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Everything posted by nick_jenni_jocelyn

  1. yes!! my DD turns 4 on the 28th and i dont even dare to take her into the stores with me anymore! I keep telling her that right after her bday, santa comes, so momma isnt going to buy her a toy today. some days i can get away with it, others i cant. but the constant "I want" is driving me insane! I told her tonight that this weekend we are going shopping for our boy and girl we have from the angel tree. We have also cleaned out her toys that she dont play with and i explained to her that these will go to other little boys and girls that dont have any toys. her response? "Look mommy, thats so nice of me. Santa should stop at my house first." while i think its cute, i dont want her to think about xmas this way. she does go to a church based preschool and they have been telling the kids what the holidays are about and today she came to me and said that xmas is about when jesus was born and laid in a manger. but from halloween to xmas, its one big headache for me. :)
  2. my dh and FIL think we are nuts. last year my MIL, SIL and I were out from 330am until 430pm, lol. they thought there would be no way we would make it but we did. and of course thought everything that we bought was a waste. but DH sure liked his laptop and still does to this day, lol.
  3. i am thinking the same thing in regards to the FP kids digital camera. I know this has to be a hot item, yet no one yet has it on sale for BF. Maybe i should pick one up now since it doesnt seem like its going to go much lower.
  4. isnt aldi's a grocery store??? lol. i lived near one for 5 years and never went in there. my MIL did and never mentioned computers or any other non-food items.
  5. mine isnt a big item but WM is going to have the easy bake oven on sale for $10! It says it will be available online also, so i am hoping this is true. my dd's bday party is saturday, the day after BF and this is the one thing dh and i were going to get her.
  6. Amazon.com has a 1,200 thread count queen sheet set on sale for $70 and it qualifies for free shipping. I am eyeing these up because my dh loves soft sheets. here is the link http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000FOUNEY/ref=ord_cart_shr/103-2585447-0863018?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance
  7. we dont have a theme. we use teh same ornaments year after year and they are a mixture of things. however, my daughter has her own little tree that goes up in her room. its a pink one and its the disney princesses. I think i got it from target a couple years ago, the day after xmas for like $5. it has the disney princess ornaments and this year she is oging to pick out her own to add to it. She is so excited, lol.
  8. my birthday is 12/24 and as a kid, we would get 6 gifst for xmas, only 3 of mine were wrapped in xmas paper and the other 3 in bday paper. so really i got 3 gifts for xmas, not 6 like my brothers and sisters, lol. now that i am older(will be 27 this year!), it dont matter that much to me except when my MIL gets me christmas decorations for my bday! now what sense is that... i will display them for up to 1 week, maybe, then store them in a box for 11 months, lol. dont get me wrong, i love xmas and all the sights, sounds and laughter, but as a kid, it stunk.
  9. or what about this v-smile bundle from walmart.com. it comes with 2 controllers, the adapter, the console and 2 games for $85 bucks, plus shipping. i thought it was a good deal. maybe someone else can tell me if it is or not? link: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=4184073
  10. mine dont care either. as long as he gets his good stuff to eat and has money for gas, he is good to go. it is funny this year however. for the past 4 years we have been buying bday and xmas things for our dd(who will be 4 on Nov. 28th). my DH just isnt into makeup, princesses and pretty hairbows, lol. This year, since we are expecting a boy and think he will be here before xmas, dh is all into shopping. We HAD to buy the CARS movie for the baby.......ummm ok, lol. and we had to buy this certain carseat cuz it was "boyish" looking. He is so funny and its also funny to see how he has changed once we learned we were having a boy, lol.
  11. If I am able to go out this year, I plan on wearing a shirt that makes me look very, very pg and hope I get my way, lol. but i know others are there for the same deals i am, so who knows. I will be 8.5 mos pg. or maybe they wont have pity on me since they probably will think i shouldnt be there in the first place, lol.
  12. I seen that coupon in todays mail. it was for a normal sized package, plus 6 or 12 free personalized cards! I have never sued them since this is the first time I have lived near one, but a co worker uses them all the time and the pics are great! I think I will make an appt today!
  13. son of a gun... i was hoping not having to go out this year for BF due to issues with this pregnancy.... but this is on my list for my 4 yo dd. and trust me, if she aint happy, aint no one happy. looks like momma is heading out............ or maybe dh will go????? LOL
  14. its on how WM is going to try and do a "price war" with other retailers due to lackluster sales recently. it can only mean one thing.... good deals for you and me!!! http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/News/WalMartMaySpurPriceWars.aspx
  15. if i need to go out on BF, i will be 34 weeks pg. Right now i am on modified bedrest, so we will see how it goes in the nexr couple weeks. I am actually not due until 12/31, but with some BP issues creeping up on me, my dr is wanting me to deliver at 37-38 weeks. but with BF being on friday, my DD's 4th bday is the next tuesday and i want her to have some nice things! When she was born(november 28, 2002) that was actually thanksgiving day that year! and no, i didnt go out the next day.... though if i could have i would've, lol.
  16. I am hoping they have The Little Mermaid for around $10 bucks. I think i am going to need 4 of them and right now I am seeing them for $20.
  17. I'd love you too, lol. the funny thing is, every holiday that comes around(valentines day, easter, mothers day, sweetest day, xmas, my bday) he asks me what i want and for the last 4 years i have been telling him a curio cabinet. you'd THINK he'd get the hint, but i guess telling him outright the exact thing i want isnt being direct enough, lol.
  18. I am hoping i can buy most BF deals online since I will be 35 weeks pg and suppose to be on bedrest... if there is something I just HAVE to have, i might venture out, but hoping i dont have too.
  19. the same thing i have been asking for for the last 4 years... a curio cabinet for all my pretty things that are still in boxes and from our wedding..... 6.5 years ago!! i might just go out and buy the dang thing myself, lol.
  20. i second that. i was born and raised in michigan and spent 5 years in missouri where it still gets cold, but not as cold as MI does. I have been here in alabama 1 year and it was between 55-60 a couple days ago and i thought i was going to freeze to death, lol. so my guess is, being a former yankee myself, its going to be COLD. lol
  21. do you have a Old Time Pottery near you? or maybe a Garden Ridge? I am sure one of them would have it. I found some in a palm tree print for my sisters kitchen, if she would ever move out, lol. so i would think sunflowers would be still out on the shelves.
  22. right now we only have 1 daughter who turns 4 on 11/28. with her bday 1 month before xmas, we tend to not buy her a lot since her presents from her bday are still new. and a lot of people buy for her(her grandparents, 3 aunts plus dh and I). for xmas she gets 1 big thing from santa and then we get her usually about 10 presents... so i think we spend about 200-300 on her. next year we will be different since we will have 2 kids, lol. we are expecting a boy next month(12/31). but they will be 4 years apart and different genders, so that has to help the budget for when they get older.... right?????? someone tell me im onto something here, lol.
  23. i went yesterday to claires cuz of this deal i heard on here(yes, against drs orders, lol) and they had 15 for $5. I bought 45 items and my total was $16.20. they girl said without the sale, i would have spent $114!!! I bought little makeup bags and makeup, jewelry and all sorts of things to go in the bags for my daughter and 2 neices. it was a great day and made cheating my bedrest orders from the dr well worth it, lol.
  24. i think that June is the most expensive month to get married. i think i remember reading that somewhere. that if you can have it in May or even July(not around 4th), it would cost you thousands less. is that even negotiable, to change the date? have your friend look at prices for her real wedding date, then ask about the price for a date in May or July. she might be pleasantly surprised to see a difference.
  25. ohhhh i want one too... the pink one! I seen it the other day in best buy and on a commercial last night. I like the razrs themselves but especially the pink one!
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