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Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2008

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  tommyboa said:

If no one can say it, I'll say it for you: Walmart looks like a warehouse with its high open ceiling and itmes on the floor and customers who look like they just woke up ( messy hair, missing teeth, dirty old clothes) and Target customers just got back from a nice dinner out ( clean nice clothes, hair at least combed and nice make-up. The Boss once said she can go to both places on the same day and have two totaly different moods.

That's true, I couldn't tell you how many Saturday mornings I have been in the midst of a big cleaning job and realized that I needed some other item/solution and have just got in the car with my holey shirt, faded and holey jeans - no make up... and gone to Walmart. I do always try to brush my hair and my teeth (yep, I've got them all too) before I go though...lol.

Oh yeah, that's when I always run into EVERYONE I know too.

  Na_Na said:

got the step2 wagon today for 14.98!! Yay!!

Me too!! I couldn't believe it was only $14.98 (it was still stickered at $41.xx).


I also found an electric rotary tool (that can be used for cleaning grout and silverware, doing crafts, etc) for only $3.14.




They also had a kids camcorder for only $12.48 (reg. $50; 75% off). I can't find it on the website but it was made by Cyber Gear.

  KrisinTn said:

That's true, I couldn't tell you how many Saturday mornings I have been in the midst of a big cleaning job and realized that I needed some other item/solution and have just got in the car with my holey shirt, faded and holey jeans - no make up... and gone to Walmart. I do always try to brush my hair and my teeth (yep, I've got them all too) before I go though...lol.

Oh yeah, that's when I always run into EVERYONE I know too.

Isn't that the truth! :blush:

our store in Colo Spgs this morning had lots of food-type items on clearance- some of the signs said 15% but they were more like 30%- I got lots of the big family packs like individual chips, gatorade, granola bars, stuff for lunches. They had tons of cereal and oatmeal giant packs too
  fluffkin79 said:

Has anyone seen the Scott toilet paper 20 packs less than $9?

NO.I checked again today and it was still 15% OFF.But minus a $1.00 man Q its only $8.00.Not the best deal but still a deal.lol

  rogersx4 said:
  staviles said:



Do you have any additional information on the Transformers throw? I would like to get one for my nephew that is a Transformers freak. Thanks so much!!


It's a 50 x 60 fleece throw with the bright blue background and when you open it it has the big transformer standing up longways and the other ones in the background..don't have the DPCI number, but will try and get the UPC off the tag on it when I get back home...they had tons at my Target at the endcap of the home and bath stuff...didn't see any of the Dora ones though! It does fit a twin size bed really nice. My DS7 loves his and so I picked up another one for DNephew. HTH

  staviles said:
  rogersx4 said:


It's a 50 x 60 fleece throw with the bright blue background and when you open it it has the big transformer standing up longways and the other ones in the background..don't have the DPCI number, but will try and get the UPC off the tag on it when I get back home...they had tons at my Target at the endcap of the home and bath stuff...didn't see any of the Dora ones though! It does fit a twin size bed really nice. My DS7 loves his and so I picked up another one for DNephew. HTH


And these are much nicer, larger and thicker than the regular priced ones on the shelves. WE have both and the clearance ones were the best buy


Are any of the clearance bike the ones for toddlers? My DD would love one for her b-day in May. Where are the Little Tike wagons-are they by the toys or by the bikes & stuff?

I finally found some of the MM 10 pk juice boxes for $0.69-got all 3 pks of apple on the shelf!

Shutterfly still 50%, pop-up tents & playhouses 50%, bulk mostly 15%, diapers almost all gone at 30%. Shoes 30%-75%, baby clothes still mostly 30%.

  alexusrydr said:
Are any of the clearance bike the ones for toddlers? My DD would love one for her b-day in May. Where are the Little Tike wagons-are they by the toys or by the bikes & stuff?



The Step 2 wagon I found today was on an endcap by the bikes.


I found the Shutterfly photo gifts for 50% off today. So. County had a bunch. They also had that 3 in 1 game table for $35 (75% off). Play houses still holding at 50%.


Thanks to everyone for the heads up on the shutterfly stuff. We make shutterfly photo calenders every year for the family and I was able to get all mine for Christmas '08 at half off :)

I went to 2 Targets this mornig and both had endcaps full of 3-pack Holiday Softsoap. My usual Target that doesn't believe in clearance anymore had them at full price and the other had them at 15%.
  niccci said:

OMG!!!! :eyepoppin HOW do you do it? You should write a book :groovin:...... that would make you tons of money then you could hire a nanny and be at Target at 8am and find the good deals... if anyone deserves bargains.. it is you!!!!!!:D:D At the least, you deserve a hand :g_clap:

Haha! I don't have time to right a book. ;)


4gr8girls + Pleasant- It's nice to know how crazy things are with twins and other young kids. I know it will get easier soon. Actually it already has, the past few nights they only woke up once! :cheesy:


4gr8girls + Pleasant- It's nice to know how crazy things are with twins and other young kids. I know it will get easier soon. Actually it already has, the past few nights they only woke up once! :cheesy:


That's supposed to say "it's nice to know others know how crazy things are" Sorry!

I went to target this morning and noticed that he Dyson vacuums are now at $279.30. I am going to have to think long and hard about that. I really want one and there was about 5 left but i am afraid they might go fast at that price. These were the yellow, all-floors model.
  fluffkin79 said:

Are the clearance bikes mixed in with the non-clearance, or do they move them elsewhere? Are they assembeled or in boxes? Are they new to clearance? Adult or kids sizes? I didn't see any last time. What am I looking for? TIA.

They are mixed in - assembled - adult and kid sizes didn't see toddler sizes. They had small clearance stickers either on the front of the bikes or on the white information signs that hang on the bikes.


I just got back from the Target in Easton. I got some lock and lock containers for $1.24 each, these are the best storage things IMHO better than Tupperware. I also got a

Black and Decker 24V cordless drill kit for $12.48, it comes with a carrying case and lots of

extra drill bits..that was 75% off too. I got DS20 some hiking boots for $6.48 and I got myself some dress shoes for $5.48. They were marking down the kitchen gadgets/appliances

when I was there, mixers, blenders etc.


Nothing great to be found in clothes or electronics...yet;)


I sent my husband to look for the Step 2 wagon and he said he didn't see them! I'm so bummed I missed this deal

Both stores I frequent sold out of those at 50% off.


Southern Cali Target shoppers:


Has anyone seen the Sporting Goods go to 75% off yet?? Both stores I frequent are still at 50% off...and those playhouses are pretty much gone.

can anyone tell me what the step 2 wagon box looks like? I saw some near the toddler bikes, but I didn't see any clearance tags on them. I'm wondering if they are the ones that are on sale.

All of our bulk sale items are gone!!! I could not believe it when I went today!!


FYI....The Huggies Supreme Diaper Box that was on sale for 30% off (15% at some places) has a coupon inside the box for $2 off another diaper purchase. If it were me and we had more, I would go back and use it on another clearanced box of diapers!!! Good Deal!

  momofhaylee said:

can anyone tell me what the step 2 wagon box looks like? I saw some near the toddler bikes, but I didn't see any clearance tags on them. I'm wondering if they are the ones that are on sale.

I dont know, but I did see some of the Radio Flyer wagons next to the bikes on the back wall. Probably is the right place. I would grab it and scan because you just never know!!!

  momofhaylee said:

can anyone tell me what the step 2 wagon box looks like? I saw some near the toddler bikes, but I didn't see any clearance tags on them. I'm wondering if they are the ones that are on sale.


Its a big white box with Step2 on it with a pic of the wagon. Ours was back on an endcap near sporting goods, abit down from the wall of bikes. I scanned them today, and they were $14.98. I didn't buy one since we don't have little kids but very tempted to buy it as a garden wagon but we have the similar one that is green from when my kids were smaller (alot smaller) BTW there was a sign that said $44, which is why I think no one knows about them. The clearance sticker said $29.xx

  Bellsandbabies said:

All of our bulk sale items are gone!!! I could not believe it when I went today!!


FYI....The Huggies Supreme Diaper Box that was on sale for 30% off (15% at some places) has a coupon inside the box for $2 off another diaper purchase. If it were me and we had more, I would go back and use it on another clearanced box of diapers!!! Good Deal!


I saw some on various endcaps in my Targets. They could also be in the back getting re-ticketed. In the stores I've been in this week, they pulled the bulk items to make room for Valentine's Day merchandise.

  Tommysmom said:

If you buy one of the Shutterfly calendar sets on clearance can you use it for Christmas 08 gifts?

The shutterfly boxes have cards in them that you use on their website. they don't expire until after christmas. that's why people can use them for Christmas.

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