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Posts posted by Kanyon71

  1. On 9/26/2023 at 7:33 PM, Tigger97498 said:

    I'm really hoping they surprised us with another cheap TV deal like they had in July but not feeling optimistic. I need a new big screen bigger than 40"

    Are you looking for a specific price and size? Big screen means different things to different people. Luckily unless there is a crazy deal on an OLED we do t need one this year. We just got an 85” to replace ours that died in August. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Bopeep said:

    Yeah, I don't make a point to watch every single one like I used to. I mostly like the ones that have a touch of magic in them (like the old man playing Santa really is Santa). Last year there were a couple that were on the funnier side and I liked those. I really enjoyed 3 Wise Men and a Baby (I think was the name).

    We watch some of them, I don't remember if it was a Hallmark one but I really like the one with Tony Danza in it. I also like the ones with Candace Cameron Bure in them. My mother in-law watches ALL of them lol

    4 hours ago, ytmomof4 said:

    Our morning radio guy is a big hallmark Christmas movie fan

    The quote was funny, made me think about it and go you know based on the ones I've seen he's right. 😂

  3. I really want to try, maybe Christmas on a cruise some year soon. Maybe we can convince some family to go also. Kids are all old enough now where we could convince them to hold off on bigger stuff they get until we return.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, magickallight said:


    So jealous, we are still in the 90s without any relief in site. 😞

    I lived in Florida for about 20 years so I know how that feels. I love when it's cool out now after the first snow though I'm usually wishing I was back in FL especially while I'm out snow blowing lol.


    • Haha 1
  5. I had to laugh yesterday when I was listening to the radio and they started talking about the new Hallmark Christmas movies. One of the ladies was talking about the plot of this one and the male host says wait a minute, let me tell you the plot of every one of their holiday movies. He goes on to say Man/Woman moves to or has to visit town during holiday season, meets other person and hates them. Then after a short time starts to fall for them and ends up with them by the end of the movie. I thought that was pretty correct yet still pretty funny. He said just like many people his wife and him still watch them though. 🙂

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    • Haha 2
  6. 16 hours ago, tracy0504 said:


    Holiday destinations are not weird!!!! Whatever you decide I'm sure you and your family will enjoy it!

    It’s not the destination that’s weird to me as we have gone to stay with family in other states. It’s the thought of not having family around as it’s been that way my whole life. I know people do it all the time and to be honest one of these years it might be a less stressful day. 🙂

    • Like 2
  7. 9 hours ago, Bopeep said:

    I don't think it's weird to not be in a specific place. You will be together and that's what counts

    I mean more along the lines of at a house with a bunch of family which is how we’ve always done it. 🙂

  8. 23 minutes ago, rwking75 said:

    My family usually does a huge multifamily TG dinner, about 8-10 families in all. But this year, most of my immediate and part of my extended family are taking a TG cruise so we will have dinner on a cruise ship. This is a 1st for us. 

    We have thought about doing either a TG or Christmas cruise. Now that our daughter is getting into our teens it might be a little easier to do Christmas since we wouldn't have to worry about presents and such. Let me know what you think of it and if it's just weird not being somewhere to celebrate the holiday.

  9. Anyone working on their BF plans yet?


    Not sure if we will go out much this year, we are having family in town for the week and we have decided this year we want to get our daughter experiences instead of a bunch of gifts that she really won't touch. Going to try and get her tickets to a play (maybe NY and make a trip of it), concert tickets, trip to a huge indoor water park, try to come up with some other things. Then also get her some clothes and maybe some new shoes, makeup or something (miss the days of getting her toys which she sometimes asks for and doesn't play with, I sort of think she asks so that we can enjoy getting them).

    • Like 1
  10. I know it's still early to be thinking about plans for the day but does anyone have any yet? We just found out my wife's family is going to come into town where we live for the week so we are already making plans. Plus my sister and her family will probably come over.


    Figure for dinner we will make:


    Smoked Turkey


    Mashed Potatoes


    Sweet Potato Casserole

    Green Beans


    Stuffing and Dressing (yes North and South versions lol)

    Homemade Cranberry Sauce

    Desserts: Chocolate Pudding Pie, Chess Pie, Pumpkin Pie and possibly an apple pie or cheesecake.


    We have some plans to take them to some cool places here to see some of the sights.

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