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Everything posted by Princess7915
Shop till you Drop ladies!!! Or untill your cc is declined and you're out of checks!!
I'll be chatting with my shopping buddy, and probably finalizing my lists!!!!
A related question: Does anybody know if you can shop Target online any earlier than when they open and get BF pricing?
Last year my shopping buddy and I braved BB. We waited in line over 2 1/2 hours and when we were out, we realized nothing we bought was acutally on sale!!! Caught up in the excitement.
I think I'm going for the board games...lost of kid's birthdays and stuff. Not sure what else.
We usually do the angel tree and do BF toys and stuff, that way we can get the kid more items on their list, or pick 2.
I would see if you could find out a fav. resturant especially if they are married. Or one year my boss gave all the employees 2 sets of movie passes. Those were fun because then we could choose what we saw and have a date night.
If you have a Build a Bear workshop (or you can do it online now) they make a scrapbooking outfit! You could do a small bear with the scrappers outfit and I bet she would LOVE it. It's something she won't have and I bet she'll show all her friends.
More "experienced" parents - when did the tables turn for your kids?
Princess7915 replied to MarkRaby's topic in 2005
I think I was about 7 and my school had a Saturday workshop where kids could come up and make gifts for mom and dad. My mom STILL puts that ornament on her tree (I'm 26). I think after that, I really starting wanting to give her something for Christmas and as I got older it turned into wanting to buy her something from stores. -
I only by AR gifts for my hubby or immediate family. I know those people won't be offendend if I cut up their boxes!! They cut up mine too!
I think my biggest gift was a waterbed when I was 12. I think my favorite was a barbie fold up doll cottage decked out with all the furniture etc, and a ferrari in the front, I guess I was about 5.
My grandmother has always made us a Thanksgiving goodie gift bag. We get little nick nacks and candy and stuff in there. She loves to buy us christmas socks!!
Coke bears, and Budweiser horses are my fave.
I snipe stuff off, but I do it myself and not with a program...that takes the sport out of it. Kind of like deer hunting with an AK-47, you're bound to get it!!!
I do a stocking every year for my hubby. He didn't have one as a kid!!! I put little stuff and one "real" present in.
We watch them every year. When the promos start coming out for them I used to mark the dates/times on my calander. Now I just set them up on my tivo.
That would be sooo much fun!!! Talk about getting you into the christmas spirit! I bet if it's a real snow flurry there's no mess...probably just evaporates in the air. I wish our mall was cool!
Crutchfield.com didn't have the combo that I saw. But with the radio being so cheap AR that the $49.99 car kit is practically free. Plus the free ship is always great too.
I like to use my bank visa card because I hate cash (scary!) and checks take too long!!! But I will have to use some cash because our bank statement online tells you where you shopped and my hubby could find out. If I go to certain stores and spend money only on items he requested (like sears) then he's pretty good at figuring out his gifts!! Sneaky.
Sad to say that all my Must Have Christmas items are not BF items!!! Actually I've already gotten some of them on okay sale prices because (thanks to this site) I knew in advance they would not be on sale. I'm glad I knew though because now I know I have them safely tucked away. But really, I'm lucky in that my Must Have's are already bought and I don't risk not getting them at all!! I figure that I'm taking the reciepts for the big items with me to the stores and IF they happen to be on a better sale I'll be within 30 days and they should refund the difference.
Okay, I've been BF shopping a few years now. I appreciate a good deal and all, but I joined this site this year and I am amazed at how into this stuff people are...you are converting me!!! I have no idea about price matching. I need BF PM for dummies!! Anyone up for sharing their secrets on how this works?
They think they are dealing with amatures!! We know the "real deal"..no 10% off crappy coupon for us!!!
I don't know because I don't shop there. I used to, but everything I've ever gotten from them looks like crap after you wash it a few times. I just don't think the quality is great, and they are pricy!! I'm a GAP girl.
I guess they don't mark the pallets to avoid a million people standing around the "best one" and a huge mob scene when they try to uncover it. They would rather we run wildly around the store!? But in all honesty it's bad enough when you're just guessing what's under there, can you imagine the brawling if it was posted? Though I think it's unfair at the 24/7's because people come in last minute and push their way into the crowd around a pallet vs. EVERYONE lined up outside untill the doors open.
I worked at TRU a few years ago at Christmas (that was stupid) and I know we did not honor any rainchecks or hold item's on BF. This was the year Tickle me Elmo was popular and everyone wanted rainchecks, and they were MAD when we wouldn't give them. If someone was really nasty, we would give them one for after Christmas to bring in.