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Everything posted by vsa3janes

  1. I like the 3M® Scotchlite great for those rainy morning.
  2. When I take a hostess gift I try to make it personal to the person whose home where I will be a guest. I have taken a set of crystal goblets, a small basket with different teas, a tea cup and tea strainer, a basket with gourmet coffee, mugs and some of those chocolate covered spoons, a small basket with a dvd, microwave popcorn & boxes of "show" candy (these are available at the Dollar Tree), a holiday music box, a cd of holiday music wrapped in a pretty box (this would be good for an 18 yr old to give) I'm sure they will appreciate his thoughtfulness no matter what he brings.
  3. Did anyone receive a confirmation email? I ordered early today and haven't received anything.
  4. What about an ornament exchange? Everyone could bring in a wrapped ornament, place numbers on them, put them on a table or under the tree, pick numbers, the number picked receives the ornament with the same number. We did this one year with a limit of $5. Everyone seemed to enjoy it.
  5. My older brother, younger sister and I all found out on the same day the truth of Santa. My parents, devote Christians, never lied to us they just allowed us to believe the myth until one day my brother (who was about 7) asked. Someone at school told him there was no Santa. I walked in the room as my Mom told him "don't tell your sisters." Of course I said don't tell me what and he told. When I was listening to my Mom explain the spirit of Santa and the season my little sister walked in. She asked what we were talking about and my brother told her too. My Mom was quite upset with him. Not that she wanted him to lie but she just didn't want to share this part of childhood truths so early. Even though we knew the truth it didn't take away from the wonder time we had. We hung our stocking on Christmas Eve, sat on Santa lap and wrote letters. I think even though we knew the truth we were afraid not to believe. As for what we did around other kids. Is far as I remember Mom told us telling kids about Santa was a parent's job. If anyone ask us we should just reply we believe in the spirit of Christmas. I truely don't ever remember anyone asking my until my daughter was old enough to ask. With her as well I never lied. I always talked about the spirit of Christmas and Santa was a part of that. I think enjoying the myth of Santa is a wonder part of childhood. Only once have I heard of a child being upset. When my cousin's little girl asked her if Santa was real she was furious to think her parents let her sit on a strangers lap and tell him her secret wishes. Of course, I must add this little girl is quite the drama queen in her own right. I'm sure when you have children you will know just how you want to celebrate as a family and the rest will fall into place.
  6. Thank you! I bought the scarf/glove set $2.99 and this jacket for $11.99. Stretch Blazer Color:DARK PURPLE http://media.redcatsusa.com/is/image/jessicalondon/mm/2321_67383_mm.jpg?wid=66&hei=95&qlt=95&op_sharpen=1
  7. http://www.sierratradingpost.com/BarnBurners/ Gourmet Glass Bakeware Set - 3-Piece Retail Price: $44.99 Price: $9.95 Savings: $35.04 (77%) http://img.sierratradingpost.com/erez4/erez?src=ProductImages/1128C_07.tif&tmp=Large&redirect=0 Microwave safe All three sizes nest for easy storage Small baking pan: Great for bars, scones and individual servings Dimensions (LxWxD): 10x6x1-¾” Medium baking pan: Slightly larger than a loaf pan, easily fits breads and casseroles Dimensions (LxWxD): 11-½x7x2” Large baking pan: A remarkable casserole-sized pan, ideal for brownies and cobblers Dimensions (LxWxD): 15-¼x9-½x2-½” Material: Tempered glass Care: Dishwasher safe
  8. amazon 10k White Gold Diamond Snowflake Earrings (previous price $59.99) Today only, get these sparkling diamond snowflake earrings for only $39.99 direct from the... read more List Price: $99.99 Today's Discount: - $60.00 Gold Box Price: $39.99 (60%) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/419CqQYNrRL._SL120_.jpg
  9. Where I worked last year everyone brought in a $10 wrapped gift. Then they picked names and each person picked the gift they wanted from the table. Most people brought in bottles of wine, lottery tickets or candy. Funny the wine all went first. Where I work this year we adopted a family from a local shelter and instead of spending money on co-workers people pitched in and we bought for the family. It has been great, people donated what they could and a couple of us went bargain shopping. We were able to get a family of 5 coats & gloves, 2 outfits each, each a pair of shoes, 2 toys each for the kids, 3 family games, new towels, glasses & glad ware for storage, and filled stockings for each of them. All, I am proud to say, for $450. I enjoyed giving & shopping for the adopted family much more than I would have exchanging gifts with a co-worker.
  10. http://shop.stjude.org/GiftCatalog/search.do?searchStr=sale 100MM Ornaments REG $8 SALE $6/3 FOR $15 http://shop.stjude.org/GiftCatalog/store/assets/images/REDESIGN/HOLIDAY/6/185100MM.jpg Candle Lamp Shade REG $8 SALE $5 http://shop.stjude.org/GiftCatalog/store/assets/images/REDESIGN/HOLIDAY/2/185candleshade.jpg Felt Ornaments REG $6 SALE $5/3 FOR $12 http://shop.stjude.org/GiftCatalog/store/assets/images/REDESIGN/HOLIDAY/6/185feltorn.jpg Patient Art Scarf REG $22 SALE $10 http://shop.stjude.org/GiftCatalog/store/assets/images/REDESIGN/FORHER/185pat-art-scarf.jpg The Right Words at the Right Time Vol 2 REG $22 SALE $18 http://shop.stjude.org/GiftCatalog/store/assets/images/REDESIGN/DVDS/185-rwrtv2.jpg Liz Claiborne Rhinestone Shirt REG $24 SALE $7 http://shop.stjude.org/GiftCatalog/store/assets/images/REDESIGN/FORHER/185rhineston-hope-shirt.jpg and so much more....
  11. http://www.buy.com/prod/philips-sru4105-27-universal-remote-control-tv-vcr-dvd-player/q/loc/111/208673201.html List Price: See Details $99.99 You Save: (92%) $92.00 Our Price: $7.99 Shipping: FREE http://ak.buy.com/db_assets/prod_lrg_images/201/208673201.jpg
  12. These are wonderful for gift wrapping and opening those tough plastic packages. I bought them last year before Christmas and ended up giving several pairs as gifts. My Mom has weak hands due to chemo and these are a wonderful help for her. Target has them in colors but they are $19.99.
  13. My Secret Santa gifts have been wrapped with care In hopes that the postal service will handle it so fair Each gift was chosen with my person in mind Excitement and fun is what I hope they find I had fun shopping at all the stores Merry Christmas to you & yours
  14. Eve, if you can't vent to your friends - who can you vent to. I'm glad you were able to keep your job. Hopefully this ecomony will take an upturn and your pay will be increased. Hope your weekend is a little less stressful knowing you have a job come Monday.
  15. Go to FamilyFun.com and let the kids make some table decorations. Cook a turkey dinner, play games, go to a homeless shelter and help serve dinner, pick a fun movie to watch. Start your own family traditions that the kids will remember for years to come. Our family eats dinner, plays a family game that little & bigs one all join in, eat dessert and look at the black friday ads while the kids watch a family movie. Then we all just chill out together. Whatever you do enjoy the time you have together as a family.
  16. This is a terrible way to treat employees. It could be no decision has been made by the "powers that be." I know at my work the final decisions are coming from the corporate office. My boss is second in charge and she said they won't know anything until corporate makes the call. Having been downsized before I just keep praying I will be able to keep my job. The saving for me might be we are a 3 person department and one gal is leaving for materinty leave in 2 months. They can't run the dept with just one person. Unless they move job functions to corporate. I'm so sorry they are dragging out the decision and you won't know anything until next week.
  17. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00612260000P?keyword=alpha+electronic+dartboard&sLevel=0 Halex Alpha Electronic Dartboard http://s7.sears.com/is-viewers/dhtml/images/blankimg.gif
  18. Eve, I'm so sorry. I have been in your shoes, 4 times to be exact. I hope your position is one of those spared. You will be in my prayers.
  19. After Christmas sales - as I wrote out my $30 Christmas cards yesterday and knew I only pd $7.50 for them I smiled. For years my daughter and I have met the day after Christmas at Target, scooped up our bargains and went back home. I ususally hit the Hallmark store the next day or so.
  20. We were told last week that there was a salary freeze and hiring freeze but they were doing this so everyone could keep their jobs. If it meant someone would lose their job - I'll pass until things get better. No holiday bonuses for us but we are grateful we have jobs. PS - MaryEllen I am happy you received a bonus.
  21. Funny, thinking back as a kid I don't remember anyone getting more or less than me (even my siblings). I only remember the gift(s) I really wanted being under the tree. I just always told my daughter that she should make a list and Santa would decide what he thought she should really have. I was a poor, divorced mom with no outside help. She was always pleased with her gifts and said she never thought about kids getting more than her. Maybe as a mom you are just worrying about something they won't even give a thought to. I know I do that.
  22. The food I choose would depend on the type of party and time of day. Will you have entertainment? Will you play games? Is it in the day, evening or night? Do you have room for everyone to sit or will they balance a plate? If they balance a plate I would make it simple to eat foods. If they can sit you could make it a fuller meal.
  23. I understand wanting to be tackful and not hurt anyone's feelings. What about if you say - Name, when we serve the leftovers for a meal I'll give you a call. Chances are they won't want to come another day. We used to go to my aunt's and she saved containers to send leftovers home with everyone. Now that she has passed my cousin prepares the turkey, everyone brings the rest. She never sends home leftovers. But you do get to take home your original container clean.
  24. amazon Sports Zone Putt Like a Pro Putting System List Price: $99.99 Price: $55.86 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31wEZkyCkEL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
  25. Mine was canceled too. This was a too good to be true deal......
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