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Everything posted by BFQueenofNY

  1. Well I would ask her what she thinks and what she's been hearing from her friends at school. You don't want her to be in a position where they start to tease her and let that determine her opinion of it all going forward. Maybe take her to lunch, ask some questions and let her know how you feel about Christmas and what it means to you. Turn it into a positive bonding experience instead of a childhood memory killer in your mind and in hers. Then it won't seem so sad. Make a new tradition that is more grown-up for you and her to do to replace Santa that you can then keep. Don't be angry though.
  2. http://www.burtsbees.com/other/gift-sets-kits/grab-bag.html This is a great deal. I bought a few last year for gifts. A great deal. I have been waiting for this deal:D
  3. ingle All The Way vs The Holiday Love Actually vs Miracle on 34th Street- 1994 Version Gremlins vs Die Hard The Christmas List vs Miracle on 34th Street- Original 1947 version! Mickey's A Christmas Carol vs Christmas in Connecticut A Christmas Carol 2009 Staring Jim Carrey vs Home Alone Christmas Vacation vs Santa Clause 3- The Escape Clause White Christmas vs It's a Wonderful Life A Christmas Story vs A Christmas Carol- 1984 George C Scott Eight Crazy Nights vs Last Holiday One Magical Christmas vs Surviving Christmas The Nitemare Before Christmas vs Four Christmases Polar Express vs Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas The Nativity Story vs The Christmas Shoes The Santa Clause vs Santa Buddies Elf vs The Grinch!
  4. what is a dirty santa party exactly? my mind sadly goes right in the gutter...holiday season or not LOL
  5. I got to the mall about 1am and was there until about 3am and it was packed with kids from about 11 years old-18 yo. Far more teenagers than any adults. My son is 9 and I even saw a few of his friends although I didn't see who they were with. It almost seemed like the parents just dropped them off to hang out while they went shopping and hate me if you must, there is nothing in this world that I need that badly that I would risk the safety of my children and bring them out on a night when people get crazy over things.
  6. My Walmart had some really mean people in it. Lots of cursing going on. I got there at 10 (won't do that again) got my movies and pj's and griddle. waited and got my 2 digital photo frames and sd cards. I left there ans went to the mall for Macy's but was hit with a sale I didn't know was happening...Abercrombie had 50% of everything in the store. Made out great for my son. Got some stuff in Macy's with my gc's that i earned from CVS and by the time I got to Target (1:30am) happy shopping and no lines
  7. BFQueenofNY

    Thank You

    Thanks to everyone involved with making all the shopping I do all year long fun and frugal....not just on BF. You guys are great :)
  8. I have already gotten my 3 gift cards this week. I wonder if this sale is considered a different week? Otherwise I have to wait until Sunday to get more.
  9. Higher South Florida is mid 80's with a low in the 60's. Hopefully all the dreaded rain passes through today and tomorrow. Today was horrid though!
  10. Last night the lovely woman in CVS gave me the CVS BF ad since she had a few :)
  11. I buy boxes of chocolates at CVS when they go BOGO. The school bus driver, the 2 teachers, the nurses at the pediatrician's office share a box and the mailman. I also buy 1 or 2 more for "emergencies".
  12. Walmart put out too easy this year. They must have something up their sleeves
  13. You are not letting anyone down...You feel better
  14. I use a fanny pack so I can keep all the receipts. I hate power shopping with a purse.
  15. I like the vinyl bumper clings. I put my magnets on my car
  16. as long as there is some money in the account, pay by the "credit" option not the debit option. I work in grocery and pretty much everyday I have a declined "debit" that is accepted "credit"
  17. I may have to get me one of those bb gun packages LOL.
  18. I need Star Wars legos and so far no one has them on BF sale
  19. I may have to be there for the $30 in-line skates!
  20. I was looking for legos now I have to got to TRU
  21. The kids and I love it. I put it in their oatmeal and I use it as coffee creamer
  22. Black Friday :)
  23. I...hate...wrapping presents....I would Christmas shop for everyone I knew in this world if they would, in return wrap my presents LOL
  24. one of my friends is making food gifts but she is making homemade vanilla extract. She bought a pound of vanilla beans from Amazon.com, some fancy skinny jars and vodka. You put one bean in the jar, fill to the top with vodka or bourbon and 2 months later...poof. you keep it filled with booze and you always have vanilla extract.
  25. Might be a fun thing to look into. was this a groupon or living social deal?
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