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Everything posted by vsa3janes

  1. I'm 20 miles South of St. Louis Missouri Friday - low 50's Saturday - 30's Sunday - 8 degrees wind chill -7 There is a saying here is you don't like the weather today wait until tomorrow and it will change. It is so true!
  2. You can get all three sets.....for $14.17 Total List Price: $35.00 Price For All Three: $14.17 This item: Barcana 3-Inch Shatterproof Red Fire Truck Ornament, Set of 4 Barcana Barcana 3-Inch Shatterproof Red Airplane Ornament, Set of 2 Barcana Barcana 3-Inch Shatterproof Silver Airplane Ornament, Set of 2 Barcana
  3. http://www.lanebryant.com/pagebuilder/ http://www.lanebryant.com/images/ecommlive/dpt/home/121908_homeHero_v2.jpg
  4. Wow! I ordered yesterday and my son in law said it arrived today. I can't wait for my granddaughter to open it and call me.
  5. Missed most of these deals. Everything I clicked on said "No longer available."
  6. I was at WalMart last night and they had nice Starbuck gift sets for $15.00.
  7. This is such a cute ornament and the best one possible for those of us that use this site. I think we must be born with a special shopping gene.
  8. Yes, they perform every year. The tickets were a little steep $25 for a child and $35 for an adult. But I ordered the first day and we sat front row, center stage. It was worth every dime to see her face as she watched.
  9. Okay, I broke down and sent one to my granddaughter. I told myself I wasn't buying her anything else until after Christmas! I had to call in my order, it wouldn't load in the cart. The lady told me they are having web problems so if it doesn't add to you cart call them.
  10. If she lives by herself maybe you could gift her meals delivered from a service. My boss is single and has a box delivered every other week. She said it is the only way she eats healthy. The place delivers a week's worth of meals packed in dry ice and to prepare them you just boil the pkg or microwave them. Or another thought is one of the heated throws to cover and watch tv or read. These would be nice especially if she keeps her heat low to save on utility bills. My last thought is to do what I did for my Mom a couple years ago, pay money toward her utility bills. I called them for the account number and mailed in a lump sum. For Christmas I wrapped up a pretty card saying that an amount had been paid toward the bills. When her bill arrived she had a credit until the lump sum ran out. This was great because it gave her a little extra money each month.
  11. This is me doing a happy dance. My postal carrier has a terrible habit of delivering my mail to my neighbor's house. She is kind enough to bring it over when she comes home. Today it was my SS pkg. It was full of wonderful things all wrapped in pretty HO HO HO paper with a lovely white satin/red trimmed ribbon that also says HO HO HO and topped off with a handmade greeting card... inside was a pair of warm, fuzzy red, green & white house socks (they feel great since is it 11 degrees here now) a box with a Peppermint Bark Chocolate Bar by Harry London a tin of Bentley's Holiday Spice Tea bags a mini memo pad & pen (cute winter scene on it) the perfect size for my purse a huge, scarlet red Fiestaware mug and to top it off a dvd of An Affair to Remember 50th anniversary edition. Secret Santa you were very generous in your gift giving. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You picked out gifts for me better than most of my family members do. I can't wait to put on my warm socks, make a cup of tea, pop in the dvd, watch my new movie and eat chocolate. Sounds like a perfect evening. Merry Christmas to your and your family. I hope Santa is as wonderful to you as you were to me.
  12. http://www.thepopcornfactory.com/snowman-hat-with-treats.product.258237.14202 Snowman Hat with Treats Most of us have very happy memories of building our first snowman of the season. Make your new memories even more special with this functional felt snowman hat. We’ve filled it with treats–Cheese and S'Mores popcorn, gummy Santas, Christmas Jelly Belly® beans, 2 butter cookies and hot chocolate mix-and all the decorations you need to make a real snowman. (Sorry, snow not included.) Org $24.99 SALE $12.49 http://www.thepopcornfactory.com/wcsstore/ThePopcornFactory/images/catalog/26615z.jpg
  13. What about a donation to a charity in their name? I donate to American Cancer Society, our local Children's Hospital and Disabled Vets. They all send a nice card to the person you list letting them know a donation was made and how grateful they are. This could start a new tradition for you and them. It would be great if there was a cause memoriable to you and them.
  14. GrandmaWK so sorry to hear about you being ill. Sounds like you are on the road to recovery. Hope you are out of the hospital soon and feeling well. I will keep you in my prayers.
  15. Took my last personal day off for the year, the UPS man knocked - It's my SS pkg I thought. No, just the scarf I forgot I ordered. Maybe tomorrow.................................................................
  16. http://www.leapfrog.com/en/shop/FLY_Fusion_products.html FLY Fusion™ Pentop Computer Appropriate for Ages 8 Years and up Details Was $79.99 Sale $19.99 great deals on other fly products as well
  17. We had a wonderful time! The restaurant was a small cute place. The ballet was amazing. We were front row center stage. Her eyes were glued to the stage for the entire 70 minutes. Afterwards I bought her a wooden nutcracker (on sale in the lobby) for a keepsake. During the ride home she said, "Grandma this was an amazing day! I will remember the Nutcracker forever." Worth every dime the tickets cost and more.
  18. Thank you for the kind words. Can't believe a thread about me I believe random acts of kindness make this world a better place. As you read this thread please think about making your goal in the new year to complete as many random acts of kindness you can. Just think how many lives we could all touch. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas.
  19. Wow! that is a hard one with such a wide age range. Maybe you could do a white elephant type exchange for everyone under 18 and another for those over. Then it might be easier to find something for the age range. Gift cards seem to always be welcome no matter the age. We are going to do a white elephant exchange at work without gag gifts just a limit of $5 or under. We are using the left/right story instead of rolling dice for the actual exchange. Good luck.
  20. I can't believe it is finally here. Back in October I bought front row tickets to take my granddaughter (9 yrs old) to the Nutcracker Ballet. She has been a Nutcracker fan for years but I this is the first year I have been able to take her. We are going to see the St Louis Ballet Company at Washington University. Also going to the Fountain on Locust (http://www.fountainonlocust.com/fountainonlocust.com/Welcome.html) for a special icecream sundae. About every three months we go on a special Grandma and Me date. We dress up, go to lunch or dinner and then to a special event. Last time we went to see Annie at the Fox Theatre. I think I am as excited as she is. Does anyone else have special "dates" with the children in their lives?
  21. Waiting and watching.....I figure my SS must live in the North Pole and that is why my package hasn't arrived. I know they are very busy up there this time of year.
  22. Okay, so I saw this months ago and didn't want to spend the $30+ for it. I just told my friend I was finish shopping but saw this post and had to buy one more thing. My granddaughter and sil love Star Wars - this will be a great addition to her collection of pop-up books. Thank you!
  23. Wonder if your SS took out insurance on the pkg? Maybe they will let Eve know. I'm glad some part of it was usable.
  24. http://www.kbtoys.com/genProduct.html?PID=4762143&ctid=17 Easy-Link Internet Launchpad by Fisher-Price http://images.kbtoys.com/g/product/291/291187/291187_1001_PI.jpg IN STOCK Was: $34.99 Sale Price: $19.99 You Save: $15.00 (43%)
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