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Everything posted by Princess7915

  1. We never really "camp out" but that's only because there has never been anything I just HAD to have. We usually plan out our trip and get to whatever store we want to be at first about 30min before opening. Though I have camped out for other things and would be willing to do it if necessary!!!
  2. Always glad to see a new member...makes me feel like I've been here longer!
  3. You can ask the clerk, before she rings you up, if she can print you out multiple reciepts..I would think so. If not, then you'll have to pay seperatly for everything and tough to the people behind you because it's not your fault. I woudn't rely on sending in a copy b/c companies are really picky on big rebates and deals.
  4. My mom and I have gone together for quite awhile. This year, my aunt (mom's sister) wants to go, but she's not a big shopper. She doesn't really want to go to the mall at all which is were we want to go first (sears, pennys). She only wants to go to Target and maybe Kohls. We told her that she could go to target and meet up with us later!! She's only interested in toys and we aren't missing out on all the other stuff we want so that she can get toys!!!
  5. I say any un-manned cart is fair game! I've had people snoop my cart while I was right there with my hands on it!!
  6. It's funny how companies always say there will be plenty of their popular item to go around...but oddly something always happens to create that last minute shortage!!! I'd still be #1 in line if you want one. I think it's crappy they took the pre-orders, but I guess if they can say they are technicaly sold out before the items even come in then nobody will "bother them" by camping out!!!
  7. I think it's odd that BB is trying soo hard for everyone's holiday cash this year!
  8. Walmart does this too. On big sale days (like BF) they bring in model # that they don't normally sell. This way there is no lay-away issues or buy it in advance and get a refund. I would feel confident that the ad correctly displays what they will have on BF, but it's still sort of sneaky.
  9. I would definately call your store this week and tell them specifically what computer you want the AOL deal on and see what they say....then I would call back several hours later in an attempt to get someone else to answer and see what they tell you just to double check.
  10. I king of agree with mugs... You spend you time camped out all night becaus there is something at a store that you want. I agree that if you are there as one of the lucky first few, that you are entitled to any of those ticket items. However, how would you feel if you were #11 in line and the first ten people took the only 10 tickets to the item you were there for and none of them actually wanted the item? Didn't you camp out all night practicaly too? I think it's a bit .... I don't want to say selfish or greedy....but it's just not quite the right thing to do.
  11. Princess7915

    Radio Shack

    I would venture a guess that you may have a few people, but no reason to get in line really early. Go an hour ahead of time and wait in you warm car untill folks start showing up.
  12. I think that even sadder than the person selling, would be someone buying it. Talk about dumb.
  13. You can always buy it and if the clerk refuses to PM tell her you want to return it for a refund, and then re-purchase it at the sale price, they would HAVE to do that!!!
  14. I'm pretty sure that ours do not, but it would be nice.
  15. Princess7915

    Walmart in IL

    There is no way they are going to wait that late to start bringing in all that stock! They won't get it out in time. They will have to do it at least by Wednesday afternoon since they are closed Thursday.
  16. Thanks for the heads up!! I'd have been upset if I didn't know in advance...thanks for averting BF Meltdown!!!!!
  17. I think that in general BB is a pretty sneaky company. I don't like to shop there. Plus, they are sooo overpriced. My husband buys most stuff online at newegg. He shops BB to see what he wants, the buys it much cheaper somewhere else.
  18. Now that's interesting...hope that includes free shipping on items! Otherwise I don't really buy stuff online.
  19. I could do without the KB ad..Target toy asile will have my $$ this year.
  20. I saw a thing or two in the ad that I was going to pick up, but I most likely won't go now. Doesn't seem like they really want our business!!! But here's a thought for Ross and Brad...it just says remove their trademark...can you just black out everywhere it says "OFFICE DEPOT" and leave the ad up? I would think that they can't do anything about that!!
  21. I don't need anything else to try to do on Friday. I'm a die-hard scrapbooker and even I woulndn't dream of taking my camera!!
  22. I think it's stupid, I saw some things in the ad that I wanted at the store, mind you that Office Depot is not a store I would have planned to visit if I hadn't seen the ad. I think they are cutting themselves off from the public that they need! I agree with Dragon, I may not go now. I'm sure the other stores know about the site and they are not bitching, I bet the read all the hype it generates about their store!!
  23. Princess7915

    kohls ad

    Last year they had Barbie stuff as well as what you already mentioned. If I remember correctly the Leapfrog stuff was classified as "electronics" and not "toys". I still found some good stuff, but all the toys were for the younger kids, like 8 and under.
  24. I get everybody's wish list and check regular pricing. Then when the ads come out I see what's in them that's on or close to my list. I don't make up my list by what's on the ads, I love to browse and pick up stuff I think people will like.
  25. Christmas always seems so far off untill you realize how many paychecks you have left!!! It's like you go into a timewarp at that point!!!
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