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Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2010

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  spowag1 said:

I have been told.. markdowns can vary between stores. cause it depends on how much stock is left.. and how well the item has sold. it's a formula.. so it's not just screwy. that's why some of us have different 75% off items this week.

True, but it is applied less consistently across stores during the Christmas clearance because a LOT of other factors come into play. During the rest of the year sales also vary from store to store, but the vagaries of what actually makes it to the warehouses and stores also makes it a lot less predictable than the rest of the year. The stock comes into the ports at the coasts (mostly here in CA), and then because of winter weather, it may or may not make it to the distribution centers all the way across the country (or it gets there late in the season). Or it gets there but doesn't get to all stores in a district or region because of weather. Or sales are lighter because of the crazy weather in December and January (particularly this year). It is the same reason that some smaller stores will clearance an item months before the rest of the chain. They determine what sits on the shelves based on what is selling and the margins, etc, but the January clearance is quite different than the summer one for all those reasons.

  CocoB said:

Oh, gosh, sorry:blush:!! They had several of the AF butter toffee popcorn left in the chip aisle if you get back there soon..but they may be INF if xmas is salvaged.

Oh no worries, I'm just glad a fellow GottaDealer got them! Thanks for the tip on the popcorn. I'm munching on some right now.


Who needs a Spike the Dinosaur? If you need one, I have one.....I found Spike tonight and bought him thinking one of you guys might want him - he was 50% off $64.98 plus $5.36 tax ($70.34 total).


I live in Fort Worth, but am in Dallas, Austin and Houston regularly. First one in Texas who wants him and is willing to meet me in one of the listed cities can have him for what I paid. If no one else replies, I am willing to ship him if you will pay ship costs.


PM me if interested.


Also saw two Spike Jrs. at Target on Davis Street in DFW area.


Question... my store has had the camping stuff at 50% off for a few weeks now. Just wondering if any other stores have already gone 75% off in the canping sections?


Posted (edited)
  junkietiger14 said:

Kai Lan characters on a key chain thing was $1.49 (75% off 5.99).

Bath Toy Piano for the Bathtub - $6.49 (75% off) (I didn't buy this so I forgot the brand)


###204030647 Ni hao Kai-lan tolee clip-on $1.48 (75% off 5.99) Edited by Gator Pam
Went to one on Stacy/75 and they still had some Xmas stuff. Strange???? I was trying to look for some Oreos, but no luck... BTW, toys over there was still 50% and some was even still 30%. Can you imagine that....
I don't know how to pull the quotes but to the person who said the Xmas PJs at her store were full price...sometimes I have to wonder if Target isn't on to this site. I picked up some PJs at 90% off and after work went to a different store to grab some and they were full/sale price (some were just marked down but not clearance). Not to mention normally you can find stuff in the regular aisles that has been put with the regular merchandise by mistake (paper cups, plastic cutlery, etc..) this year it seemed my stores were very much on the ball. I was looking for the 3M hooks - I got a few at 75% but need a few more. I checked the regular aisle where there's a TON of them (b/c it's a pretty big selection in general) and it was weird to me that the 3 stores I went to had NOT ONE Xmas one. The Christmas hooks look just like the regular ones and the package is VERY similar. Just seemed weird that out of the 3 stores I couldn't find ONE at 90%.
  canfleece said:

I went to the Targets at Belden, Arlington Rd and in Massillon, OH. It is nice to know someone else in the area! There were some toys that were 50% and some that were 30% at each of them. I didn't search extremely hard but did scan several things my kids might like some were 30 and some were 50....but I am trying to wait until 75%! I searched high and low at the xmas stuff but didn't find any of the great bargains of tape, paper towels and other goodies, maybe I will get lucky tomorrow but I think the snow might keep me away uggh.

Yea it is nice to have someone else in the area! I've been to the Arlington one, Wadsworth one, and the Belden one. And just like you, I haven't seen ONE of these other goodies everyone keeps talking about...the tape, oreos, pjs...nothing. Waiting for toys to go 75% off hopefully next week. I found the Wadsworth one had a nice selection of toys left as of last Saturday, but I haven't been since and didn't buy anything since it was still only 30%.


The Belden one had ONE Spike left, and if it is still hanging around at 75% I'm gonna be mad. lol.. Because I just picked it up at WM thinking there wouldn't be ANY left at Target at 75%...and I got it for 59.50. Although if it is still there, I may just consider getting it too for my littlest who will be 26 mos. next Christmas since I'm sure he'll be wanting his big brothers.


But I did see that had a ton of those My Toon Tv things left. At 75% they'll be 10 bucks. Hoping to pick a couple of those up.


Haven't been to the Arlington one in about a week. Did they have a decent selection left?

I'm hoping hoping hoping that nothing at my store went 75 this week!!! There is really only 1 thing that I know I want to get for sure, and that is a nascar car thingy for my nephew. It's been snowing here the last 2 days so I can't get out. I'm in Alabama and have never driven on snowy/icy roads.
I might venture to the Belden Target today to take a look around again, especially for the tape. I thought the Massillon, OH had quite a bit of toys, can't remember Arlington. I have never been to Wadsworth, might have to check out how far that would be...the hubby will really think I am nutso. I will post after I get back if I find out anything new! Arlington Rd. was starting to clearance some houseware things, sorry don't have codes of some bowls, collanders, spoons, etc but it was not in my bargain range yet but I have my eye on some Kitchenaid and Oxo products which would be great to get! My kids are getting older so toys aren't as much of a hunt for me but do have some nephews I look for...Good luck if you get out...

I am so happy, I went back to Target for my third time last night and I found some of the tape. Unfortunately there were only 4 of the gift wrap ones left but hey 4 is 4. But the really exciting thing is they restocked the food isles. In the morning all of the ritz crackers were gone, then last night they had restocked the isle full of them. Same with Oreos. So if your store was out of them, don't give up, go back and check again.


Thanks for posting the tape pic...it helped me.

I'm still on my quest for tape and oreo's....isn't that silly? I don't even need them but there is nothing like finding that great deal! I want to do the happy dance too....lol! :D
  smurfgirl said:

Went today in the middle of a snowstorm. About half the toys were 75% off. Picked up quite a few and will be back next week to check the rest. I got the one thing I really wanted, which was the Lionel A Christmas Story train set. My hubby and daughter have been eyeing it! So I was happy to find it at 75% off today!

I have been eyeing this too. It is only 50% at my store. How much did you end up getting it for if you don't mind me asking?

  DylansMom said:

I have been eyeing this too. It is only 50% at my store. How much did you end up getting it for if you don't mind me asking?

It was $34 something! We set it up last night after my daughter went to sleep and my husband was like a kid in a candy store. When my daughter got up this morning she was so excited and has been playing with it nonstop!

  nycitygirl72 said:

I don't know how to pull the quotes but to the person who said the Xmas PJs at her store were full price...sometimes I have to wonder if Target isn't on to this site. I picked up some PJs at 90% off and after work went to a different store to grab some and they were full/sale price (some were just marked down but not clearance). Not to mention normally you can find stuff in the regular aisles that has been put with the regular merchandise by mistake (paper cups, plastic cutlery, etc..) this year it seemed my stores were very much on the ball. I was looking for the 3M hooks - I got a few at 75% but need a few more. I checked the regular aisle where there's a TON of them (b/c it's a pretty big selection in general) and it was weird to me that the 3 stores I went to had NOT ONE Xmas one. The Christmas hooks look just like the regular ones and the package is VERY similar. Just seemed weird that out of the 3 stores I couldn't find ONE at 90%.


I hear ya.. i'll try to hit a different target today... hope to get few sets of PJs for DD and DS. Also thx to the person who posted pics of tape .. it helped.. picked up a few yesterday.

  smurfgirl said:

It was $34 something! We set it up last night after my daughter went to sleep and my husband was like a kid in a candy store. When my daughter got up this morning she was so excited and has been playing with it nonstop!

Thanks! There are still quite a few left at my store for almost $70. Hope they hit 75% soon! :)


I've heard that Christmas is salvaged most places, which doesn't necessarily mean anything, but just remember that anything you find that comes "up item not found" may require a bit of cajoling to get them to sell it to you.


Some stores do without any hesitation. Others act as if you've just found a ticking time bomb and do whatever they can to get the item out of your hands and into the salvage bin.

  KC-Traderbear said:

I've heard that Christmas is salvaged most places, which doesn't necessarily mean anything, but just remember that anything you find that comes "up item not found" may require a bit of cajoling to get them to sell it to you.


Some stores do without any hesitation. Others act as if you've just found a ticking time bomb and do whatever they can to get the item out of your hands and into the salvage bin.


They did this to me with some Halloween pixos, they absolutely refused to sell them to me. I told them that there were plenty of them still on the shelf and they better remove them if they don't plan on selling them to anyone, do you know that they are STILL on the shelf??? AND coming up item not found!! :confused:

Went to my Target today, signs say 30% off in the toy clearance aisles, but they were all stickered 50% off. Found a couple of items at 75% off, like the Secret Saturday characters and some Batman toys and that Imaginext animal that everyone else has posted about. Picked up a few things that there were only one or two of that I knew I really wanted and didn't want to miss out hoping that they go 75% off. Will def be checking back next week....I think it will all be 75%!! Here's to hoping! :D:D
  RockiesGirl said:

Yes, there is a small $1.99 price on it on the right side of the words Magic Tape.

Here is a picture of it:


The purple ones are the same way - they also have the $1.99 on it in the same place. :)


Hope this helps some of you. :)

Ty for posting that picture! I was able to get a bunch of these at my local Target. They were mixed in wit the regular ones in the stationary aisle.

Found 6 of the scotch tapes on the regular shelf. scanned $0.00 Asked an employee scan them with her price checker, and she told me she couldn't get a price for me because they weren't coming up with one. She took them from me. So sad!!! :(:(:(
  atn1275 said:

Went to one on Stacy/75 and they still had some Xmas stuff. Strange???? I was trying to look for some Oreos, but no luck... BTW, toys over there was still 50% and some was even still 30%. Can you imagine that....

Have you seen any toys marked 75% off at the other stores in the area? The W.Plano store also had a mix of 30% & 50% off toys only (as of yesterday evening).

Belden Target in Canton, OH had signs for toys 30% but everything I checked was 50%....didn't find any 75% or any great bargains ugh. I did find the tape yahoo! However when I scanned it couldn't find item, asked clerk and she asked manager and they said it was salvaged and no one seemed to know what to do as I found a couple of baby pj's too (like you said mixed in with the others)! Finally after two managers scratching their heads they gave it all to me 90% off woo hoo--I almost feel guilty I found 20 of the tape! Thank you, thank you for all of your help, I never would have found these 90% bargains without your "great wisdom"!

Found a huge stash of christmas pj's for my daughter and new baby on the way, and all were salvaged. They said they would sell me ONE pair at 50% and gave me a lecture about how I should never expect it again. BAH. Who needs 50% off pjs when yesterday they were 90%??


Toys still at 50% - scanned a couple of random things and all came up 50% as well. Didn't really see a lot of must-haves, either.


Any updates on Cincinnati-area stores?


Finally made it to the Mission Target today and it's good news!


The first good news is that most toys were still 50% off. The train sets were 50% (scanned one), super hero sets still 50%, and almost every single thing I saw was 50%. However, the Imaginext sets were 75% off, but I wasn't interested. It's good news b/c most of the items I'm looking at were still there!


The GREAT news is that I checked the kids section and they are pretty much fully stocked with Christmas PJs at 90% off! I got one of each of the Nick & Nora sets (Red with Cats, Red with Dogs, Green/Pink) and one set of Carters (two pairs...one has gingerbread men, the other says "What Santa doesn't bring, Grandma will buy"). There were TONS and they are not marked and are mixed with the rest of the Nick and Nora sets under a big $14.99 sign. They scan "item not found", though. The cashier asked the manager and he okayed them at 90% off, but as always, YMMV. If you want them, I would get there soon...I think the longer you wait the more likely they will be to find them and salvage them and/or just refuse to sell them.


Love getting 5 pairs of PJs for $6!


All Christmas stuff was salvaged several days ago here... didn't even get to see it at 75%...


Toys they have aplenty - especially those Target brand types that they put out just for the holiday. But only 30%. Not worth it IMO.




Has anyone noticed whether or not the tool sets have been marked down to 75% off? I saw them all orange stickered earlier this week but since I haven't been to Target in awhile, I'm not sure exactly when they were initially marked down.


There are a few different sets... some have a tape measure, screwdrivers, wrenches; I think there is just a single tape measure also part of that group. Most that I saw earlier this week were 30-50% off. Seems like they do tools/automotive area toward the end of the week. That is why I am asking.




Hi guys! I'm Julie, and I'm a perimeter peruser! It's addicting.


Thanks for all the deals! I found tape last night, thanks for the picture! I also looked in the kids' books and found a Fancy Nancy Christmas book that was $1.61! Not marked or anything. The Christmas pajamas here are still ringing up at 30%. The toys are 30-50%. I stashed some, we'll see if that works! :)

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