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Everything posted by Bunniq

  1. Each year the kids in the family along with a few adults go to see a movie on Thanksgiving night. They are debating on Santa Claus 3 or Deck the Halls.
  2. Well this year I see I will have the same problem as last year. When I was given the information on the family we are sponsoring this year, I was told to please not go over the limit like last year. I told them I didn't go over the limit, and they responded that I had bought to many things for the family. I told them I just found great deals! :holiday08
  3. Growing up we received four gifts from Santa, one we would take to a local shelter so they would have gifts for children that may come during the year. Other gifts were from parents. DH on the other had when he was growing up received all from Santa, well he also received one gift from his mom. He likes my mother idea best for when/if we have children.
  4. I have loved the rush for years, but I am worse when waiting for Santa to come and for everyone to see what he left for them!
  5. I am sure they have at least one person searching the site. We should really help them out by telling them what we would like to see when we visit our friendly WalMart! :holiday08 :holiday08
  6. My sister has decided she and her family are coming home along with my mother and nephews. My sister wants to go with me on BF! I am hoping she won't slow me down. I am going to have her make a list of things she wants to get and tell her noooo window shopping or looking around for things not on the list. In, out, and off to the next store! I hope she does well. After my last store she will take me back to my place and she will pick up her DH to go shopping with him while I babysit their son.
  7. I think as a result of the ads being leaked and seeing what the other stores are offering as well as the reactions. I am sure they went to the websites to see the ads and saw the reactions. It was one of the reasons I started my poll (It was removed.) of why people were disappointed. I wanted to see the percentages and maybe have any retail higher ups see the numbers as well. I am sure my family will think I am nuts when I keep checking the internet on Thanksgiving. Nine more days til BF!! :holiday08
  8. Well I have two plans, but the main one is to go to WalMart SuperCenter around 3AM and pick up any items I want to try and PM and place in my cart. After selecting those items I will then look for the Cabbage Patch dolls to stand and wait for 5AM. (Hoping my Sidekick 3 picks up reception so I can surf while waiting. If not I will just play games on my phone.) Once I get the Cabbage Patch I will swing over to the PJ sets and then checkout! Hopefully I can be one of the first out so I can then head to Target and stand in line before they open at 6am. I have several items I want from Target. Then off to Old Navy to see what goodies they may have then to Bath and Body Works. Maybe end the morning with a trip to Sears. I may go out later in the day with family members.
  9. I love the 25 days of Christmas Specials! I have DVR now with my cable company and I hope to record so I can watch my favorites over and over. :holiday08 :holiday08
  10. The Big Lots here is usually opened on Thanksgiving Day. I didn't get to go last year, but I think I will this year if they are opened. I think I will be in need of a BF fix by then.
  11. I have seen all the ads that I am interested in, and I have made my two game plans lol! I am ready for the thrill of BF! My sister and her family along with my mother will be here, and she may want to go shopping with me. I will have to train her quickly and make a plan three just in case I don't think she can hold up. :holiday08 :holiday08
  12. I know! I just look at them and wonder if they think they are having a dream, and that they are really not standing in line along with everyone else. lol
  13. There are two WalMarts close to me, but it is closed until 5am, but there is also a SuperCenter in the next state, and they were open last year all night. I didn't go there last year, but I plan to go there this year in hopes of getting the Cabbage Patch Doll. By Hwy it is only 15 minutes. You may want to call your local SuperCenter to see what their plans are for that day. I am going to call this year just to make sure they haven't changed plans from last year.
  14. No camping out. At least I don't think arriving around 3am to be camping out. I'll be in a WalMart SuperCenter doing a little shopping unless the main item I want has a crowd around it.
  15. Me tooo, but now I know what's for dinner lol.
  16. So far I am thinking three. Maybe more if I am unable to PM at WalMart. WalMart-SuperCenter so I can wait inside. Target Old Navy (Still debating on Old Navy as I've never been to a BF sale there.) I have to try and stay away from Bath and Body Works until their after Christmas sale starts.
  17. Bunniq

    Target BF ad

    Yep I am going to a WalMart SuperCenter so hopefully I can get the three items I want there as well as the PM items I want to get and then over to Target. The SuperCenter is in AL but by the hwy it will only be a 10 minute drive, if that back, to GA to Target. Target is usually my last stop, but do they do doorbusters? I can't remember if they did last year, but again it was my last stop and I don't remember seeing a doorbuster ad for last year.
  18. The longest I've ever waited in line was just over one hour. This year will be different as I will be inside a nice warm WalMart SuperCenter (I hope!), so I plan to early so I can get my PM items in my card, and find out where the WalMart doorbuster are so I can stand by the item I want the most.
  19. Mine is a poll, but if the admins/mods see fit to remove or merge all is wonderful!
  20. I think most of the major ads are out at this point. I know there are still a few that remain to be seen and a few that we have only seen the doorbuster ads. I wanted to start this poll just because I couldn't wait much longer after reading a few of the disappointed posts. I would also like to know some of the things you want(ed) to see.
  21. I feel the same way. The deal breaker will be the BB gift card I have. I might get theirs and just use my GC. Still thinking.
  22. Yes you were missed! Are you having fun? I missed out on the crockpot as well, but maybe next time!
  23. I happen to be babysitting a 3 years old and I asked her what Santa should bring you and she said candy. I must have given a bad look, because she quickly said oh alright apples. LOL she is not allowed much candy and I think she dreams of eating candy. Each year it gets harder and harder to buy a Christmas gift for my DH. My mother has given up asking and gets him a GC to Best Buy and a GC to a food place so he can use for lunches. Oh I like M*A*S*H good idea especially if you like watching it over and over. Frees up you NetFlix for other rentals.
  24. We will see in 14 days. I can't wait to shop!
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