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  1. Thank you luvbargainz! The Pack&Play is like a play yard for little kids (can be folded and stowed away). Looks like this: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51dgg8L5%2BTL._AA260_.jpg
  2. If anyone in North DFW sees/has seen the following 75% in one of the stores, please let me know. I am really looking for these for myself: Schwinn bike (ladies) Pack & Play
  3. Thanks, thats a good price. I'll have to look at home for those coupons.
  4. Oh ok. Then it would be: $8.99*3 - $2*3 (Pampers cpn) - $1*3 (assuming target cpn is $1/1) -$5 (target gift card) = $12.97 So $4.32 a pack.
  5. Could you please break it down further for me? Which size Pampers did you get and what was the price of the package? TIA!
  6. Target brand toys (blue/white packaging) went 75% off in North TX today. Picked up the fire truck, car transporter, doll house and Black&Decker tool set at 75%! I am now done shopping this sale!!
  7. I really want that truck and the fire engine. I hope I can get one of each at 75% off.
  8. For North DFW folks: Stacy Road Target: Had all clearance toys marked 75%. They had a bunch of Monty Rex left ($14.xx) in this store. And two Christmas Story Lionel train sets ($34.xx). Other than that they had remote control cars, alphabet block set, caterpillar ball dropper, etc W.Allen Target: Had a small selection of 75% off toys. Found Clip-on activity table, Trio set, board games. Can't remember what else they had. W.Plano Target: Had a lot of toys on clearance but only select toys were 75% and they were mixed in with the 50% off toys. Not easy to find. They had a few markdown team members in the toys section who were marking the 30% off toys to 50% off. I really wanted the Target brand fire truck, car set, dump truck set, Doll house, etc. But I didn't find them at 75% off anywhere. If anyone sees them 75% off in any of the DFW stores, please post. TY!
  9. I will check some stores in the Richardson area at lunch time to see if there is any movement here.
  10. I dont know why but I just ordered one too!! I swear I have two left feet! My DH already thinks I am nuts buying all these Wii games! Nuttier now I guess!
  11. Crazy good day at Target today. At one store I found a whole section of Carter's baby clothes/sets, blankies, etc marked down 50% off (DFW-W.Plano store). And at another store I found toddler clothes marked 30% off but actually scanning 65% or more off! T-shirts, pants, jeans, etc were $2.45 a piece (Coit+Campbell store)! I just love Target clearance!!
  12. These came last week when the temperature had dipped really low. It was perfect timing! I love love these throws! They are big and warm! Thank you so much for posting this deal OP! I would love to buy a couple more to keep or give as gifts. But pondering over it due to the shipping charge. Have to check the local JCP to see if I find them there by any chance.
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