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Everything posted by mrn8

  1. Target is advertising an Audiovox 7" dual screen system for $139 this week.
  2. I picked up a Dell E228WFP for $264.40. It's a 22" widescreen and I found a 10% stacking coupon on eBay. Shipping was free and we're tax-exempt, so not a bad deal at all!
  3. I'm behind the times. I thought we were still 20" or 24" with no in-between option. I just noticed that Dell's 22" is reasonable. With an E&A coupon, it could be very nice. http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=bsd&cs=04&sku=320-5205
  4. I'm looking for a 20" LCD monitor for around the $300 range. 1600x1200 or 1680x1050 resolution is a must. I like the Dell 20", but haven't run across any good coupons lately. If there's anything larger in that price range (doubt it), I'd go for that, too. Edit: I forgot to mention that it's used for web design, graphic and video editing, so good color and brightness are a must.
  5. Here's a Kenmore for $70. Can't hardly beat that. http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/product.do?cat=Refrigerators&pid=04691179000&vertical=APPL&subcat=Compact+Refrigerators&BV_UseBVCookie=Yes
  6. We bought this one for my parent's camper, and it's worked well. It was only used for one summer, so far, though: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=5435031&type=product&productCategoryId=cat05005&id=1149205187587
  7. I have a Cuisinart that's been a really good grinder. I've been using it for 2 years, now. The Refurb version is $35 at Amazon, the new on is $50. http://www.amazon.com/Factory-Reconditioned-Cuisinart-Supreme-Automatic-CCM-16FR/dp/B000BKGM9C/ref=sr_1_7/002-6344632-0040038?ie=UTF8&s=kitchen&qid=1173218027&sr=1-7
  8. No, it's the same thing. Kingston / Sandisk cards go cheap AR, and I'd stick with them anyway.
  9. Take a look here to read what is allowed with signatures: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=65962
  10. I just read that one, too. The kenmore was their best buy, I believe, and it looked to be just as good as the $300-$400 vacs, but at half the price. I'd check Sears out for that one.
  11. Congrats to you all!
  12. I've got American Family for my auto and renters. $25k coverage w/ $200 deductible is costing me only $110 per year.
  13. I've got someone at work that would like to upgrade their external monitor to an LCD. They use it to have spreadsheets and email open on that monitor while they use the accounting software on their notebook monitor. It can be very basic, since it's not used for video or graphics or anything. VGA input, 17-19", no speakers needed. $150 or less would be ideal.
  14. Has anyone ran these through DVD Identifier to find out who made them? Good price if there is any chance that they'll work.
  15. I order a lot from them for work and home. My old job had me paid up the last couple of years and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to pay for it through the job I have now. Even if I can't pay it out of my IT budget, I'd pay it out of pocket, because it's well worth it.
  16. We've had Sunrocket since last June and it's been good. Better than Vonage, in my opinion. Our call quality and service reliability is better than when we were on Vonage. One thing to keep in mind if you are switching is that you DO have to tell Vonage to cancel your service. Vonage has tied our number up in their system, so if a user of Vonage service tries to call our home number (Sunrocket), the caller will not be able to get through to us. Anyone calling from any other service can call us, though.
  17. Excellent! Does anyone know how long this deal lasts?
  18. Here's one for about $77 shipped. http://www.simplemicro.com//replacement-u4873-battery2.html&ca=goppc?gclid=CJ7q-Ozg24kCFQ6kWAodFXMIEQ
  19. Yeah, most banks will not take checks that you print out yourself. The reason is that the account number and routing number are printed with MICR ink, which is magnetic, so their machines can read everything automatically. Your printer ink has to all be read by hand, which slows their processing.
  20. Call your bank to see if they offer any free checks with your account. Mine offers Blue Safety Paper and Green Safety Paper free from Deluxe.
  21. Check out www.craigslist.org and find your state and closest city. In the Sporting section, I see treadmills all the time for a decent price. If you buy used, have them let you test it before you go through the trouble of moving it. Look for inconsistent speed and listen for unusual noises in the motor / belt area.
  22. We went last night and it was incredible. Of the 5 shows we've been to, this one was easily the best. Maybe having seats in the 5th row helped. They had a couple of different singers this year, which were all an improvement. Max Mann (Christmas Jam singer) was there to sing. Incredible voice, but what an oddball. They ended the show with a bit of a surprise, too! Buck Dharma (Blue Öyster Cult guitarist) came out and they played an extended version of Don't Fear the Reaper that just blew everyone away. Then they all stayed and played a few more songs together and Paul O'Neil actually came out and played for the last couple of songs.
  23. The one thing I am looking to pick up has gone up $20 since Christmas Eve. LOL...there are some good deals in the Sports & Outdoors sections.
  24. Thinking of the things that I always need / use for running, I'd recommend: Heart rate monitor watch MP3 player (just a small flash-memory based one will work well and take a beating) GC for a shoe store (when you run a lot, you do go through a lot of shoes) Under Armour (the shirts are great for running...the imitations fall short) Small hydration pack (Camelback & Nalgene ones are great)
  25. I was thinking the same thing...but it's because my neighbor is a jerk.
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