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Everything posted by BFQueenofNY

  1. I started buying stocking stuffers this past weekend
  2. I hate living in Albuquerque when it comes to Target. No toy clearance at all and I have to hunt for things. They make liking this store harder and harder
  3. and here I was happy with my $7.98 Nordicware cakepop thingy LOL
  4. My Walmart still had the $4.96 kids pjs in baby sizes today
  5. thanks...one stocking stuffer down
  6. Only one fight while I was in Walmart last night. I went to the larger one and by 7:45 people got antsy and someone started ripping plastic off and people just started grabbing things. Turns out there were only 6 trampolines and someone on line kept staring at the other people I guess trying to intimidate. Well he didn't fair very well. They started a really loud fight over them and the police got involved. This particular Walmart had 5 squad cars stationed from 6pm on.
  7. Walmart LG blu ray player portable dvd player 2 wii udraws 2 star wars figure packs few blurays few wii games firepit 9 pjs Kohls 2 throw blankets Discovery camera discovery laptop earphones hot wheels batman figure set nano bug house some fleece Target more movies 3*7.50 sheets sets 2*16gb sd cards Disney 2 plush animals 2 pj's radio shack rc car with lightup wheels Gave up on Joann Fabric- line was 2 hours long. I made more than one trip to Walmart, First one was to a larger one. Fight broke out over trampolines since there was only 6. I went to a smaller one a few hours later and tons of merchandise still there.
  8. dali wall decals has a facebook page and they hae deals that they post only there
  9. yes..thank you for all you do for us all year round
  10. The Giants characters on the front lower right hand side have small symbols that state whether they work on one or both systems. I believe the same symbol is on the originals as well
  11. I was looking through the ad and it mentions Wii motion controllers BF special at $39.99...In Albuquerque that is the normal price. I showed the clerk the ad print out I had and he agreed.
  12. The states in question are all right to work states..not union states. Personally I think that the UFCW is targeting Walmart employees because they probably aren't the highest paid and people make negative comments about the company and the employees. I am just wondering what the purpose is. What is the UFCW looking for? More members? Something from Walmart specifically? They aren't going after any other non union company this publicly.
  13. thanks
  14. It's very interesting but problems are arising everywhere. In Albuquerque, we just voted successfully to raise the minimum wage by $1 and the second it was approved, some retail restaurant organization threatened to sue to keep it from happening. Very weird happenings lately. Union or no union people are finally getting tired of being treated badly and they are not really getting the support they should. I think the "times they are a changin'" and it is going to be interesting to watch how we adapt.
  15. If you have an outlet mall near you, the one or 2 of the home type stores usually have Corelle
  16. I like the $16 flannel sheets but Target may just be a 2nd store for me this year. I want a folding firepit and both Walmart and Ace hardware will have them for $20
  17. First off I feel bad for the employees that have to work. I mean really, they used to get a holiday like everyone else. Second, there is nothing I need that badly that would warrant me shopping for 12 hours before 5am on BF. This isn't supposed to replace Thanksgiving, it's in addition to. I wonder what the CEO's are thinking about the consumers, just out of curiosity?
  18. I got 2 online returned $60 Halloween Star Wars costumes for $12 yesterday. My boys were so happy it was funny LOL Nothing was missing thankfully
  19. I would also look for local places that will give you a discount for buying alot of one thing in bulk. Some will
  20. I would say grocery store gift cards are always a big hit. You mentioned Tim Horton's (oh how I miss my Iced Capps) Maybe a Wegman's gc if you are in the US? Those always go over well
  21. Not impressive at all.
  22. Old Navy free giveaways are always very limited, they never have alot cashiers and I have never been in one on BF where you can get out quickly. That is definitely a loyalty shopper store on BF in my opinion
  23. this year I have been buying the gifts that are "OMG so perfect" right when I see them. So many times I wait and I am disappointed because either they are gone or more often I have forgotten where I saw it. I have a hiding place and everything.
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