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Everything posted by Princess7915

  1. If I was standing in line behind that person I would scoop up their goodies!!!! Too bad, too sad.
  2. Our malls do not let you stay inside to camp out. How lucky would that be!? Nope, we shiver and shake untill 5a.m.
  3. anybody got a clue about the model number?? Wonder if it's boxed and you could return/exchange it for a car or home kit for the radio you already have????
  4. We always get Chick fil A chicken biscuit breakfast, IHOP sound good, but doesn't it take too long? We go where ever for lunch, too tired to be picky!!
  5. COLOR] Okay guys. PAY ATTENTION!! I'm not sure about the link Albrandwood submited. I checked it out because I'm in the same boat as allystl in not knowing what to buy. You have to check that you agree with the terms/conditions of placing an order which include you MUST BE an XM employee. If they can't verify, they will charge you the difference in pricing later when/if they catch it. I'm not sure I want to risk it. SOOO I went to Crutchfield.com and called the 800 number to get some advice! The gentleman told me the Delphi Skyfi2 is the best xm for right now. So that's the model I chose. They also sell this for $79.00 (msrp $129.99) PLUS the $50rebate is still good, so you get it for $29.99 w/free shipping...NOW THAT'S A DEAL!!! :) I'm a happy camper. As a side note, the guy also told me he just switched his service from XM to Sirius. He said he just liked the programming better (rock music and Howard Stern). Anyway check out Crutchfield! They are very helpful and great pricing!
  6. My Grandmother thinks my mom and I are nuts! Of course, Walmart on a regular day is enough to do her in!! I love BF!!! I skim thru the ads and peg down a few things that I would really like to get, but I'm never in the hunt for those "big ticket items" Actually, the best stuff that I found last year was stuff not even in the ads!! Like Pennys had $70 cashmere sweaters on sale for $29.99 (actually, Im wearing mine today!) What a find!!! I love the shopping experience and the holiday excitement and tradition more than hunting and fighting for one particular thing. Now all of you think I'm nuts for not being such a "by the list" shopper!!!
  7. yes I got them, and threw them out!
  8. Yes, the nicer stores do have BF sales. I just think they don't put the push into advertising. Macy's/Hechts has decent sales and there stuff is nice. If you have a Dillards they have BF stuff going on. Not sure about Nordstrum because ours is too far out for BF shopping for me.
  9. Kay jewelers has good BF pricing...and I've bought several things there recently, I think as far and jewelery stores go, the're pretty well priced and the staff is fairly intelligent and helpful. I've never left feeling frustrated of ripped off.
  10. I know everyone is scoping out BF weather reports now that it's up on the 10-Day forecast!! So who gets to make everyone green with envy for have the best day to be out and about? Here in Virginia Beach, we are looking at a cloudy 55, but luckily no rain.
  11. Thanks Ebony!!! Friends appreciated :) I'm not at all ungrateful I've had, in recent years, Christmas's with no presents for each other, only immediate family. We didn't even have money for a tree! I LIVE for CHRISTMAS!!! I LOVE to buy presents for people especially my mom and my hubby (who has been my "boyfriend" for 10 years). We are both 26 and just getting back on our feet so I was really looking forward to shopping and wrapping and giving presents. So I'm just pretty bummed out that, once again, it seems Christmas takes a back burner...which is life, blah blah...priorities I KNOW. But still, anyone else would be bummed out too and do I really deserve to be strung up by my toes for it?
  12. Hubby wants the aircompressor from Sears. The same one was on sale last year and he was most disappointed. Though, I'm not exactly sure what he thinks he's going to do with it!!!
  13. Dont buy it from a petstore!!! RESCUE and unloved sweetheart! That being said, I don't think I've ever seen a petstore have a sale of anykind on animals, much less BF, so let us know what you find out!!! That's a first I'd say for most of us!! LOL
  14. I can never seem to get a list together!!! I scope out a few items that are kind of "must have" but for the most part I carry a print out of my ideas from everyone's wish list and what I've already bought and what I paid for it. Also, very helpful is I go online when I get everyone's wish list and find who has the best "everyday" price and write it down. This way in the madness I know if I'm really getting a good deal. It's very helpful!
  15. Actually, I think my aunt ended up with a pretty great deal a few weeks ago, both at Target and at Overstock, you may want to check out any pre-BF sales.
  16. Now that's good shoppin' sbhiggins! More power to your dad!!!
  17. Sort of....My mom and I are crack of dawn shoppers too..When we have to unload the cars we go to her house (she lives very close to everything) and relax for a little while, then head back out. My husband wouldn't be caught dead out there!!! He hates crowds, although this year he's making some noise about going too...we shall see. I doubt he moves when the alarm goes off!!
  18. I will follow up on EAN1879's comment by saying first, I'm a little offended. We are a young, recently married couple without a lot of holiday spending money...that $1,000 is all of it. So obviously was hoping to get it to go as far as possible, hence the purpose of BF anyway!!!! Also...He handles the finances, by his choice because I'm staying home and starting a photography studio (not sitting on my butt) and I let him because he's a smart cookie. I trust him so I consult him on purchases out of respect for his financial planning.
  19. I'm not sure about Walmart hours, but personally I think it is greedy and it sucks!!! No, I don't work for them...I'm a Stay at Home (not mom :) ). But people should really have a few holidays to be with family. Why do stores feel so compelled to get every dime out of the consumer! It really frosts my cookies when people are open Thanksgiving and Christmas. My husband and I NEVER patronize a store on these days...not even a 7-11 for gas. Corporate America needs to be a little less greedy in my opinion and respect their workers! People will tell you that EMPLOYEES used to have more loyalty to their workplace...true...but EMPLOYERS also used to respect the people that keep thier companies running, even on the lowest levels. ...........getting off my soapbox, thanks for listening.................................
  20. Okay...so for how long now have we known about BF? UMM...since last year's BF so it's not like a suprise. I've been hounding my hubby about "need the shopping money" for WEEKS and been getting the standard "i'll be there" reply. We are BIG TIME anti-credit card uses. So today he tells me that instead of the $1,000 he promised me...I may only get like $300!!!!! I don't know weather to charge it and say tough luck buddy (which only screws me too) or suck it up and just do the shopping that I can and be happy. Any advice on saving a new marriage (and his life) appreciated.
  21. Target's probably last, or Best Buy, it's a toss up. We hit the early mall department stores, Kohls, back to the mall for the rest, then..whatever else is good.
  22. REAL TREES!!! I hate fake trees...but FYI pine trees dont smell, it's the fir trees that smell so good. Our Garden Ridge has "okay" fake trees and prices, my mom's fakie came pre-lit from QVC and she loves it...it's very easy to put up.
  23. When we camped out at our 24hr walmart for the PS2 I got there (I was 3rd in line) at 9:30a.m. and they were given out at midnight. About lunch time is when the line started really filling out. Call you store and see how many they expect to get in. The walmart had like 36 PS2's and there were more than than many people in line by 2 or 3p.m. The after dinner crowd were really rowdy when they finally figured out they were WAY too late.
  24. I'm not sure either, how about Marshalls?
  25. Does anybody know if Ross, TJ Maxx, or Marshalls does BF sales. I shop these stores often, but I've never noticed if they have Black Friday stuff.
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