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Everything posted by Princess7915

  1. I was online and waiting at 5pm to snag that Naked eye shadow
  2. The only store I will go to In Person is the ABC store. Virginia always does a BF sale, this year it's 20% off 100 or more. We use it as an excuse to restock the liquor cabinet every year.
  3. When we bought our Echo and dots a few months ago - it was a Prime Day sale, I got an email offering me a four month trial for like a few dollars. We decided not to keep it for the regular $7.99 a month after the trial expired. Hubby pays for Spotify and that works with the devices. The music wasn't a bad deal - you can listen through your phone if you install the app, or listen on any echo-type device. He just prefers the Spotify that we already pay for.
  4. I have this one - we got it on a really good deal from Costco, it was under $60 a few weeks ago. We love it!!! I use my air fryer more than my microwave. I got a small one last year on BF off Amazon, just to see if we would use it. We decided we need a bigger one, even though we are two people, you need room for the food to be able to cook evenly. Don't hesitate on this one - it's really nice.
  5. Does anyone know if Wayfair has any kind of Black Friday sales?
  6. I have a Roomba 690. It was my X-mas gift from hubby last year, and yes, I wanted it! We have hardwood floors throughout our one level home with an area rug in one bedroom. Overall, I love it and think it does a great job! It gets under the beds, dressers etc. every time - A place I'll admit I did not vacuum frequently on my own. We have four cats and I wanted something to keep up with the furry tumbleweeds and kitty litter. This does an excellent job. I'll share some of my pro's and con's with you. Don't take for granted that you can run this everyday when you are away from home. It's a 50/50 shot that the Roomba will get stuck on something. It gets stuck on the long curtains in my living room. It gets stuck under the lip of the dishwasher. It gets stuck under our hutch that has a larger clearance in the middle than the sides and it will wedge itself under the lower trim pieces. It also battles my bathroom rug. It has NEVER fallen off the steps to the drop down den or my drop down closet. However, it will push things off this ledge (hello kitty water bowl). You cannot have a house where you have shoes, random socks, cat toys scattered around the floor. Sometimes it's harmless and it will push a shoe under the bed for you to find. Sometimes the random sock will get stuck in the wheels and it will stop cleaning until you fix it. Cords can also be a problem. As long as I run the Roomba three days a week, my floors stay really clean. However, this particular unit is a little loud. My hubby works from home and if he's on a conference call when the Roomba is running, I have to cancel the cleaning job until he's not on the phone. Do not think you can throw out your traditional vacuum cleaner. You will find lots of little places the Roomba cannot get to - like behind doors, under chairs etc. Overall I love my Roomba and would never give it up. I would splurge for a quiet model if you think the noise will bother you. It does keep me honest with keeping clutter off my floors!
  7. We have a Ring Two. I like it, but I don't love it! Let me share my experience with you. Costco had a great deal last holiday season. First off it was very easy to get installed and set up. We DID buy an extra battery at the same time we purchased. It's nice to have one charged when you get the dreaded low battery warning. On average ours lasts about 3 months. We live on a pretty busy street with moderate foot and car traffic. I turned off the motion alerts after a few weeks because it made me crazy. Every time someone walked or drove past the house, my phone would chime. There was no setting in the range that made this stop. Some of this was because of the way our house sits. We face due South and the cars will catch the sun and reflect it back to the doorbell - thus triggering the motion. The doorbell works. The catch is that the app is really slow (running on my Galaxy S7). If someone is at the door and waiting for me to answer (like a door to door salesman) then I can easily bring up the app and see who is on my porch. But if it's a delivery person (Amazon, UPS etc) they are gone by the time I can get the app up. Usually I can catch the car or truck driving away. The other issue is that the speaker feature is really lacking. If you're expecting to engage people like the commercials (get off my lawn!) then you will be disappointed. There is a substantial lag and the voice quality is sketchy. Usually you can get enough of what someone is saying to get the point - but you are certainly not having a conversation to tell someone who stopped by for a visit that you're out shopping and will be home in thirty minutes. You get the point. Overall I'm glad I have it. But it's not quite up to what I had expected. As a note, my aunt who lives catty-corner to me has a Ring Pro and has the same issues.
  8. A pumpkin, or other flavor, bread pudding comes together really quickly. No brunch is complete without mimosas
  9. My aunt has given money in those puzzle things. The adult men got a kick out of it...frustrating for kids/teens. We have wrapped up gift certificates inside and envelope and then in a small shirt box with tissue like a regular gift.
  10. One more item to purchase. Wrapping has been pretty much done for two weeks...just need to wrap the last 3 or 4 items I bought.
  11. 1. Favorite Christmas movie? The Family Stone 2.What are 3 things on your Christmas list this year? Something from Tiffany's (every year on my list!), things for my garden, painting 3. Does it snow where you live? No 4. Do you celebrate Christmas, if not then what Holiday? Christmas 5. Favorite gift you've ever gotten? painting and earrings from (now) hubby - then boyfriend 6. Worst gift you've ever gotten? LOL a few over the years - pants with a hole in them is most recent 7. What time do you get up on Christmas? Whenever (no kids) 8. Biggest pet peeve about the Christmas season? Christmas stuff in stores by Halloween!! 9. Favorite Christmas song? Santa Baby (seriously) Winder Wonderland, Carol of the Bells 10. Would you rather it be cold & snowy or be kind of warm out? SNOW!!! 11. Hot chocolate or eggnog? Hot Chocolate 12. Favorite thing to wear during the Christmas season? No Favorite Thing 13. Anybody you're hoping to bump into under the mistletoe? Eric Dane 14. Embarrassing Christmas story? Nope 15. Favorite Christmas treat? Home made chex mix and fudge 16. Latest you've stayed up on New Year’s Eve? 4am ish 17. Favorite Christmas character? None 18. What are you doing for the holidays this year? Same thing as always 19. Ever been to someone else’s family’s Christmas? No 20. Favorite pie flavor? None 21. Your favorite Christmas tradition growing up? Christmas Eve dinner and presents with family friends 22. White lights or colored lights? White 23. Favorite Christmas dinner dish? No favorite 24. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Day 25. What tops your tree? No Tree 26. Candy canes- Yum or Yuck? Yuck but Yum..kinda like peeps 27. Is this your first Christmas on Gottadeal.com? No 28. Do you hang mistletoe? No 29. Favorite Christmas activity? No favorite 30. Favorite Christmas story? No favorite
  12. Speaking as a "child" of divorced parents (I was 21 when mom left my dad) I think that for me, it's been hardest during the holidays etc. because everyone just wants to do the same thing. My mom remarried and it's just kind of "insert new person here" and that really sucks. In my opinion it's better if you do new things - different things rather than just doing the same old and acting like it's all good. People always say it's hardest on little kids and I get that...but you have to understand for us older kids...our whole lives 20 years of tradition is now gone. That's not easy either. You may also not do things that all your kids get jazzed about - you have a wide age range. Try a cookie making day - girls will love that. Do a movie or a dinner out on Christmas Eve. I love the 12 Days of Christmas gifts idea...doesn't have to be BIG items but it's something fun to look forward to. I say totally bag the traditional if that's what they need or want. Order Pizza on Christmas Eve and watch cheesy and fun holiday movies. Find something in your area fun to do the week school is out. Go ice skating... take a Santa picture at the mall with all of you in it. I say try to make it fun and different. Recognize the elephant in the room and let them kind of tell you what they all want. Happy Holidays to you and your family
  13. My local SPCA has a wish list on Amazon. This year I shopped off of that list. It makes it sooo easy to help out
  14. I think that, for everyone, over time the holidays change. Families change, children grow and this affects how we view and feel about the season. Hubby and I (no kids) have kind of been on a holiday bummer the past few years. Our families - especially mine - have morphed into something a far cry than the simple "mom and dad" we had as kids. We also choose not to decorate because we have several cats...and well it just wasn't worth the few weeks of fussing with them and vet bills LOL. Anyway - we decided that WE needed to change the holidays. WE needed to be proactive about not being swept into whatever is going on but to make some choices that make it feel like a season of joy and giving rather than long for what used to be. I think once you lose a certain aspect that you identified with the holidays (like being Santa for your kids) then you have to find something to replace it. This year we went down and made a donation to our local Food Bank. I also shopped from a wish list on Amazon for our local SPCA shelter. We will make another donation of some sort the week of Christmas. You may not think it - but doing these things was wonderful. It made us both feel good about something! We've also been "doing" holiday activities that put us in the spirit. A few relaxing, fun experiences that are new to you make the holidays a bit exciting again. So for you all with the holidays slump - FIND SOMETHING good to do. Write Cards for overseas military, donate toys to your childrens hospital, make a donation to your food bank. Hoping you all get your holiday mojo back!
  15. LOL I think so too Who doesn't eat cheesecake.
  16. Princess7915

    Food Gifts

    Hi all...I am looking for some input on food gifts for the holidays. Do you get them? send them? like them or hate them? Where do you get gifts from that you like or what do you send? I've sent Harry and David in the past - thinking that I love their stuff...but it didn't go over so well. The recipients are from a small town and had no clue what it was or why we sent fruit. I've sent Jr's Cheesecakes only to find out the wife doesn't like cheesecake I've sent Omaha steaks and they were a hit. So I'm looking for some of your likes and dislikes for food gifts. Thanks!!
  17. They have some outlet sales today..what I wanted was on a great sale but I just didn't have nearly enough to compensate for the shipping. $8 ship on a $8 item was silly to me.
  18. That's just strange.
  19. Thanks for all the suggestions guys. About 2 weeks ago my aunt and my mom and I got together to discuss the holidays. I think my aunt is okay with our agreement..I can say for sure my mom is pissed. Oh well. We agreed that what people spend is their business...we agreed on 3 items per person as a gift guide. Honestly, I don't know how much of a scale back this is for me. Last year I stuck to 2 or 3 items and was happy about it. What I CAN say is that it should even it out some. Last year I was the one who bought 2 or 3 gifts and seemed cheap while everyone else bought like 5 things per person. Though you have to get that some of the items are really inexpensive. Which IS FINE...however I think the 3 item limit will make people think a bit more about what they buy and not just pick up so much randomness.
  20. LOL I do this too. Does anyone know if you move to "save for later" the price may still change or does it have to be "in" the cart?
  21. For Years I did the Tidy Cats sale! I don't use that litter anymore...but Black Friday I would get 6 months or more worth of litter for so cheap! But with the $5 coupon inside the box it's difficult. I would by a few then open them for the coupon then buy a few more etc till I had a CRV packed to the gills with litter
  22. Yes! I agree that we shouldn't send to the "rude" family LOL but I am vetoed on this by the DH SO I send a basket of some sort and it's at least the least amount of work. I did make a gift last year! I was struggling about weather to do something like that again. I make Limoncello - so everyone got a bottle. The stuff takes MONTHS to make and I really enjoy it--so I thought everyone else would. Not suitable for Grandma or kids though lol. I'd say they liked it enough but thought it was strange. So whatever. Last year it was part of my scaling back -- I bought 2 things for everyone. I told them in advance I wasn't doing "all the stuff" and I don't think it went over real well but I just didn't care. I think it takes more time and planning to buy just one or two things for someone. You want to be sure they will like what you got. I did the whole ask for a charity gift last two years for my b-day. Only my mom did it...but she also bought like 5 "gifts" for me So it defeated the whole point LOL.
  23. Ahh out of town would be a dream. Can I go from Thanksgiving to New Years??? LOL But---no money for a vacay right now
  24. Yes Freesia39 - sounds like you and I ARE actually from the same planet!! Except for the fact that my parents have always been overboard - I had the piles and piles of stuff as a kid (not trying to sound spoiled...It just was what it was) And don't get me wrong...every dime of it went on a credit card - my parents didn't have that kind of money. And I hate financing the holidays, I truly don't understand why people do it. I would rather make a big deal of a birthday or wedding anniversary than some random December day. But that's not the common thought for for sure. I think I am compromising by suggesting a scale back - but everyone just thinks I'm "stealing" their Christmas from them. Whatever. If I"m supposed to respect how they feel..then I think I should get that reciprocated. I envy your parents...the holidays on a cruise or remote island sounds FANTASTIC away from all the mayhem.
  25. Thanks all. I've been doing some thinking about this and trying to come up with a happy in-between. As for the suggestion to not include my moms husband- it isn't going to happen. She's pretty pushy about making him included..it sucks. In any case, I think I'm going to suggest a gift limit. As far as putting a budget on gifts, I kind of feel like what people spend is their business. So I'm hesitant to say we all only spend say $30 on each other...my mom would just do whatever she wanted anyway (she has in the past as this was the idea last year). BUT I'm hoping I'll get some positive feedback from them if I suggest limiting gifts to say 2 or 3 items. Buy someone 3 packs of gum or 3 sports cars...I don't care...but we'll have a magic number and hopefully that will limit some of the excess. I always feel terrible when after Christmas we donate or pitch things people have given us. I'm not an ungrateful person. We do all make wish-lists and I try to put smaller items I actually NEED on my list. I'd say it's 50/50 people shop from it....but last year was okay and not too much went by the wayside. I think most of my problem is the amount. It's not like I MIND sending a $50 gift basket to my hubby's brother and wife...or whoever. I just feel it's silly we "have to" in order not to be rude when we literally NEVER hear from them!!! We didn't even get a Thank You last year for the gift! It's ridiculous, to me, to spend hard earned money like that on people that CLEARLY don't appreciate it.... and that's part of why I don't like people wasting money on me.
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