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Everything posted by BFQueenofNY

  1. I have shortened my list to start and have started bringing back more traditional fun things to do instead of trying to outspend myself year after year. I'm my own worst enemy. I am starting to feel old in this respect. I want to scream "Stop trying To Sell me Things!!!!!" I will be honest, I have stopped buying the children tons of christmas presents because frankly they get too many and they don't need that much. The really big ticket items they have to earn. Here in this part of Florida we have "Reading Counts" points at school. 1 point for each word of a book you read and then take a comprehension test in school on. Both my boys know - they get 1,000,000 words this year - they get a laptop.
  2. ok so I spoke to the Manager of layaway today to get the ultra specifics...now the toys that have been marked to $15 will probably not be included in any BF sale (she said she wasn't allowed to officially tell me definetly no but that's the answer) AND any toy/eligible electronic/movie that will be part of any BF sale will not be available to be put on layaway. So you will get an early hint as to what is going to be put on sale. If the item goes on sale during your layaway you need to pick up up during that week or you are SOL and she said that at pick-up price matching will still be available. She said all layaway closes for Black Friday. It wasn't busy so I plied her with questions
  3. I bought Il Divo Christmas last year clearance and I cannot wait to play it. November 1st is my start date :)
  4. 2nd to electronics, is a hot topic of BF. Now Walmart and TRU have widely varying choices on their lists. I have not seen Target's Top 10 list, but you can be rest assured that Elmo and his drums are on it. Yesterday in Target in Florida it was $58.99 and they had all the extra instruments. Who knows how far that will come down...Walmart has beyblades as a top seller...TRU and Amazon do not. Price matching may come in to play big time. Is it me or is the media just pushing electronics on the older kids now.... What's everyone's opinions? Let's gab till we get an ad:cheesy:
  5. I made the most important preparation...I asked for the day off!!!!!
  6. the transformer coupon is $5 off $5.99 or higher toy and is found http://coupons.target.com/?page=3 but the online code is ADPVWSFK
  7. I am looking for a tv for me first this year LOL
  8. $99 tablets
  9. I must admit...I am ready to start discussing :) I do need a t-shirt though. I already made sure I got the day off.
  10. ok so I was reading posts and thought I check out my local for a blender....instead I bought the Mr. Coffee Cafe Frappe (orig 79.99) for 19.99. I got the last one :) I have wanted one for awhile
  11. Thanks for the info, I use BJ's because you can stack manufacturer coupons with their store coupons.
  12. I bought all 9 packs of mighty beans for .29. I got a green christmas tree spatula for .59 and I bought a red speckled Paula Deen coffee percolator for $7.50 marked down from 39.99.
  13. Last night was rough. Got to TRU only to be greeted by the largest mob scene ever. They estimated close to 1500 were on line by 10pm and they were only letting 50 people in at a time. We left and went to Walmart. at 10:30 Walmart was relatively calm. Ours let you put anything non-electronic in your cart but you couldn't check out until 12:01. Got a ticket for the ds but was read the riot act of not being able to leave, only 1 15 minute bathroom break that I gave it back. Got a crayola crayon make, globe thing, I only bought one paper jam since Walgreens had the guitar for $15 and the amp for $7.50, the K'nex and some clothes. Paid, left Walmart went to Kohl's and then at 4am went back to Walmart where I got a ticket for the ds since I only had to wait an hour now. All of a sudden there were like 12 sheriffs in full riot gear because people were trampling each other over for the tv's. Alot of people brought small babies (a few were sleeping on dog beds pulled off the shelf) which lead to alot of yelling. The ds line got ugly at the end because some people didn't adhere to the stay in line rule and one woman, who started a huge arguement, was ready to rip out some lungs. I got mine so I didn't care. I did buy the red wii only because I got a free $50 gc that I used to purchase a new wireless printer for myself. Walmart got really ugly in the end. I was really disappointed in the selection of blu-ray movies.
  14. got to my Kmart by 3am..no one..3:30..no one. I didn't get out of the car until I saw people arriving for work so it was about 4am. I asked one of the kids working there for an ad when he came back out for a smoke. He brought it to me and we started talking. He asked what I was there for (the panasonic blu-ray) and was telling me how people are going to be really mad because their truck with the big ad stuff had an accident getting there and they did not know when they were getting there and no rainchecks. So we chatted and he went back to work. 5am comes and 3 employees come out and start giving out tickets for the items. 6am there were maybe 10 people on line. I asked about the blu-ray and the guy who I was talking to earlier said he didn't have any for that. I was surprised. I was first in line, the doors opened and I ran back there and he immediately handed me the one on the shelf. I was given my free blu-ray movie and someone behind me asked if there were any more. He said he only had 1 more! What a nice employee. I guess he felt bad since I stood there pretty much alone for 3 hours
  15. Wellington Fl...my first BF that doesn't need hand warmers :)
  16. The only child I ever took was my niece but she was 15 before we took her. It is safety first, but the other reason I would not take my children is that they would be begging for things and would ruin the whole purpose of fighting to get them the perfect toy from Santa LOL
  17. I got my ustream account!
  18. I am going to share my most favorite pie recipe. Everyone will ask you to make it again. No joke. it is Butterscotch pecan pie 3 eggs 1 cup light corn syrup (with the vanilla) 1/8 tsp salt 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 cup sugar 2 tbs butter 1 cup pecan halves 9 inch unbaked pie shell whipped cream Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a medium bowl beat eggs slightly. Add corn syrup, salt, vanilla sugar and butter. Mix well. Fold in pecans. Pour into pie shell. Bake 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake 30-35 minutes or untikl outer edge of filling seems set. let cool on a wire rack. Just before serving add whipped cream.
  19. Most people think I'm nuts but my sil and niece and I have our own BF traditions
  20. I find the BF "experience" sort of jump starts the whole holiday season for me. It is more than just buying an item. It's pyschological. I got up early, stood in line to buy something someone I love really wanted...and hopefully cheap. You can't get that on-line. I go with friends and talk to strangers. After we are all done, we go out to breakfast, go home and take a nap. It's more than the purchase for some of us.
  21. Ok so I went today and bought my son a costume that originally was 14.99. It was on sale for 11.24 and I had my one day only $5 costume coupon, $3 and $2.50 EB coupon. I paid .79 for the ninja costume. :):):)
  22. I went in to CVS to get my summer extra bucks. When I scanned my card, I got $5 coupon off any halloween costume tomorrow (10/5) only. This week the costumes are 25% off. I bet there are more :)
  23. They do it every year. If you have no other membership, it's good for the holidays if you entertain alot. Most have very good food options (better than BJ's IMHO) I bought some Frank and Dean cd's for my mother in law that were nice.
  24. The thrill of the being the hero
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