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Everything posted by mrn8

  1. I didn't know that they had that capability. Very nice! We do use OTA upstairs, but I could easily run a line to the basement.
  2. Will be looking for an online deal for a TCL 42-55" Roku TV for the rec room. Preferably 55", but around the $200 mark would seal the deal.
  3. Oh man...probably shouldn't have added the channel to my Discord account...but I whole-heartedly approve having that venue and will be using it.
  4. I'm diggin' the orange T's.
  5. Target, Kohls, Gander Mountain, and Cabela's are the top of my list. I'll usually pick through Wal-Mart around 9-10am and get some cheap clothes for leftover memory cards / USB drives.
  6. Good tip, bigjim. I love HPB, but I'll maybe wait until after Christmas..
  7. Mine's a few years old. Maybe time for an update?
  8. Yes, Lego stores usually have excellent stock, but they will be popular that day, too. If Target has sales, they'll most likely be the best place to get them.
  9. The Black & Decker Kuerig-type coffee maker is back and available. Not a bad price.
  10. Grabbed a couple of Blu-Ray movies for Christmas gifts. That's it so far.
  11. You'd think they could plan better for this sort of traffic. BF shoppers take down everything in their path...
  12. Richfield, WI, for sure (Cabelas), then I'll either hit a few places in Milwaukee or Racine on the way home.
  13. Looks pretty good, actually. They're always good for some cheap Blu-Ray movies and my wife is hoping I can grab Bones Season 6. Some good prices on their thumb drives, too, which I tend to lose 2-3 of those each year.
  14. Thanks! This is the one I've been waiting for and I'm curious to get the details on the "first 600 in line" deal on the front page. Might have to pull an all-nighter at Cabelas this year.
  15. Dang, showed up too late to order! Good looking shirts this year, Brad!
  16. No door busters. Wonder if there's more to come? The Stack-On cabinet might be something I'll consider.
  17. I can't get my wife to go with me on BF, no matter what. She doesn't mind me heading out and grabbing up some deals, but HATES the crowds. Might be slightly agoraphobic, but the crowds and even the thought of getting bumped around by a greedy shopper makes her celebrate the day with a book, blanket, and hot cocoa on our couch.
  18. Best Buy - Garmin 40LM, Toshiba Blu-Ray player, and a couple of BR movies. Wal-Mart - Jeans for the kiddo, couple of BR Movies, SD memory cards and a Red Bull to keep me moving GameStop - Traded in my old version Xbox 360 and 8 (really old) games and got the 4GB Xbox 360 free.
  19. Here's the best I've, but you have to bundle it with a camera body: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?Q=newsLetter%2FCanon-Double-Rebates-2.jsp&A=getpage&O=RootPage.jsp
  20. Canon L series don't really go on clearance. Sometime you can get a nice rebate if you purchase it with a printer or camera body, but I've not seen a steep price-cut for a holiday. I've found a lot of great deals on used equipment in the past, though. My 70-200 f/4L was used when I got it and you wouldn't be able to tell if it hadn't come in a plain white box.
  21. At $199, the Sharp is definitely worth the price, but you'll most likely have to be in line for that one. They didn't offer it up online for the Premier Silver sale yesterday, so I'm guessing it won't be available on Friday.
  22. It's sold out again. Nice job scoring that TV!
  23. ...and the Black Friday drama begins. I was able to pick up the Toshiba Blu-Ray player and Garmin 40LM, so I'm happy with it. Of course, I had to wait until 2pm, but no big deal. Now that I got that order through, I may check out the BR movies / TV shows.
  24. If you only need it for a year, go with the Kodak. Kodaks tend to be great out of the box, but image quality suffers over time. It's not the case with all of their cameras, but it's a trend that can't be ignored. I'd take the Kodak, due to the longer zoom and the fact that they are usually a bit better quality builds than Fuji.
  25. I didn't realize it was part of the Coolpix line. I had been talking with a local camera shop owner and he said the L cameras were the bottom-quality for Nikon. Based on my experience with the L24 (our current pocket camera), I'd steer away from that line of cameras. It's incredibly slow focusing, and thus slow to take the photo you want. Of course, I got it for free, so I can't complain too much!
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