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Everything posted by christib327

  1. Well, I finally gave in to the temptation. I just placed an order for two. I liked the idea about putting them in the living room for the kids toys. I think it will work great for their little animals and their hotwheels.
  2. That's funny about your daughter thinking it meant "dumb"! :) There wasn't a code when I ordered, that was just the price on the site that day. They must have raised it. Also, for people wondering about shipping time. I also got mine yesterday and had ordered on the December 1.
  3. I was in our closest Meijers today and I noticed that they have quite a bit of toys on clearance. Most of it was just mixed in with the regular priced stuff. One thing that really stood out for me was they had a bunch of different Little People play sets on clearance. A couple other things were the Weebles castle and a big Crayola dough set that had a lot of different molds and stuff in it. Oops. I think I probably put this in the wrong place! Can someone help me out? :)
  4. I just ordered mine the 6th, so they haven't had a chance to get here yet. I did get my shipping notice yesterday though.
  5. These are now marked down to $1. I decided to order some more for stocking stuffers at that price! :)
  6. Since I got married we've had lasagne for dinner on Christmas day. I'm not sure why. It's just something my husbands parents had done for awhile and I love their lasagne, so when they ask what we want to have, we just stick with that :)
  7. I think you did enough in buying for the children. I think it would be perfectly fine to decline being part of the gift exchange. They can spend what they would have spent on you and your husband on themselves. If they're not happy with that too bad. Especially if they choose not to be a part of your life the rest of the year. Fortunately, I get along great with my in-laws. They are the kind of people everyone gets along with and who go out of their way to make sure I'm happy. I know I got very lucky!
  8. I never thought of doing that with oatmeal cookies! I bet they are DELICIOUS!!! My husband is a big fan of peanut brittle. I would love to have the recipe if you don't mind sharing!! :) Thank you~
  9. I'm glad you got it figured out! :)
  10. I think the bread is a good idea. Or some homemade cookies. I'm guessing with 7 kids and driving a bus she doesn't have much time to do a lot of baking.
  11. My best deal would have to be the John Deere Pedal tractors with the attached wagons. I got them for $59.99 with free shipping. They're usually $120 and up. I also got a great deal on 2 battery operated ride on motorcycles from JcPenney. I paid $29.99 each with free shipping. Regular price was around $60 each. I LOVE GOTTADEAL!!!! :)
  12. If it is true, when do you think they'll let us know about it? Do you think it will just be with the rest of next weeks paper? I'm getting antsy! LoL. I love a sale. I don't care where it's at!
  13. I saw some today at CVS. They had individual tubs for either $3.99 or $4.99. They were a pretty decent size and they had several different colors.
  14. I LOVE Wal-greens! We don't have one near us, but one will soon be opening about 5 minutes from me! HOORAY! :) I ended up driving the 45 minutes to our closest one tonight, but I had other shopping I wanted to do anyway, so it wasn't a big deal. I ended up spending way more than I had anticipated, but they had so many deals! Thanks for the heads up!
  15. I bought the play doh insect set tonight. It is REALLY cute!
  16. I don't think you're nuts. I'm already shopping for next year too. I say get it while it's at a good price.
  17. I gave our UPS guy a box of chocolates last year and he didn't say they weren't allowed. He just took it and said "Thank you!"
  18. I ordered one from Kohls.com earlier today. It was marked down to I think $42 or somewhere in there. Then they took an additional 20% off once it was in my cart and I also had an additional 15% off coupon code. I ordered $75 worth of stuff so shipping was free. My total for the speedway was $28.55. I'm not sure how much longer the sale runs though.
  19. Thanks for sharing this code! I got my boys each a set that has a black jacket, hat and sunglasses for a grand total of $13.99 before shipping!! I got them to go with the patrol bikes I got them on the last JcPenney's deal. They're going to look SO cute!!
  20. I saw one a couple days ago at Big Lots for $25
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