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Everything posted by JohnnyLaRue

  1. The Vizio and Westinghouse are solid brands from my experience. Friend got a Dynex and it lasted 8 months. I would say get the Dynex for the guest room as it won't be used often. back on topic here I guess I just found out I am going to BB as my friend called me and has decided to go there. My question is he has a budget of $100 for himself (got laid off a few months ago) what would you recommend he get?
  2. 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Gift bags as I can NOT wrap at all!! 2. Real tree or Artificial? Fake since I reside in Cali in the winter 3. When do you put up the tree? I don't 4. When do you take the tree down? See above 5. Do you like eggnog? Eeewwww! Gross! 6. Favorite gift received as a child? Hockey skates! 7. Hardest person to buy for? This year my deaf friend. Music, I-pods, ..etc are out of the question. 8. Easiest person to buy for? My frog, he likes crickets to eat. ha ha 9. Do you have a nativity scene? Nope I am not religious 10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Wow too many to list! Last year it was a novelty oversized remote. I traded it to a friend for a box of tea as she needed a gag gift for a party. 11. Favorite Christmas Movie? national Lampoons X-mas vacation 13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? In Dec. am I the only wondering where #12 is? 14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yup see #10 15. Favorite thing to do at Christmas? Travel 16. Lights on the tree? Nope see above 17. Favorite Christmas song? Bob and Doug Mckenzies 12 days of X-mas 18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Travel overseas! 19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Hell no. 20. Angel on the tree top or a star? None 21. Open presents on Christmas Eve or morning? when i return from my travel in Jan. 22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Starting X-mas music in October!!!! 23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Dunno 24. Favorite food for Christmas dinner? Pumpkin pie 25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Hmmm. A safe trip for me and a great holiday for everyone else.
  3. Wasn't Donner the name of the group that ate each other?
  4. Looks like I am going to Frys though I really wish I could find out what is on sale.
  5. Dumb question but why should it matter? I mean if I want ummmm a TV and am inline and it is not a ticket item then in theory I should still be able to get my TV. Since I was close enough to get a ticket and all.
  6. Does anyone know the policy if you want to order online and pick it up at the store? the one near me is closing so I doubt I can pick it up there.
  7. What about deals on HD camcorders? I would prefer an HD one but not seeing much out there.
  8. Saw this while watching the game today. On custom jerseys only! One day sale. www.nflshop.com
  9. Just choose the outlet store nearest to you below and download the PDF file. http://www.premiumoutlets.com/sales/
  10. 50/50 chance I am not participating this year. I was going to go just cause a friend wanted to go but now the friend (on a very limited budget) doesn't think it is worth it. I'll probably end up just spending what I budgeted for BF on my overseas vacation in mid December.
  11. O! I forgot one of the greatest Canadian X-mas songs ever! The Twelve Days of Christmas as told by the McKenzie Brothers
  12. Looked at map not many out on the Left Coast.
  13. I know I have mentioned it on here before but closest Wally World near me is run down, very few employees speak English, the parking lot is filled with day labourers (Home Depot next door). They finally put a port a pottie in the parking lot to prevent the "waste" in the parking lot.
  14. Madden 09 you can get for $44.99 used at Gamecrazy. Got the new DSi thanks to my tomodachi (friend) who shipped it from Japan. It is VERY cool. I'd say it's worth not getting a DS and waiting for the US launch.
  15. They had the certain number in the store at one time rule at my CC last year too. I did not mind though. Guess I am too laid back. Got there at 3am so not like I was first inline. I think 3 or 4 groups they let in ahead of me. I still got what I wanted though so it was fine with me.
  16. ????? They can see the same ad. Intelligent people can make an informed choice by the ads posted on here. Highly unlikely a person they don't even know will have that much sway in their choice. For me I'll show up at 4 or 5am as the items I want will still be there. No worries on my end.
  17. Yes the company may accept the gift card but it does the person little good if the nearest store too far away. I do the gift card thing (for random people and for some in my college classes) and just can't bring myself to give cash (as stated above).
  18. The HOA in my area has a 8 page list of rules and handed them out. Silly rules such as no more than 2 strings of lights on your balcony. All lights must be turned off no later than 10pm. Yes I live in a snobby beach community.
  19. My grandparents who raised me came from the old USSR. I remember getting upset since other kids had more than I did. I remember shoveling driveways and waking up early to scrape car windows for people in the neighborhood for cash just to buy hockey gear. One of many pieces of advice I got from them was: И хо́чется и ко́лется - roughly translated: The items you desire in life should not come easy (you won't appreciate them as much)
  20. That is a good idea though it will probably be a gift card at the on campus coffee place. That's cool. :)
  21. Hmm. I have no family. My list is: Me, myself and I Do a gift exchange w/ my 4 friends but it's now strictly $10 limit. I also just randomly give presents (DVDs, $20 gas cards...etc) for random people in December. I see someone doing something nice and give them a gift. Holding a door open for someone, a cashier who looks exhausted but still managed to treat the customer nice, returning the shopping cart to the cart corral...etc Also give a lot to Toys for Tots. I'll go to TRU and ask kids what is a good gift as I have no clue what are cool gifts. Though I also buy lots of nerf hoops, hot wheels and Barbie/Bratz dolls. Though I am at a loss on what to give this chick in my college class. Trying to think of something more personal than a generic gift card but not too personal that reeks of creepiness.
  22. Walmart is a last resort for me. Besides the one near me is awful and the parking lot is used for day labourers (Home Depot right next to it). I really hate to sound snobby (as I am not a snob) but the illegals shop there and nobody at that store speaks decent English.
  23. Hoping Frys has some deals. Last chance for me to really shop on BF.
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