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Everything posted by Princess7915
I set my alarm and back up alarm, and my mom and I are shopping buddies, so the first one up calls the other.
Last year I had a $75 rebate from Office Depot on a gift for my husband. WELL... you have to cut the box up for the codes to send in with the item, which I couldn't do until after Christmas so I was sure I got the right thing and could return it if need be. The rebate had to be mailed by DEC 27, and in all the holiday hustle we were running the stupid rebate up to a late pick up mailbox so it would get postmarked in time. We weren't even sure the company would give us the rebate if the postmark was a day off....but almost 5 months later I got the $75 check for the company. Dont count on rebate money coming in in time to help stretch you Christmas budget, though it may help with summer vacation plans!!!
I'm still not sure about the shopping BF online...by the time you pay for shipping you're pretty much at regular pricing!! I know some stores will rebate you shipping but that takes WEEKS to get back, and at some stores if you spend enough they'll ship, but I'd rather not wait for my goodies. Unless of course you have one or two MUST HAVE items and the sale outweighs the shipping or fear of not getting it at the store. I'm curious if anyone has shopped BF online before and how it went for them.
We have on in Williamsburg...but it's such a madhouse on any regular weekend you wouldn't catch me there on BF...I'd brave the worst Walmart TWICE!!!! We went a few Saturdays ago just for something to do and it took us 30min just to park!!!!
...or you could ship the package to a friends house.....
Kohls and Hechts are what I'm still waiting on!!!
I think you'd get mugged if you showed up with a few boxes of Krispy Kreme doughnuts!!!!
Though, if you want a great down featherbed or comforter I reccomend QVC Northern Nights stuff...it's great and it's not terribly expensive
rumored item in JC Pennys is 60% off microsuede down comforter/blanket
Best Buy carries some entertainment centers, you can try there.
Can't wait for the rest!!!
I got that e-mail awhile ago, and I would just LOVE to try some of that stuff!!!!
Sounds like a great idea, but be careful!!! A few years ago we were in line at Walmart at 10am the morning BEFORE the PS2 came out at midnight. We had some trouble with people in the back of the line (that obviously showed up too late to get the item). Anytime someone stepped out of line to go to the bathroom or ask a line neighbor to hold a spot while they walked around for a minute the late-commers made a big fuss about letting them back in line. I wish you luck with your save-a-spot buddies!!!
Our Kay Jewelers always has pretty good sales around the holidays in general but I'm not sure about BF alone.
Last year while shopping on BF we noticed lots of stores had sales for Friday and Saturday but the best deals were Friday, of course. Some of the Friday sale items were the same as the Saturday items they just went up in price a little. Kind of like "early bird" items are still on sale after the time period, it's just not as great of a deal.
I don't know for sure, but most ads say "while supplies last" or something to the same effect. If they were willing to raincheck everything, then nobody would stand in line for hours!!! I think all stores are pretty much first come....
From my past experience Pennys has always opened at 5am, Macys at 6am and the rest of the mall at normal time. I hate that because after driving to the two mall stores we have to leave (usually hit Kohls) and then go BACK to the mall!! Good thing everthing is fairly close together.
I'm still waiting on ads from the main store we like to shop at, hopefuly they come out soon so I can start planning.
What do you do while standing in line at the store?
Princess7915 replied to sigrist_2000's topic in 2005
Chat with my shopping partner!! -
I would pick Kohls, they have great BF sales!!!
Do you take advantage and do personal shopping on BF or are you strictly in Gift Giving mode? In the past I have purchased a few small items for myself but this year I am recently married and could use some good deals on items for myself/household. Is this a BF "do" or "don't"??
Try walmart, I think they even have an online buy going on right now.
My first job as a teen was TRU. My family always went out of town for Thanksgiving and being that I was 15, I didn't have a choice in going with my parents of not!! I told my boss about a week before the holiday (when our schedule came out) that I would be out of town. He promptly informed me that any employee who didn't show up for BF was fired - no exceptions. So, I worked untill the Tuesday before and didn't go back!
My mom and I usually go together, and so far no ads have been worthy of the cut-throat shopping you hear about! We scope out the ads after Thanksgiving dinner and just hop from store to store until we are broke, tired or both!!
We usually set a $1,000 christmas budget and before BF I've ran into a few deals and spent about $250 of that. I'd love to be done by the end of the day but it never fails that I have a few more things to buy.