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Everything posted by christib327

  1. WOW!!! Were you buying gifts? (sorry, I'm nosy!! :) )
  2. I ordered it for my 17 year old neice. She really loves perfume so I thought she would probably think this is pretty neat.
  3. Thanks to the OP for this thread and to zenisque for the free shipping code! I just ordered $132 worth of stuff for $28.92 (with tax) The free shipping made this an even better deal!!
  4. It wouldn't hurt to call and ask. The worst thing that could happen is that they say no!
  5. naillady4jm..do you have an abc warehouse near you? They have a 32" sharp Aquos for under $1000. They will usually come down some if you ask. How do you like your 26" as far as quality/picture, etc? We're debating between the Aquos and a Samsung.
  6. Thanks! I 'll have to try to get over there today. I lived in Marysville all my life till I met my hubby.
  7. I would call them and throw a huge fit. I don't know that it would get you anywhere, but it would sure make me feel better!!!!
  8. I saw one of these in our store last week. I don't know how many they had, but at least the one.
  9. I still haven't gotten the one in my name yet! That doesn't make any sense to me since it's always my card that I use. Then again, maybe hubby got one cause we never use that card and they're trying to get him too. I hope I get mine soon so I can just go one time!!
  10. The prepackaged thing would be nice, so you don't have to hunt down someone to cut it for you. I just hope they offer that in different lengths and don't just have one thing they stick to.
  11. Well, for the sil's son how about a savings bond and then just something really small to open? Since our kids were born my husbands parents have put money in accounts for them for birthdays and Christmas and then just gotten them some little thing to open because they need absolutely nothing. I think it's great that they do that. For your daughter, does she have one of those little outdoor cars? I don't really know the age on those, but we got some for our kids 1st birthday. They had handles on them so you can push them until they are ready to do it themselves then you take the handle off and part of the floor of the car out. They love those. They also love the sandbox. Actually, that car might work for sil son too if they have a driveway or sidewalk they could push him around on.
  12. 51JUMP requires a $49 purchase and it won't work on clearance or outlet items
  13. I ordered the second season of American chopper for $7.78. ($11.51 after tax and shipping) I thought that was an awesome deal! My hubby will be happy. I just wish the 1st season had been on sale too!
  14. The $5 is off of $25 purchase. They do have a ton of stuff to choose from.
  15. If anyone finds out please post :) I do a lot of my shopping in Dublin and new Wal-marts usually have great pop deals. Thanks!
  16. I've always just asked them to ring up my orders separately. I've done that at 3 different stores and never had anyone have an issue with it. It's too bad they were a pain! So far the only coupon I got was the $25 off $75, but that one was in my hubby's name. I haven't gotten the ones in my name yet.
  17. I have to vote for ring 1 too. I actually have one just like that (yellow gold) that I got as a gift when my husband and I had been together just about a year. I love it and I still wear it. Also, it came from Wal-mart. It is the EXACT same and no where close to $200. I'm thinking it was closer to $100. Unless she specifically mentioned diamonds, it's not really necessary. I'm sure she'll think anything you get her that is personalized like that will be really special.
  18. Thank you! I'll check them out. I have a few other perfumes I'd like to buy too, so I appreciate the help! :)
  19. Armani Code I just went ahead and ordered it. I did manage to find a code for an extra sample. It still kills me to pay full price for anything, but I wanted it. I got 4 different samples of perfume and then the 1 ounce bottle of the Armani Code and my total was almost $50. Yikes.
  20. Bummer I guess that's why those things are never included in the sales or coupons. Oh well. Thanks for the info though. It will keep me from getting my hopes up! :)
  21. Do you suppose they will clearance their perfumes or just send them off to other stores? I'm really not all that surprised they are going out. I really loved Lazarus, but once it turned to Macy's I think it got more expensive and I could never find anything I liked in there anymore. We used to buy jewelry at Lazarus all the time, but haven't bought a thing since it went to Macy's.
  22. Thanks! I love these sales. It's fun to dig through all the clearance stuff looking for "treasures" :) I'll have to try to get to the mall.
  23. I would go back and get the extra 10%. If that's their policy, they owe it to you. (actually I would probably make my husband do it)Yeah, it's only 10%, but that adds up. I wouldn't have let the binders go either. I bet if you kept track of all the stuff that was messed up from places over a years time you would change your mind on not getting things fixed! Okay, maybe it's just me. That stuff just REALLY irritates me! Best Buy also calls other places to make sure they have the item in stock before they will price match for you. I think that sucks, but what do you do? My main issue with it was I was in the center of a large town and they would only call ONE store to check even though there were several within a short drive of there and of course the one they called didn't have it. I won't shop at that Best Buy anymore if I can help it.
  24. Does anyone have any codes for sephora.com? I want to buy some new perfume, but really hate paying full price! :) Thanks!!!
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