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Do you have any checkout shortcuts?


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Usually rarely used registers are of course opened on BF, but most people have discovered them by the time I have my items. It really depends on the store and the layout IMO. But even five min after the store opens, I have my items and am at the registers - there's at least 5-10 people in each line.. no matter where in the store I go. :P
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Has anyone discovered a way to avoid some of the long BF lines by using off-the-beaten-path registers? (like maybe the garden center?)

Man did you have to bring those lines up. I had forgotten how bad they can be. They are sometimes worse than the one outside.
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BB last year wasn't too bad but...I got there about 2, first in line, wrapped in a packing pad I had, thank God, left in the truck. Wasn't too bad, chatted up the cute girl next to me in line, got a good laugh when two guy tried to cut in front. When they asked if they were at the back of the line, they were kinda reminded we weren't waiting to get into Albertson's. Doors open, here we go, I faltered, I actually shopped for a few minutes, then GRIDLOCK. I was in line to pay for at least and hour and a half, missed the the other deals at Sears I wanted. I got reports from the front that WM was a bust, truly a Police State. I can't wait.
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Sometimes when we go to a store and it is already a mess, either I or dh will stand in the line while the other person runs to get what we want. We will know before going in the door usually what is a must have so that the runner brings it right up after that if he or I want to look for anything additional that is fine. I am so glad we decided to get Nextel phones because the walkie talkie is going to make bf so much easier.:banana01: :banana01:
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I usually make one of the kids go along (especially if it is an item for them at BB) - and they have to stand in line, letting people go ahead of them while I run and get stuff. Much easier and quicker to check out that way.


Although our BB moved this year and the layout is a bit quirky, so I am not sure how this plan will work.

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Last year my hubby was staked out in electronics while I was in toys. He got the big ticket items and went straight to layaway. I grabbed the toys and went to register. We were out in less than 15 minutes. I couldnt believe it! Then we hightailed it to Staples. Later on I heard Walmart was a mess! There was no way I was going back there.:D
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My Target is the worst and BB. The lines wrap around the store.

I feel you on the lines at BB! wow...last year i stood in checkout lane for 2hours i think..maybe a little less like 1.5 hours, and they had the line going all the way around the inside the store and through aisle ways...oh then they were worried the computers would crash which i think they did several times that morning...they were on the old system then

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Usually there's not a whole lot you can do to avoid the checkout lines. Since I go with a group of women from my family, the one thing we do is that if someone is still looking for something and another one is ready to get in line, that person will get in line while the other one runs to get whatever she needs.


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Last year I lucked out at WM. I got the things I needed and was actually checked out and out of the store before the sale was even supposed to start - yes, I know that is against policy, but I sure wasn't argueing! I went to the other stores I wanted to go to, went back to WM, then went to the PX and PM'ed some DVD's that K-mart had advertised and didn't even have! It was a great year. Hopefully not a bad omen for this year!:gd_orange
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wal-mart as a thing now where they can use a scanner to check you out while you stand in line. They then give you a card. When you get to the cashier you hand them the card it automatically gives them the total and you get your receipt. They can also bag the items while you are inline. Does not work on some items though like food and a few other things those would still have to be done the old way. I have no idea how many of these we will be using.
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Doesn't matter what line you stand in at my WalMart, you are going to be in it for a LONG time.

The last time I went to WalMart BF two years ago I went to my friend's WalMart out at the edge of town. We spent about 10 minutes getting doorbusters and 50 minutes in the layaway line!! We shopped for about an hour and got in line and there were 2 people in front of us. The front line was really quick, it was the layaway that was a problem!!


This year we want a trampoline with the protective fence around it :trampolin

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