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Everything posted by christib327

  1. Last year was the first year I took Dylan and Riley to see Santa. We went to the mall and had them done. It was fairly expensive, but they turned out so cute and the Santa was just wonderful. We got lots of pictures too. I think we had 3 5x7, 4 4x6 and either 8 or 10 wallets. Something like that. I think it cost around $25 or so, but since I bought the package they gave me a $10 mall gift card. It wasn't a bad deal really.
  2. No method really. I have my hubby help me wrap gifts for his parents and his sister and her family. The rest I pretty much do myself unless I can talk someone into helping me with those too. I use a mixture of wrapping paper and bags. I would love to just put everything in bags for the adults in the family, but that takes the fun out of it. We usually get the adults about 5 gifts or so each and bag after bag after bag is boring after awhile.
  3. Nutcrackers!!!!! I just love them! :) I have also started collecting Wizard of Oz ornaments. The last couple of years Hallmark has done some awesome ones. My collection is just beginning, but I'm hoping they keep that up for years to come! :)
  4. I buy all year too so we don't budget either. I just hit sales when I see them and keep an ongoing list of what I've bought and what ideas I have so I know what to look for. As far as black friday goes I always use gift cards we get from our credit card points and then my hubby always gives me a pretty decent amount to take with me. I'm usually just down to finishing up stockings by that point, but I always buy extra stuff since the sales are so good :)
  5. My kids do, but they're just little yet. Hopefully I have many more years of it :)
  6. Fake. I don't want to deal with the mess.
  7. Oh goody! I hadn't been a member long enough last year. I want in too! :)
  8. The boys can open stockings first thing. Then they can open a few presents. Then we take a break and have breakfast before we finish opening stuff.
  9. I'm with you there. I don't know how many gifts we buy but it's just way too many. Our living room always looks like a toy store exploded. This year will be no better. My kids are only 3 though, so I could probably change now.....only problem is I LOVE doing it. I really should cut it down now though, while they're still little and I'm able to.
  10. Man, I could really use some tips on this one. Last year about a month before Christmas was here I started getting really stressed. Bad enough that it ended up making me physically sick for almost the entire month of December. I don't know what the problem was really. I was done shopping and all of that, but it really got me last year. I'm hoping this year I can avoid that.
  11. I've picked up a few things for my mom in years past. She works in retail and there's no way she can ever get that day off. She's the only one though. I guess if someone else asked me I'd consider it, but it would depend on who and also depend on why they're asking me instead of getting out there themselves.
  12. lol...okay.... it's buy one get one sometimes it means get one free sometimes it means get one 50% off generally if it's not specified it means get one free
  13. Most years I've had my husband go along, but that's not a whole lot of fun. He hates it and since he's being such a good sport about going I feel like I can't really stay out as long as I want to. The year before last I went with my aunt. We left my house around 330am and got home around midnight. We had a really good time. Last year I had to go alone. We didn't have a sitter so hubby had to stay with the kids and my aunt was at her in-laws in another state. This year my aunt says she's going again.
  14. You are not alone. I can't convince any of my friends to go. They just all think I'm insane. That's okay though, it's fun for me. My hubby is pretty good and will go with me if he HAS to. Last year I just hit a few places by myself because we didn't have a sitter and I didn't really want to brave it all alone. This year, my aunt may go with me. Either way, I'm going. All day.
  15. I did the same thing. I was going to order the sample pack but decided against it when shipping was $7.95. I just couldn't bring myself to pay $15.95 for popcorn. It must be good though!
  16. My Wal-mart had some in stock. They were super cute!
  17. I was fortunate to find enough for the coupons I had. I got my coupons on Saturday though, so I ran to the store Saturday too.
  18. My boys (they were 2 and 1/2 last Christmas) got a kitchen for Christmas last year and still love it. Something they've had for awhile, but still play with a lot if little vacuum cleaners. A small workbench with lots of tools is fun too.
  19. I didn't get one yet. I didn't get one the last time either. I was getting them pretty regularly before that. I hope mine just isn't here yet this time!
  20. Has anyone here signed up for this? I'm looking at buying a bunch of stuff and the $30 credit would sure help a lot. I was wondering if there's something that I'm missing. It says no annual fees, so that's good. I imagine the apr isn't great, but I plan on paying it off in one chunk, so that wouldn't really matter. Any comments about it? Pros/cons? Thanks :)
  21. I did see 1 of these, but that was it and I don't remember what title it was at all.
  22. I imagine most feel pretty stupid, but I'm sure there are those that still feel justified because their kids had them first and they were able to put them under the tree. My kids were/are young enough they really don't know the difference, but they sure were excited getting an unexpected surprise in January when we found them at Wal-mart. I was still not thrilled with spending the $35 on the stupid thing though. I can't even begin to imagine paying more than that.
  23. What part of Ohio are you in?
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