lilac100 Posted October 20, 2007 Posted October 20, 2007 I emailed them and told them between this and the layaway going bye-bye I was going to buy buy somewhere else. What is wrong with the people who run this place???? It used to actually be a decent place, now their all about the money and in the process losing customers.
needanewcamera Posted October 20, 2007 Posted October 20, 2007 Brad said: If they really wanted to keep it a secret, they should unveil the ad on their web site only on 11/19. It would cut down on the possible sources of a leak with there being no printing or distribution.If WM really wanted to keep it a secret, they have enough money to buy/set up their own print shop to print the ad - they're just being @@@holes b/c they know their ad sucks!
Tangogirl Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 lobstah24 said: It is my understanding that you are threatening to take legal action against the entities of the website known as www dot gottadeal dot com. Please understand that the majority of individuals use the pre-published information acquired from this site to plan their "Black Friday" shopping strategy. It is VERY helpful to know in advance where certain “deals” are going to be within each individual retail outlet. I do not think that “Wal-Mart” should be concerned with their sales ads being leaked out prior to Black Friday. The Wal-Mart chain has been a cornerstone for retail business in many communities for years. I trust Wal-Mart and find it very disturbing that they would consider legal action against any individual that was attempting to make it easier for consumers to shop. I respectfully request that you DO NOT take any sort of legal action against any entity that provides pre-published information concerning Black Friday sales advertisements. Respectfully, XXX XXXXXPresident, Midwest Consumer Shopping Group What do you guys think?Good work!! That's fantastic!
martinas Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 pmdemey said: That was so perfect! Can I copy and paste and send that too? Maybe the more they hear all those topics they will wake up! LOLMy thoughts exactly!!!!!!!!!!!! So, can we copy???
bigdave125 Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 This cracks me up! Do they think that just because they prevent the ad from being posted on BF sites, THAT IT WILL NOT BE LEAKED??? LOL! They are idiots! The ad WILL be leaked. You can be sure of that. It will certainly be posted up on bittorrent and I'm pretty certain it will be posted on the usenet as well! And when it is posted out there, you can't put the genie back in the bottle, so WHAT'S THE POINT, WALMART??? In this case, negative publicity is NOT good publicity! Walmart needs to rethink their dumbass decision!
supershopper1 Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 If Walmart will not post their add, then hit the other stores first on BF and then go to Walmart and PM!! If they don't want us buying their own door busters they will need to honor the prices from other store adds that are by then out of stock!!! If they won't give us the deals, we'll make our own!
DramaQueenLucy Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 mamapenguin said: The member list is almost 14,000. If we all boycotted I think Walmart might notice. I agree on with a Wally World boycott!!!
dmmiller Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 I hardly ever shop there anyways.. So this boycott will be cake for me. :)
immortaljackwest Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 supershopper1 said: If Walmart will not post their add, then hit the other stores first on BF and then go to Walmart and PM!! If they don't want us buying their own door busters they will need to honor the prices from other store adds that are by then out of stock!!! If they won't give us the deals, we'll make our own!I am already thinking in that direction.. Heck Last year I did more price matching then I did buying any of their doorbusters
Guest crmlht Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 elena_398 said: That is ridiculous. If they really thought about this whole thing through, they would realize that its BIG PUBLICITY for them in the long run. If we cannot be allowed to view the ad before Thanksgiving when the ads come out, I can only hope this secrecy is worth it. I will be greatly disappointed if the ad is junk this year! If you cannot post the ad Brad, I understand. You don't want to ruin the business side of your partnership with Walmart. Sad though they started this BEFORE the ad was leaked. ****OF COURSE I'LL TAKE A PM IF AND WHEN YOU GET THE AD :))corporations do not use common sense, they listen to bean counters, who are dumber tahn rocks and do not understand that free publicity is cheaper than havibg to pay for it
yuyi64 Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 If this year's Walmart BF ad is anything like their BF ad last year I don't think we have to worry about boycotting Walmart; there won't be anything worth going to Walmart for! Last year my nearest Walmart was a ghost town BF morning while the Target, Best Buy, and Circuit City right down the street were packed to the max!
littlesdcen Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 Maybe I am reading more into this but I think they just want the add out just in time for people to glance and get all excited and run out and buy. If we get the add earlier then on the electronics we can compare specs. Maybe they are gonna try to push some crap over on us and they don't want the consumer to have time to reaserch their adds. Then with their crappy return service stick you with it in the end. Being as they like to make the rules up as they go. Hey they make money we get junk. Sounds like a plan to me. After all we know that the walmart scene has turned into its nick name the " Wally World" they are in a world all their own. With their own set of rules and ways. I say boycott and let their world shatter. I noticed last year their sales were not that hot. They had nothing that I could not live without. Apparently they think we are idiots and cannot live with out them. they have that backwards they cannot survive long with out us and our money. It only becomes their money if we DECIDE to give it to them.
tennisgirl Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 I wrote the email, but I think the the focus shouldn't be on WM taking GottaDeal to task, but if they want to keep things private, then they need to do a better job on the companies that they hire to print / process their ads? This is similar to the "advance" pictures you see of automobiles (from 2010, for example). You have to protect your vehicles through the companies you deal with. I know one automotive leak that got out because a maintenance worker took pictures of it (and took it for an unauthorized drive) - The photographer didn't get fired, but the maintenance worker did. WM needs to take responsibility for their own actions and contracts and stop harassing an independent third party.
sfoxey2003 Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 In my opinion they are just looking for ways to continue to be selfish. It's quite pathetic that such a big chain will go out of their way to ruin the excitement of the holiday fun. I hope they are registered here and are reading this so they can see first hand from me that i am saying "FOR THE 1ST TIME IN OVER 4 YEARS I WILL NOT GIVE WALMART MY BUISNESS THIS BLACK FRIDAY DUE TO THEIR PATHETIC THREATS!! AND TRUST ME, MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS ARE BEHIND ME. I DON'T CARE WHAT SALES YOU HAVE, YOU'RE NOT WORTH IT, KISS MY BUISNESS GOODBYE UNTIL YOU GROW UP AND STOP TRYING TO RUIN EVERYTHING" Yes, i am highly disapointed in them!! :mad: :mad:
lovebears65 Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 immortaljackwest said: I am already thinking in that direction.. Heck Last year I did more price matching then I did buying any of their doorbustersbut why give walmart your money. I understand the price matching but I rather give the other company the money that has the item at the price then give it to walmart to pricematch
jaymacfla Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 lovebears65 said: Well, I hope the non veternens feel that way and all go to walmart and stay away from best buy:tongue1: Dh is such a dufas .. He said why are you in such a hissy we dont even go to walmart on Black Fri.. I proudly put him in his place and said I have to back up my friends at gotta deal.. And to think I thought he was a Black Fri Warrior Sounds like a Gotta-divorce is a brewin' DramaQueenLucy said: I agree on with a Wally World boycott!!!Nooooooooooo! Death by pricematch only!!!!!
Crazy Mama Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 I am so angry about this!!! I'm behind on the times in reading this but man! Stupid Walmart! Always looking to squash the little guys!!
bazootch Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 I have not waded through all the replies, but: Another major retail player should be jumping on this with both feet. The Marketing campaign sure could make Wally's look horrible. "...yes, our BF ad was leaked and posted on the net. But all that does is increase the number of people that see the ad. More people that see the ad, the more people come through our doors. And thats how we make money. And that increase in business was at no cost to us. We didn't require a legal team to send nasty letters to the folks providing us all the free advertising."
Brad Posted October 21, 2007 Author Posted October 21, 2007 bazootch said: I have not waded through all the replies, but: Another major retail player should be jumping on this with both feet. The Marketing campaign sure could make Wally's look horrible.I doubt you'll see a major retailer do that, but you never know. We do get BF ads sent to us directly from smaller retailers every year as well, and this year I'll be sure to mention which stores those are in case you want to shop there and/or thank them for embracing the goal of this site.
jaymacfla Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 immortaljackwest said: I am already thinking in that direction.. Heck Last year I did more price matching then I did buying any of their doorbustersThat is because Gottadeal helped to make you an informed consumer, someone those "where's waldo world bozos":homer: certainly don't want! lovebears65 said: but why give walmart your money. I understand the price matching but I rather give the other company the money that has the item at the price then give it to walmart to pricematchTo increase their "zero profit margin".
heavenlysshine Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 I'd love to know which retailer that quote is from and where I can read it! bazootch said: I have not waded through all the replies, but: Another major retail player should be jumping on this with both feet. The Marketing campaign sure could make Wally's look horrible. "...yes, our BF ad was leaked and posted on the net. But all that does is increase the number of people that see the ad. More people that see the ad, the more people come through our doors. And thats how we make money. And that increase in business was at no cost to us. We didn't require a legal team to send nasty letters to the folks providing us all the free advertising."
kmbrly Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 heavenlysshine said: I'd love to know which retailer that quote is from and where I can read it!I googled all and parts of the quote and couldn't find anything. I'd like to read the full article too.
disneybrat Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 If I'm not mistaken, this is my first post here, although I've been lurking for a couple years. Great info here. I was thinking about this since this threat has been directed to quite a few sites around the 'net. What's to stop anyone from posting text descriptions of items in the ad without scans and without specifically mentioning the store? I wonder what they'd do?
Brad Posted October 21, 2007 Author Posted October 21, 2007 kmbrly said: I googled all and parts of the quote and couldn't find anything. I'd like to read the full article too.I think that quote was made up by the poster and is just the kind of thing they think a retailer should say if they wanted to use this to their advantage.
heavenlysshine Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 Thanks for clearing that up. I was all set to make this ghost retailer my fave! Brad said: I think that quote was made up by the poster and is just the kind of thing they think a retailer should say if they wanted to use this to their advantage.
jaymacfla Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 Brad said: CNN story: Brad, check out this site, they even use the old adscan for eye candy!
4mydee Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 I Just Sent Wal-mart, A Very Long Letter. Explaining That Some Of Us Use The Ads As A Way Of Planning Our Shopping Day, And Be That They Don't Want To Release Early, Means My Group Will Have To Plan Around Them. So They May Get Our Business And They May Not.
Brad Posted October 21, 2007 Author Posted October 21, 2007 jaymacfla said: Brad, check out this site, they even use the old adscan for eye candy!And they forgot a "t" in GottaDeal, lol. I remember that ad scan - I believe it was 2004. Ah, the good old days, lol.
wnielsen1 Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 Brad said: And they forgot a "t" in GottaDeal, lol. I remember that ad scan - I believe it was 2004. Ah, the good old days, lol.2004 it was. 6 AM? Who opens at that time on BF anymore?
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