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Be Careful With Walmart's Pricing

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Just a small word of caution to anyone shopping at walmart for the holidays. I went into one of their stores today and they had a whole bunch of games for $5. They were all around a display kiosk in the middle of the aisles. One of the games I picked up was sorry spongebob. I thought great $5 for this is an awesome deal. When it rang up $16.88 I proceeded to explain to the cashier about it and then she called another employee who took me back to the display and said well these games are $5 but not these. They admitted it was their error, or hasbro's(the people who stocked the games) but said they will not give it to me for the $5 price. Then they had the nerve to tell me $16.88 isn't even the proper price, that it's $18. I am really peeved about this and think I'll be contacting walmart in regards to it. Toys r us always price adjusts if it's their error. Walmart never.
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I don't know about elsewhere but I have had no problems in Maine. The law is VERY clear that they would have had to sell it to you for the $5 price. I have never had any problems like that with the Walmarts local to me.


Did you speak with a manager?

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I had the same thing happen to me a few months ago. I found a game that my hubby wanted. When I went to pay for it, it rang up double the price on the shelf. I even had to get an employee to get it ouf of the case. He pretty much told me sorry, but your not getting it for the shelf price. I stood my ground and demanded to talk to the store mgr. and after going round and round with him, he gave it to me for the shelf price.
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I had the same thing happen at WalMart where the item was marked one price and rang up another but they gave me the shelf price plus an additional $3.00 off. If it rings up wrong they said I'd get the item for free maximum $3.00. So they gave me $3.00 off my item.


This was last year. So I'm not sure if policy has changed being that is seems that EVERYBODY is changing their policies. I'm in California and I'm not sure if that makes a difference or not.

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I had the same thing happen at WalMart where the item was marked one price and rang up another but they gave me the shelf price plus an additional $3.00 off. If it rings up wrong they said I'd get the item for free maximum $3.00. So they gave me $3.00 off my item.


This was last year. So I'm not sure if policy has changed being that is seems that EVERYBODY is changing their policies. I'm in California and I'm not sure if that makes a difference or not.

Same thing happened to my mom. She bought something that had a sign with one price but it rang up something else. She went to CS to have them fix the problem and they called back to toys and the toys lady denied the price. My mom walked back to look and the girl had removed the sign - mom talked to her and she admitted she did stating that it was incorrect.


I was majorly po'ed so I emailed corporate and the next day a manager from the store called me and told me to send my mom in and they would adjust the price and also give her an additional $3 as well for the error. This was last year.

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I have had this happen at one of our local Wal-Marts and they walked back and checked then price adjusted and apologized for the error. At another Wal-Mart in the same town, I had another situation where something was shelved wrong and they refused to price adjust.
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I had the same thing happen to me a few months ago. I found a game that my hubby wanted. When I went to pay for it, it rang up double the price on the shelf. I even had to get an employee to get it ouf of the case. He pretty much told me sorry, but your not getting it for the shelf price. I stood my ground and demanded to talk to the store mgr. and after going round and round with him, he gave it to me for the shelf price.

DD wanted a game that was $20, we went to pay for it and it rang up $30. I told him it was the wrong price, he had even gotten it out of the display for me and he wouldn't budge. I talked to 2 different managers and the best they would do was give me $3 off, they wouldn't give it to me for the marked $20 price. I called corporate, they asked if I had resolved it with the store and I said no, they wouldn't give it to me for the marked price, he said well have a nice day:eyepoppin Jerk anyway! A good friend of mine is a manager there but wasn't working and said if I ever have problems again to have them page her. I make sure I only shop when she is working now

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Umm yeah, don't know if the law varies by state but I believe if there is only one of the product in the wrong spot, the store does not have to sell it to you. (I am sure people would just move stuff to get a deal.) If the product has clearly been stocked and has more than two (I believe) products on the shelf the store has to sell you one item at that price. For instance if a stocker put a whole case of cereal in the wrong spot and it's a lesser price, the store should adjust the price on one box of cereal, you can't take the whole case for the lesser price. I think you can contact your states office of Consumer Affairs or talk to the state A.G. for information. I work retail and this is what I have always been told.


Also take a picture with your camera phone in case you are worried that an employee is going to change it back.

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You can actually get banned from the stores for taking photos of things at Walmart. It has happened a lot (from what I have read online).... My walmart here has never given me a problem about a wrong price....But I have never asked for the $3 off becuase of the error, since they always let me have it so much cheaper. I also always forget about the $3 error credit. But OUR walmart here is absolutley the best I have ever shopped in.
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I found a ring I liked at walmart and it was in a ring box with a price sticker of 89.00. When the girl rang it up, it was 499.00 and she told me someone had put the wrong ring in the box. She said I couldnt get it for 89.00!!! Went through 3 managers and they tried the mistakes happen junk. I told them if it was an item on the shelf where people could change prices or move it to the wrong spot then I would understand. This was locked in the case and only employees had the key and their mistake was not my problem. I informed the manager that they couldnt put a sign on an item and then not sell it for that. I got the ring for 86.00 because I reminded them of the 3.00 off.

I had a friend with me and she showed it to my husband (like it was hers) and ask him if he could get it for 86.00 would he buy me one and he said yes. I then told him he had. :eyepoppin:cheesy:

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I had this happen to me yesterday too. Spoke to a "support manager" and then the store "assistant manager" and neither would budge on the price. A bunch of video games for all systems - xbox, ps, psp, wii and ds were in a metal bin with a sign saying $4. The other side had more games with another sign saying $20. They kept saying that a customer must have put them in the $4 side while digging through the $20 games, and they just don't belong there. My point was there were 200 or so games in the $4 side, and what was really supposed to be in that bin since it was 90% games. I am going to take it to the top level management on Monday and see if I can get anywhere, but I sincerely doubt it. Walmart doesn't care about their customers at all.
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I just had something similar happen to me the other day, but Walmart actually honored the mistake. They had about 8 or 9 Ripsticks stacked up in the Clearance section with the tag underneath stating it was $19.99 :eyepoppin. I couldn't believe it, so both me and another man that was in the same aisle both grabbed one up. Of course when we got to the cash register it rang up $79.99 and the cashier and CSO both tried to tell me that the sticker was for Mega bots or something like that but once I spoke with the manager and explained that there were numerous Rip sticks stacked up under this price tag and he went and confirmed it, he gave it to me for the $19.99 price. My DS9 is going to be so happy about that this christmas. :)
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A few years ago DH and I noticed several dog houses outside our local WM with a big sign saying $15. We grabbed one and took it inside, where it rang up at $70. When we told the cashier that the sign said $15, she just stared at us, then finally said, "Well, the sign was wrong. Should I put this back?" DH said, "No, you need to call your manager over to override the price to $15."


After staring at us for what seemed like an hour without saying anything, she finally called her manager over who said, "There is no way that we'll sell that for $15!" So I asked for the number for their district manager. The manager got all flustered and practically pushed the cashier out of the way, overrode the price to $15, then picked up the phone and told someone to get out there NOW and change that sign. Two days later we drove past WM and the sign still read $15. :rolleyes:

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Our WM is very nice about adjusting the price if it's marked wrong. I bought the kiddos lunchboxes the other day. They had 3 metal bins full & they were marked $3. Well one rang up correct & the other wrang up $6 something. I told the cashier that wasn't right, they were marked $3 and she said ok & fixed it :) I have been in there before & had cashiers tell me that somewhere had that "item" on sale & without having the ad they pricematched it :yup: It's so nice to have a "good" WM!!
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I bought buttermilk from WM a few weeks ago. A price didn't come up when the cashier scanned it, so she asked me how much it was. I hadn't even paid attention, so didn't know. She actually asked me how much I wanted to pay!!! I thought she was joking at first and said "how about nothing?" ;) But, she was very, very serious. I finally just said, "How about $1.29?" Sold! lol
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Walmart isnt really in the business of customer service like other retailers. you can tell WM is very serious, they have to send this site a LEGAL letter not to post a BF ad? I mean come on....thats just nitpicking. Walmart has such low prices, they arent as concerned about a few disgruntled customers, since they thrive on mass quantity of customers.
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Guys LISTEN to me. Since this is walmart the biggest and scariest thing you can do to a retailer, especially when they do not honor wrong prices, is to call Weights and Measures in the county it is located in. I know in California when there is a report called in the county visits and if they find enough descrepencies they are fined $$$$thousands of dollars. So if this is walmart call it in if they try to make you look like a fool when it is their fault. All the managers go flying like crazy.
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Well in michigan we have a scanner law. If it rings up something other than what it is priced you recieve 10 times the difference up to 5.00 plus the amount you were overcharged. Happened to me the other nite. Went to the service desk and they checked the slip the box and gave me my money back.
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I remember watching one of those investigative news programs awhile back and it reported that some stores (not all) would have a different price at the register than what was marked or would actually set up displays that placed more expensive items near less marked down items assuming that most patrons do not look as the items are being rung up or look at their receipt later. I've learned to always look over my receipt before leaving any store (clothing, grocery, etc...) to make sure this has not happened to me.
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Well in michigan we have a scanner law. If it rings up something other than what it is priced you recieve 10 times the difference up to 5.00 plus the amount you were overcharged. Happened to me the other nite. Went to the service desk and they checked the slip the box and gave me my money back.

Yes, but the law is very specific. The item must have a sticker price on it, and they will only do this for regular price, not sale prices. Some stores (like Kroger) are lenient and will do it for sale prices, but others (like Meijer) are very stringent and stick to the letter of the law.


If it's a sale price, they will adjust to the correct, or signed, price, but do not have to award the 10x amount...


(I have made money on this law...seriously. ALWAYS BE AWARE WHAT THEY ARE CHARGING!!!)

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ugh! What is their problem? We're the customers and it's their JOB to make us happy! Sorry but this really irks me. I wrote corporate a letter and hope to receive a response.

No it's their job to make money. Should they have good customer service? Yes. But it's not a requirement to get people in the door obviously.

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I just have to update and say that they DID price adjust the game to $5. I wrote the corp and the manager of the store called and said get in here today. Well I couldn't because dd was sick so I went in the next day. The manager tried to say it's now $10 because you couldn't come in yesterday. I was like uh uh. So I talked to a different store manager who bent over backwards and gave it to me for $5, apologizing profusely for the actions of her employees. Then I went back 3 days ago to buy cat litter and the price had been $7.44 rolled back to $5. I took the sticker up front because I KNEW it would ring at the higher price. Lo and behold it did but I showed the guy the sticker and he didn't even argue. Now I KNOW this won't always be the case but thankfully I was able to get an $18 for $5 and they did change the prices. LOL
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