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Everything posted by vsa3janes

  1. http://www.kmart.com/shc/s/c_10151_10104_Clothing_Men%27s?sbf=Clearance&adCell=W2 http://www.kmart.com/shc/s/c_10151_10104_Clothing_Men%27s?sbf=Clearance&adCell=W2
  2. I found my granddaughter an artist portfilo, a set of 12 artist sketch pencils that had different thickness of charcoal in nice metal container, a spiral 80 sheet sketch pad, a sharpner and some other odds and ins a Office Depot. They were all on clearance, total spent $10. There were other items like chalks, pastels and oils that I didn't buy for her. Also, check out your local community college bookstore. The one I worked at had a clearance sale every year and the art supplies were up to 50% off.
  3. Found these at Overstock and they have $1 shipping going on. Rubber 'Varsity Team' Basketball Today: $17.99 http://cdn.overstock.com/images/products/3/T11510986.jpg http://www.overstock.com/Sports-Toys/Rubber-Varsity-Team-Basketball/3433245/product.html Rubber 'International Team' Size 4 Soccer Ball Today: $15.99 http://cdn.overstock.com/images/products/3/T11510970.jpg http://www.overstock.com/Sports-Toys/Rubber-International-Team-Size-4-Soccer-Ball/3433244/product.html Rawlings 'Silverback' Official Softballs (Pack of 6) Today: $29.99 http://cdn.overstock.com/images/products/T11944315.jpg http://www.overstock.com/Sports-Toys/Rawlings-Silverback-Official-Softballs-Pack-of-6/3906336/product.html Hope this helps!
  4. Brookroyal, here is their site if you want to check them out..... http://www.myspace.com/brookroyal
  5. If I had the extra $$$ I'd get these for my nephew. His alternative music band just signed a recording deal and he will be traveling all over the US.
  6. http://www1.macys.com/search/index.ognc?SearchTarget=*&Keyword=Ed+Hardy+Luggage+Set&KEYWORD_GO_BUTTON.x=15&KEYWORD_GO_BUTTON.y=16 Ed Hardy Luggage Set Orig. $500.00 Now $149.99 http://slimages.macys.com/is/image/MCY/products/5/optimized/490065_fpx.tif?bgc=255,255,255&wid=167&qlt=90,0&layer=comp&op_sharpen=0&resMode=bicub&op_usm=0.7,1.0,0.5,0&fmt=jpeg
  7. Check the online forum - there was a $10 off $10 offer.
  8. Wow! Quick shipping. I ordered on the evening of the 17th and my package arrived on the 19th.
  9. Thanks OP~ I had to post this picture. I know it is the way her hair is hanging from the back but check out her right underarm. http://www.lanebryant.com/pagebuilder/lane_bryant_product_page?item=8844722&pagesize=3&ADDING=1&my_nav=cacique_intimates&cat=bras&subcat=shop%20by%20style
  10. I am "big enough" too and always shied a from the pre-shaping until I noticed a woman at work with a great shape and always seemed to be well supported. One day I asked her what type of bras she wore and she told me it was the pre-shaping that made the difference. I bought one 2 years ago to give it a try and was hooked. It is amazing how different they support and make your clothes look. They are all my daughter and I wear.
  11. Not sure what style you are looking for but here are a few I found... http://www1.macys.com/catalog/product/index.ognc?ID=376968&CategoryID=18044 Carter's Baby Boy 22-Piece Starter Set Reg. $75.00 Sale $56.25 http://slimages.macys.com/is/image/MCY/products/6/optimized/536346_fpx.tif?bgc=255,255,255&wid=167&qlt=90,0&layer=comp&op_sharpen=0&resMode=bicub&op_usm=0.7,1.0,0.5,0&fmt=jpeg http://www.diapers.com/Product/SubCategory.aspx?CategoryId=9&CategoryName=Clothing+%26+Shoes&SubCategoryId=178&SubCategoryName=Layette&QueryFrom=SUBCATEGORY&FilterName=Type%7cClothing+Age&FilterValue=Outfits%2c+overalls+%26+dresses%7c0-3+months Carter's All the Works Layette Set $24.00 Sale $15.99 http://c3.diapers.com/Images/Products/CA-032_127x127.jpg they have a couple different outfits http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=9905615 $44.96 Gerber - Newborn Boys' 21-Piece New Baby Gift Set http://i.walmartimages.com/i/p/00/04/72/13/44/0004721344771_215X215.jpg
  12. http://www.smartbargains.com/promo/ba-landing-splash.aspx?cm_sp_o=7kB_zkjZwzpwyCjCZwzpwyjVyBFBCjCiDvDj5yBFB&t=Home...Massive%20Liquidation. http://www.smartbargains.com/img/promo/splash/0516/hdr2.jpg
  13. Still shows $7.99 for me..... Portable Warm And Cold Mini Fridge, Blue Item# 300471195 $7.99 each Qty http://www.officedepot.com/promo/list.do?listtype=C9
  14. http://www.officedepot.com/a/products/300471195/Portable-Warm-And-Cold-Mini-Fridge/ Portable Warm And Cold Mini Fridge http://cdn.www.officedepot.com/pictures/us/od/sk/lg/471195_sk_lg.jpg
  15. The order arrived today. Instead of being a 9 game case they sent 2 six game cases. My granddaughter was thrilled. The stylus packs and screen cleaners are really nice quality. Ordered a DS case for her birthday, can't wait for it to arrive. Thanks again OP!
  16. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3408349 The Tale of Despereaux for Nintendo Wii List Price: $49.99 Our Price: $9.99 http://trus.imageg.net/graphics/product_images/pTRU1-5500583t130.jpg
  17. Thank you! I also bought this; Protective 9-Cart Game Cartridge Case for NDS/DS Lite/DSi (Translucent Blue) $1.92 Item # 20501 We were just looking for this at WalMart tonight.
  18. What a way to brighten up a cloudy Monday - a PM announcing I won! elite2058, you aren't sick I like to see how many people view my posts as well.
  19. Code wouldn't work on Outlet item.
  20. http://www1.macys.com/search/index.ognc?SearchTarget=*&Keyword=Tools+of+the+Trade+12-Piece+Starter+Cookware+Set+&KEYWORD_GO_BUTTON.x=7&KEYWORD_GO_BUTTON.y=16 SPECIAL SAVINGS! Tools of the Trade Basics Starter 12-Piece Cookware Set Reg. $100.00 Sale $29.99 http://slimages.macys.com/is/image/MCY/products/5/optimized/256575_fpx.tif?bgc=255,255,255&wid=167&qlt=90,0&layer=comp&op_sharpen=0&resMode=bicub&op_usm=0.7,1.0,0.5,0&fmt=jpeg
  21. Stopped by the Vogel Rd MO store last night. They were unloading boxes of dishtowel/potholder sets and table runners. The only bag candy left M&Ms. Other than that just odd n in stuffed toys, a few small toys and not much else. I was really hoping to find some of the bagged Sweetarts for dd. Stopped by Walgreens in SoCo StL today and they had their stuff combined in to a 3' section at the end of the new summer stock.
  22. On the front of Target's weeky ad it states all stores will be closed for Easter.
  23. http://www.nyandcompany.com/nyco/browse/product_detail_with_picker.jsp?productId=prod1010009&parentId=cat60162&subcatId=cat1050023 Collection Chiffon Dress - Geo-Print Reg. $49.99 Sale $24.99 http://s7ondemand7.scene7.com/is/image/NewYorkCompany/07921787_452?$prod$ http://www.nyandcompany.com/nyco/browse/product_detail_with_picker.jsp?productId=prod1010020&parentId=cat60162&subcatId=cat1050023 Collection Chiffon Dress - Clearly Coral Reg. $49.99 Sale $24.99 http://s7ondemand7.scene7.com/is/image/NewYorkCompany/07921840_452?$prod$
  24. http://www.littletikes.com/toys/floating-fountain.aspx Floating Fountain OUR PRICE: $7.99 (U.S.) SALES PRICE: (75% off) $1.99 (U.S.) http://zoomcc.richfx.com.edgesuite.net/zoomcc_littletikes/Image/Media/JPD150LA_200.jpg
  25. This is what is says on their site...look like Yankee Candle bought them. "We're sorry but this category is no longer available for sale. Please visit your local Illuminations store for available selection or visit www.yankeecandle.com for other great items."
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