paper ordered yesterday. REally didnt need much this year
HAnderson Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 We drove by many stores last night to see what the lines were like at 6:30 the line at bb was around the corner of the building nearly to the back of the building. We didnt think that there was anything worth missing turkey dinner for at bb. Circut city had a few people no one at target. This morning got up and went to target at 6 when they opened had no problem getting in and PA the things we previously bought.
darianwiccan Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 FYI, the walmart near where I did my shopping had a grand total of 5 people in front of it the last time I looked (near 4:30am)!!! muahahahaha
tjarena Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Went to Target about 6 and got somes games-Life, Disney Pictionary, RCA camcorder,memoryfoam pillow for me, airport legos. Went to TRU and got ds lunch box starter kits, some dvds and magnetix. Was going to go to the Mall but I was out of money and too tired so I went to Michaels for a few scrapbooking things and I was home by 9. Very crowded in Target but they had a lot of help and people were nice so no problems. I was not after any TVs or big ticket items so I didn't have any problems. I would have liked a tv but it wasn't in the budget!
tinkerszs Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 3:00 am at Kohl's by 3:30 the line was wrapped around the building. But I got the Rival food saver and the digital picture frame and some Barbies and shirts for the kids. Out by 5:00 and off to Walmart. They had no Barbie, no Cabbage Patch, no board games. They didn't even have empty pallets. I was pretty mad. We left and made it to Target by 6:00. It was nuts and people were mad. They were a mess and really really crowded. Some lady was screaming about the lack of Aqua Dots. It was pretty funny. Then we went to Gamestop and Michaels. Not much there. Off to Bath and Body works to stock up on wallflowers. They took both coupons and I got a free lip gloss and free Temptations lotion. Breakfast at Gunther Tootys. Circuit City for movies then just for the heck of it we went to another Walmart. And guess what? Barbies, and Cabbage Patch kids, and board games. At 8:00. Home by 10:00 am and exhausted and broke! But Christmas shopping is almost done!!!
slinkster65 Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 I left the house around 9:15. Nothing in the ads to get me up super early. Made 4 stops and was in not even 2 hours. Ace: -Card Table set -3.6v screwdriver -Misc. Stanley tools Spent $75 before I send the rebates in. Willbe closer to $50 when i get those back Home Depot: -2 of the Husky LED flashlight 3 packs Spent $10 there Office Depot: -Memorex pack of 30 jewel cases for CDS Spent $5 there Target: -Pack of CD-Rs -Couple misc DVDs -Vince Flynn book Spet $50 there sicne the book and 1 of the DVDs wasn't on sale... So overall $140 spent before rebates today and no place was overly busy Add that to the $200 I spent on Old NAvy.come, and I think I came out well ahead with the stuff I wanted/needed.
Guest ZeroGravity107 Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Woke up at 5, got in line at Staples for 5:20. Got my ticket for the Tom Tom, ran in, grabbed the 2gig RAM kit, 2gb Flash Drive, and got the Tom Tom and went to Best Buy. Got in and ran towards the monitors, all gone. Damn! Then I'm walking along and see two sitting there. I wait, nobody claims them so I grab the H22W. Grabbed the 160gb WD Passport, then grabbed the Epson All In One Printer. Got everything, moved along in line and headed out to the mall. Got some little stuff at Old Navy, then went to Circuit City. Bought 50 DVD-R's for 5 bucks but waited nearly an hour to get out of there. Went back to Best Buy and bought The OC season 4, and Rescue Me seasons 1 and 2. Get home, hook up the Envision, and theres a little red dot! AH!
nikkilugi Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 I think the lines were awful as well. We started at JcPenney's and the line at either door had at least 200 people in them. We hurried up and picked out our stuff and got out by 4:45 and went straight over to TRU. That line was awful with at least 300 people - however the experience was good. I didn't want a Zune and I got every toy on my list. They were restocking as soon as the shelves were empty which was very nice. We were out of TRU at 5:40 and went over to Target. That line was absolutely ridiculous. I mean there had to be over 400 people in this line. We waiting until everyone got in and then my mom and I headed in. We couldn't find the movie 300 anywhere but I did get my boys the Pokemon figures and the Pokemon game. I also bought Uno Attach for $12.99 which totally made my day because I didn't notice that game in the ad. I thought I was going to have to go to K-Mart tomorrow to get that game. Last we went to Wal-Mart and bought the movies on sale. I did notice that there were all kinds of doorbusters left, including quite a few desktop computers, tons of printers and upconverting dvd players. All in all I did spend over $300 on mostly toys for my kids, LOL. My dh is happy though because I picked up Christmas Vacation for him which we will probably be watching tonight, LOL.
molsen517 Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Great morning. Got up at 3:45 am, went online and got Walmart: Lightning McQueen $10 Moonsand $10 Printer $34 Terrainiac $70 Super Mario Galaxy $49 4 am Staples( they weren't supposed to be accessible, but thanks to the AWESOME tip someone posted about hitting refresh I was checked out long before the sale "started") : Digital Frame $49 Sony 7.2 digital camera $99 Navigation system $99 5-5:30 am Did some other online shooping at, my twinn etc and then jumped in the car to get 6 am Home Depot: Ryobi 4 pk $59 Holiday train set $24 Drill bit set $10 Dremel $79 Tool drawers $59 cordless screwdriver $5 3 pk measuring tape $5 6:20 Target: lots of DVD's for $6 a piece 2 nintendo ds games $35 Remote control spy car $99 Justice: webkins- buy one get one half off lots of girly clothes- buy one get one half off Littlest pet shop sets buy on get one half off Belk- King size down comforter $58 Home again online: Apple store: 2 ipod nanos Still a lot of day left! :)
lauralee Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Got a lot of stuff online yesterday and during the wee hours today from BB, Kmart, Wal-mart and Staples --Most of what I wanted from Walmart I got online, the exception being the shop vac my sister wanted me to pick up for her SO. The short version is: 0530-JC Pennys for socks and snow globe. 0600-Radio Shack for battery charger, starwars flashlight, and 4gb sd 0630-Walgreens for keychain, tide, camera, I home speaker dock, Hannah Montana doll, and chocolate candy. 0710-Walmart for shop vac-only one left- and spinners. 0800-Big lots for sisters crock pot 0830-home!! No lines except at JC penney, the parking lot was full!! I had just found the Hannah Montana dolls at Walgreens when three ladies came in and took all of them but the two I had in my hands, trying to decide which one to get. We were also able to check out with BF prices before 0700 at Walgreens, it is a 24 hour one. DH got the digital picture frame from Ace on his way to work.
jmckito Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Sounds like ya'll need an HH Gregg. Walked in at 5:05 bought a 46" Sony and Portable DVD player - home at 5:35!
lisamag Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 from amazon i got Roller Coaster Tycoon Mega 3-Pack (PC) [CD-ROM for $19.97 from TRU GameCube: Sonic Mega Collection, SpongeBob:Creature from Krusty Krab, Lego Star Wars NPC, Nicktoons:Battle for Volcano Island total was $72. s&h is a killer. they were B1G1 half off. from KBToys 1 Mega Man: Dr. Willey's Lab Playset $4.99 1 FurReal Newborn Farm Friends: Piglet $9.99 1 Mega Man Anniversary Collection (GC) $10.00 Product Total: $24.98 Sales Tax: $0.00 Shipping Costs: $7.95 Grand Total: $32.93
nebraskared Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 i really wanted a new TV, but the wife nixed that plan. i just went to Office Max and got there at 6.15am to find only 2 people ahead of me. the manager came out at 6.55am and handed out tickets for the early bird items in their ad. i got aMio GPS for $99.99 and a digital photo frame for $49.99, i also had a $15 card and a $3 credit for a used ink carridge. i was at home and back in bed by 7.15am.
nbcjmt45 Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 I went to walmart for the video chair. I felt a little funny when I walked into my walmart at 6a I was greeted by 4 walmart staff, maybe this is how my son felt on the first day of school? It was like they were glad to see me. And yes their were more walmart employees than shoppers by far! The employees looked happy that they were not busy. Just standing around swapping thanksgiving memories.
kren Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Line at my Target in Pa. stretched the entire length of the building by 5:30. At 6 they opened the doors and at least 100 people tried to rush the front of the line from the warmth of their cars, where they'd been hunkered down. But yay, Target! They had pushed shopping carts along the curb as a barricade and security guys were making sure they couldn't jump the line and people were yelling at them and I got to run over someone's foot so they couldn't get in front of me. I have never seen such a crowd. And it wasn't that huge a sale, either. I got what I needed with no trouble. Meanwhile, at Best Buy, the first people in line had camped out since Wednesday. Yes, Wednesday, not Thursday.
swilshire Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Retailers better be really worried, because it seems like people are really looking for deals this year.Maybe it's just me, but it also seemed that a lot of people were being more selective. Instead of buggy loads of stuff, a lot of people in the lines had only an item or two. I think at least some people (including me) are doing more research for the best deal because times are getting so lean. I don't just grab something because the ad tells me it's a good deal anymore. Sheila
bugglebum Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 4AM - Penney's. Not to bad of a crowd, got a snowglobe and some jeans for DD. **Back home to get hubby for the Target round.** 5:15 - We were about 40th in line. Employees were outside answering questions, letting us know where everything was located. By 5:55 people started coming from other areas in the mall to jump into line at Target, but they had employees and security out to prevent. 6AM - Hubby and I separated in Target and get everything on our list: Hannah Montana dolls Guitar Hero III PS2 bundle Acoustic Guitar Assorted DVD's Microwave Assorted clothes $4.50 toaster and crockpot We were in and out. Electronics was a mess, but hubby dealt with those items. He's on a high from the Dallas Cowboy win so he's pretty easily manipulated right now. 6:30 - GameStop Playstation 2 console for 129.99 plus you rec'd a $30 giftcard. Turned around and used the $30 GC for: 3 PS2 Games (B2G1) 3 DS Games (B2G1) 7:00 - Walgreens Wrapping paper, bows, ribbon, etc. 7:30 home. Going to continue the manipulation later and talk him into checking out Walmart. The stores around here have been awesome so far. Our Gamestop is really tiny so it was crowded with only 5 people in there. The poor guy had opened at 5AM and immediately sold out of the Wii's, people were coming in at 7am expecting to waltz in and get one. Then they get pissy towards the clerk for not having any. Good times.
nebraskared Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 i chatted to a few people in line at Office Max and they said that Best Buy was terrible when it opened and that Kohls was just a scrum. the Target store closest to me apparently only had a small line and they had more of the 37inch TV's than requests from the line. the store had every checkout already open at 6am and the shopping was easy. civilised shoppers in Omaha, Nebraska!!:yup:
tlock1945 Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 walmart- moonsand $5.00 pjs jeans 2 dvds Amazon at 3:00 am- Halo Legendary edition 79.99!!! Kmart- 3 pks of Legos Rite Aid- Pot of Gold A Christmas Story Leg Lamp tealight holder 2 fleece blankets Gabriel Bros- sOME CLOTHES and some more crap I can't remember
liz harley Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 Sam's Club: Wii family fun bundle- 4 games (Mario party 8, super paper mario, + 2 more). got an xtra 20 bucks off for applying for Sam's credit card. expensive 494.00-but they served breakfast.
mammafumfin Posted November 23, 2007 Posted November 23, 2007 TRU was crazy, there must have been 300 people in line by 5:00. The best was the look on everyones face, like they were suprized they were not going to get a zune for 79.99 showing up at 4:50..... They had about 15 of them and me and my husband were 8th and 9th.....
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